I’ve been on Valtrex, and it seems to have put a dent in the swelling.
No sight issues, and doctors say we caught it early enough so my vision shouldn’t be affected.
The biggest hurdle, is the fact I had my liver transplant in 2022.
We have had to reduce my immune suppressors, so that I can fight the infections. My liver numbers are perilously getting worse. So. Doctors have been going hard on antibiotics, but occasionally being less aggressive so my liver can survive all this.
My liver team, is on it. But they have admitted that this will be a “tight rope,” to walk while keeping my liver in mind.
I am being switched to oral meds, so they can get me out of the hospital (staying is risky, with my immune system.)
The pain, is extraordinary.
ANY light, sends me into terrible pain. They say an eye patch, is not great for this issue, as it can raise pressure in the eye.
They are fine with sending me home, with powerful pain meds, but honestly the best stuff I’ve already been given barely reduces the pain.
One of my main doctors, has Sao that he expects me to have severe pain, potentially for 3 more weeks. He mainly just says “I’m really sorry this happened. It’s just going to be a rough ride”
I have not found much, in my research, that says different.
It’s crazy sunny, here in Charleston SC. And I should have already completed my new canoe trailer.
I’m going to have to bury myself in darkness, I guess.
I’m happy nobody is being weird about pain meds, but I don’t really want to be on them for weeks…
Cold compresses, have no affect.
Bottom line, is I’m just going to have to suffer.
I trust my medical team, and what they’re doing. I guess I’m hoping for some potential “life hacks,” that others may have tried.
I actually got the “shingles” vaccine, a year ago. And I’m only just 44 years old.
My mother, said she had shingles on her face when she was 16.
I didn’t know I could get this, so young. But, I guess it doesn’t matter how old you are, just if you once had chicken pox.
I have a VERY tormented area of skin around that right eye. It’s “drying up,” and I am not a typically vain person, but I look like a monster. Will my face, ever heal?
I just have ZERO experience, with this.
I’ve heard fentanyl patches mentioned, but that stuff makes me nervous.