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filmfann's avatar

If Trump is sentenced to jail, do we know which prison it would be?

Asked by filmfann (52570points) June 27th, 2024

Would it be Sing Sing Don, or Attica Don?
Personally, I am hoping for Dannemora, since it’s also known as the Clinton Correctional Facility.

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7 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

He probably will go to the one that Bernie Madoff went to.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Edit redacted.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I read a couple of weeks back that the Danbury (CT) Correctional Facility is on the top of the list & he won’t be going to a “fed med” like Madoff did.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Regardless of what Trump ever is punished for, he will ALWAYS be a former POTUS. And as such, he will be provided lifelong security.
Any actual time Trump would face (and I don’t think he ever will face time,) will likely be in an isolated environment with no chance of ever even being seen by another inmate.

Even Napoleon, once captured, was kept on a beautiful island that most of us would kill to live on. (I know he escaped, just saying.) Such powerful people, usually aren’t usually treated so badly in modern times.

Trump is a cult of personality, and the worse he is treated, the more his sheep will buy into his being wrongfully treated.

We already know how his sheep responded to computer altered images of him in cuffs.

I personally, don’t feel it is necessary to imprison Trump.
For very similar reasons why OJ Simpson, was likely not punished. Public opinion.

Trump is a total, lifetime loser.
We should not allow him to continue trying to start a Civil War by making him a martyr.

ALL his power, comes from his sheep’s perception of him.
Trump’s loud lies, will grow more and more quiet, if he is simply treated like an ordinary person. Which he very much is.

It will be hard to keep portraying himself as a victim, as he will be playing plenty of golf, in 5 star clubs.

His convictions have tarnished him, despite what his idiot parade says.

He’ll probably have to wear an ankle monitor, for a few months.
That is, unless he manages to talk himself into even more civil troubles.

Some of his businesses will suffer, and some may falter.
As he is NOT a billionaire, as he claimed, hurting his shallow pockets will be better than any jail time.

flutherother's avatar

Cage 34 (not to be opened until Christmas 2045) Federal Correctional Facility, Boondocks, North Dakota

Smashley's avatar

I’d expect a bullshit BYO-prison like Escobar got. That way he could charge us all for the staffing and inflate wages, buy shitty concrete, scam the workers, and lie about every cost to continue to lie his pocket at the expense of veterans.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bernie Madoff went to Federal prison in Butner, North Carolina. Former President Trump could end up at Rikers Island.

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