Social Question

jca2's avatar

Purely hypothetical: If you were to choose a candidate to replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket, who would you choose and why?

Asked by jca2 (17247points) June 28th, 2024

Purely hypothetical. According to the NY Times and probably other media, there are many this morning, the day after the debate, who are saying Joe Biden should step aside for the Dems to put another candidate on the ticket.

If you were to choose one, who would you pick to run for the Dems and why?

I know it’s very late in the game and it would be a crap-shoot, but this is hypothetical.

Do you think Harris is the best person for the job? Do you have another choice in mind?

It’s in Social so if you have other thoughts, please feel free.

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40 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

Jon Stewart. But he wouldn’t do it. Or Sam Seder.

gondwanalon's avatar

I still think that Biden will beat Trump in November (one way or another). True Biden is weak and has a hard time speaking at times. So what? So what if he needs a wheelchair to get around? That’s not a big deal. Try listening to what he is trying to communicate. He said all the right liberal messages last night in the debate and seems like he still has a strong desire to be President.

A replacement of Biden with Harris would be a mistake. Gavin Newsom, Jay Inslee or Kathy Hochul would do far better.

Smashley's avatar

I still think Pete is the most interesting player in the field. I believe he’d mop the floor with the suicidal scumbag rapist conman, but we’re probably 8–12 years from seeing his best shot at the White House.

Kropotkin's avatar

Hillary Clinton. It’s her time.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Kropotkin Let’s make herstory.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Kropotkin I think it may be little past Hilary’s time.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Smashley More neoliberalism and wine caves and identity politics…

Smashley's avatar

Read: no gays, please

gorillapaws's avatar

@Smashley People told me I was sexist for voting for Jill Stein…

It’s such a lazy deflection and pretty disgusting to weaponize LGBTQ in defense of corruption.

jonsblond's avatar

This morning Hillary shared that she’s voting for Biden so I’m going to listen to her.

ragingloli's avatar

Bernie Sanders. The only one who remains real.

mazingerz88's avatar

Clinton with Harris as VP. Newsom as Pres or VP.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli Bernie is as old as the others. His time is past.

flutherother's avatar

Antony Blinken would make a good president.

tinyfaery's avatar

As far as competent politicians accepted by the DNC as one of them, Newsom. I’d also go for Pete.

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws People called you sexist for voting for Jill Stein? Are they insane? Were they calling you antisemetic for voting for Bernie, or racist for voting for that guy you’re supporting this time around (I can’t remember his name, Dr. something-or-other)?

I’m a Californian, and not a fan of Newsom nor Harris. I like Pete just fine. But as I have said multiple times before I will vote for anybody that I feel has the realistic best chance to beat Trump. So if Biden were to pull out and Harris were to become the convention nominee I would vote for her.

Blackberry's avatar

Bernie Sanders.

gondwanalon's avatar

At least Bernie still has a functioning brain. HA!

cookieman's avatar

Pete with AOC as VP. I’d vote that ticket all day.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Gavin Newsom.

LadyMarissa's avatar

As one of those pesky Independents, I don’t have a party loyalty. I had little faith in Biden when I voted for him in 2020. Honestly, he’s done so much better than I ever thought he would that he’s impressed me!!! He’s NOT trying to take away my rights, he’s NOT threatening to kill his opponents. He knows he’s getting old & he’s dealing with it. Today he said I know that I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as fast as I used to. I don’t speak as eloquently as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. Yet, I know right from wrong & I’m still capable of getting things done. He does NOT just think about himself & he truly sees it as his job to defend our democracy. He does NOT praise Putin or Kim. He’s NOT having convos with Hannibal Lecter nor evading sharks. I had a ton of sleepless nights when 45 was in office. I’ve rested well during the last 4 years. I don’t care for anybody else the Dems have to offer. 45 is only 3 years younger & already a LOT crazier than Biden. Biden still has the respect of our allies where 45 doesn’t. NATO is working on a contingent plan on how to move forward if 45 goes back in office & the US will NO longer be a world leader!!!I’m praying that the Dems STOP allowing the MAGA crowd from bullying them & stick too their guns. Although Biden might enjoy his power, he’s NOT overly consumed with having it. I don’t see him dropping out as he truly believes he has a democracy to save & he’s the ONLY one even trying to achieve that end!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

The question is NOT “who do you want”? The question is who can be elected?

I see two, maybe three people who are electable.

Hillary Clinton
JB Pritzker (Governor of Illinois) – who has experience in running a large operation
Jamie Dimon (CEO of Chase Bank) – very smart guy

No way:

Harris doesn’t have any profile
Buttigieg – I like him but his homosexuality will be used against him
Newsom – too controversial
Sanders – not a leader. He whines a lot, but is not a leader

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan I have been accused of antisemitism because of my criticism of Israeli actions and policy, though I keep trying to elect Jewish people to the highest office in the land, Go figure?

This time around It’s Dr. Cornel West for me. Though if the DNC managed to recruit Jon Stewart or Sam Seder, I’d likely vote for them instead. I think either of them would absolutely eviscerate Donald Trump in a debate. They’re also funny, likable, support policies that the vast majority of Americans agree with and are exceptionally bright.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is West electable? He’s a smart guy, but will he get votes?

gorillapaws's avatar

@elbanditoroso He hasn’t sexually assaulted anyone and he doesn’t have a worm in his brain. that puts him ahead of every other candidate that’s in the race, other than Jill Stein. I prefer West to Stein on Ukraine policy, which is why I prefer him. Dr. West is smart, articulate and a leader in the African American community.

Biden looked like he was staring into the light a few times in that debate. I’m not entirely sure he’ll live to November. IMO all bets are off this cycle.

As far as electability, I’ve been hearing Boomers lecture me about electability for over a decade now and they keep losing to Republicans. I was warning about Biden’s electability back in 2020. But for Covid, Trump would have wiped the floor with Biden back then.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Harris would no doubt get the women’s vote. The same people who didn’t like Hillary back in the day would still not vote for her so definitely not her. If we’re going solely by who I like best, I would say Pete Buttigieg. Not Bernie Sanders because he’s too far left for a lot of people. I like Gavin Newsome but I don’t think he’s the answer either.

And while I love Tom Hanks, and I think he’s a great guy, you need more than likeability to run for president. You need experience. You need knowledge.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@LadyMarissa I loved that speech. But you left out two of my favorite phrases. The one where he said, I know how to tell the truth. And then when he said what he did about getting knocked down and getting back up again. I think that really resonated with people because that’s part of what America is about.

syz's avatar

Elizabeth Warren

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws I see Jill Stein is running again. You’re not supporting her this time around?

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan No, it’s West. His views on Ukraine and Russia are rational, Steins are batshit. I think it’s why he left the Green Party that he was running under at one point.

Smashley's avatar

I guess I should have used code, like “identity politics” and “wine caves”. Pardon me for being blunt.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Smashley There’s nothing LGBTQ about Wine Caves. Those are the people that Pete represents, not the American people. The guy who’s happy to let gay people struggle to afford their insulin while taking checks from the companies that are making it is pro-LGBTQ BECAUSE he’s LGBTQ. That’s the problem with identity politics. It’s hollow.

You think I’m against a gay candidate? it’s insulting. I’d support any candidate regardless of their identity if they’re fighting for the right policies. Identity politics are designed to distract from policy and focus on the identity of the candidate regardless of their policies.

I’ll oppose shitheads who are taking millions of dollars from billionaires because they are the problem. It’s why we have Trump and will continue to get Trumps until our planet is an uninhabitable.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

~Vermin Supreme check Wikipedia Vermin Supreme.

Because everyone gets a pony.

I jokes aside I would prefer Bidens vice president Kamala Harris.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Oooo….. Jamie Dimon!
He’s smart, presents well, and isn’t crazy.

Jon Stewart – He’s extremely intelligent, quick, and knows the political situation of the world, and US very well.

chyna's avatar

Just wondering how this works.
If they do choose another candidate, does Kamala stay as VP Or does candidate choose their own?

Caravanfan's avatar

@chyna They can choose another VP.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

And they probably should.

jca2's avatar

I think if a new person ran, they could and would be choosing their own VP and cabinet.

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