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elbanditoroso's avatar

How much total time (in minutes) does it take for all the women in America to put on makeup each morning?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) June 24th, 2024

Curiosity – how much average time does it take for one person to put on makeup, eye shadow, etc. each day? I’m not asking about hair prep – just cosmetic stuff around the face. 20 minutes? 30 minutes?

(Of course some people take longer and some people take less time)

Figure that there are roughly 170 million women in the US. Of that number, so are too young to do much prep (kids). So let’s say 150 million women put on makeup each day.

150 million x 25 minutes/day = 3,750,000,000 minutes – almost 4 billion

equals 62,500,000 hours or roughly 2,604,000 24-hour days spent each day on cosmetic prep.

Is this the most productive use of time?

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