Do you plan on watching the presidential debate tomorrow?
Asked by
chyna (
June 26th, 2024
I plan on watching until it gets ridiculous. This could happen in the first 5 minutes. Will you be watching?
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50 Answers
I will watch if I can find online.
My wife is, but I’d rather stick a hot poker in my eye. I’m going disc golfing and then out for a beer.
Absolutely not. Other than casting my vote in November, I will be exerting zero energy and attention toward this presidential election.
Naw,I will catch the highlights on the news.
I will watch it, hoping I can see Trump vapor lock.
I set it to record. If I’m able to, I will watch it live. No matter how ridiculous it gets I will watch the whole thing. I don’t presume it will be ridiculous. I think just the opposite is more likely for the most part; although I do expect some antics that will piss me off.
I watch very limited politics, I’d rather listen to the candidates themselves than the spin and edits.
Nah. I might watch Shark’s commentary if he makes one.
Nah, if it was an actual debate, I might, but the highlights on the morning news will serve.
Absolutely. I also will DVR it in the event I would rather change the cat litter.
@JLeslie I hadn’t seen that, thank you for linking it! It describes exactly what I expect the debate to be like.
@JLeslie Unfortunately I’m not subscribed, so I couldn’t read it. I’ll search to see if I can find it elsewhere. I absolutely want to know what Hillary thinks.
No – they make me too tense. And I doubt this one will change any minds. I’ll wait for the next day postmortems. Really – I wish I could wake up and have the election done already.
I’m away at a resort with my daughter and tonight we’re watching a movie in the resort theater at 8, so I’ll miss a good portion of the debate. I’m curious to see it but might be catching more tomorrow than the actual first hand watching.
I will be if I can stay awake. I’d like to hear everything they have to say. I don’t want to rely on sound bites. I know who I’m voting for, I just hope Trump makes a fool of himself.
I want to see the spectacle, if the coward actually shows up. I likely will watch a recording rather than live, though.
Always, but I’m a sucker for a good verbal altercation between senior citizens. I also want to see if Trump chooses to be quiet and rational to Bidens ‘energetic’ erformance or if he reverts back to the aggressive persona.
I might listen to it on the radio while I’m working in the garage.
If you don’t know who you’re voting for at this point you have a serious problem. Unless you are a masochist, I see no other reason to watch it.
To the OP….and see the orange asshole scowl? I’d rather stare at my own feces in the toilet.
I’ll be tuning in. I expect it to be a real test of endurance, but I can’t look away. History unfolding and all that. At least T’s mike will be off when B is speaking. But I won’t be surprised if the guy who always says he’s been “treated very unfairly” has some other disruptive stunts in mind.
@Jeruba I consider it entertainment at this ppint. Sitting in chairs ffs shaking their fists at eachother. I’m the best, no I am. God help us all.
@JLeslie It’s his stuttering. It’s definitely affecting him tonight. I’ll take that over all the lies Trump is telling.
It’s not just the stuttering. I defend his stuttering. In the very beginning he lost his train of though. He sounds too soft. He is getting a little better now, more than halfway through, still it’s not good.
I’m seeing a headline that Biden froze on stage. This is what his detractors have been talking about for months – a mental decline that his defenders say is not present, but apprently, there’s something going on with someone who freezes on stage (Mitch McConnell did the same thing and to me, it was indicative of some kind of issue, and then he decided not to run again).
After the State of the Union speech, my friends who like Biden said “he spoke well” and they seemed pleasantly surprised. To me, is that the bar for a Presidential candidate, that they spoke well? That’s a low bar.
When I talk about not liking Biden, people seem to think I’m saying I like Trump. Wrong. I don’t like him either, nor do I like RFK who apparentlly has a worm in his brain.
I missed the entire debate, except for the last five minutes plus the two minute closing remarks by each candidate, and apparently there are a lot of negative comments and thoughts coming from the Democrats, according to mainstream media NBC and CNN (which I had on originally and now am watching NBC). People I know personally, including people here on Fluther, who like Biden, seem to not want to hear negative comments about Biden but apparently there are many negative comments and thoughts coming from many on Biden’s side.
I think Biden over-prepared. Too worried about what he was advised he should say, and maybe wore out his voice with too much practice.
If anyone missed it and wanted to see it, a posting of it is here
My summary:
Trump lied throughout, and rarely answered the assigned questions. He acted confident and as if he believed his own lies . . . which should only work for people who don’t get that he was lying, don’t care he was lying, and/or for people who share his evil lying agenda.
Biden sounded hoarse and tired, and got off to a slow start, and stuttered and stammered at some points, but he was intelligent and sane and not lying.
A sickening number of journalists and online posters seem to think confident lying “trumps” sounding tired and old, even if intelligent and truthful. I’m pretty disgusted with anyone that feels that way, especially when the confident lying is also criminal, seditious, fascist, racist, etc etc.
The headline in the NY Times this morning is that Dems are conisdering replacing Biden on the ticket.
I thought it was sad primarily. Trump did manage to restrain himself from acting out and chose to look with pity and incredulity at Biden.
As far as Biden, it’s over for the man and I’m sure he’ll resign before the DNC.
All in all it was fairly lackluster, a bit embarassing, and we’re all screwed either way imo.
All hail der Führer President Trump.
Too bad for Biden. The asshole was easy prey last night but Biden missed this once in his lifetime chance.
@mazingerz88 Right. Even I could have came back at Trump with a few zingers. And the WW3 stuff and promising to end the Ukraine war before he takes office reeks of intentional manipulation. Not to mention acting as if he controls Iran and Israel.
Now the NY Times Editorial Board is calling for Biden to step down from running again.
If The NY Times Editorial Board is calling for him to step down then it’s over for Biden. He should just stop now. ~ (I wish there was an eye roll emoji I could leave)
I think the Dems can try to sweep this issue under the rug, but when Trump is the winner, the DNC and Dems (which is me, too, because I am a Democrat) will be saying “what could we have done differently?”
@jca2. If you don’t want a Trump win, they must provide a viable candidate. It’s really up to the elite to make this decision at this point and it is CRUCIAL. for all Americans.
@KNOWITALL What I keep hearing from my Dem friends is what a good man Biden is, good leader, etc. Yes, he can be those things and it can still be an issue that he’s too old (as witnessed by the debate). Yes, they argue, he had a cold and it was just one night. His personal appearances have been limited (I think intentionally).
@jca2 I have several Dem friends who are standing by him and also several who think he should step down. After Thursday, I am in the step down camp.
@Janbb: To me, it’s so obvious, I don’t get the “sweeping it under the rug and circling the wagons” attitude from some.
@jonsblond As much as I was disappointed by Biden’s performance in the debate, and I think it hurt his chance of winning, and I didn’t want him to run in the first place, I don’t like the idea that journalists can manipulate or try to control what happens next.
The media machine is truly scary. I am not saying all media is bad, I work for a media company of all things, but I just see how much the media has influence over what people think and do.
^I just think it’s irresponsible to suggest he step down. It makes the Dems look weak. I am basing my opinion of him from the last four years. I don’t watch clips, I watch the entirety of his speeches. He had one bad night. That’s it. He is surrounded by competent people and he is capable of making important decisions. He is also the only candidate imo who can beat Trump at this time. If they try to put someone else in we might as well hand it to Trump. I fear for our future with this type of thinking.
@jonsblond I agree it makes him look weak, it should be done behind closed doors. It should have been done a year ago.
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