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jca2's avatar

Can the DNC disallow Biden from running for a second term?

Asked by jca2 (17247points) June 28th, 2024

I’ve been having this discussion with a good friend for probably a year. I’ve been saying that the DNC should tell Biden he’s done, he can’t run again, they won’t support him, etc. My friend has been saying “Biden is the head of the Democratic party. If he wants to run again, nobody can stop him.”

After last night’s debate, there is talk of replacing Biden on the ticket, which, of course, may or may not happen. My question is, can it happen if the DNC wanted it to? If they decide that Biden doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell, could they tell him he’s done? I’m not saying that he’s finished or that this will happen, I want to know if it can.

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29 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sure they can; the convention is in a month or two. They would need to identify and promote someone else for the candidacy.

We made our choices in the primaries. The DNC has to play within the rules.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso Was there a primary for the Democrats? Not in my state.

gorillapaws's avatar

Absolutely. When Clinton famously rigged the primaries in 2016, there were many Bernie supporters who sued the DNC for fraud. The lawyers for the DNC back then argued that the DNC party had every right to pick who they want.

As a practical matter, they could simply threaten to 25th amendment Biden if he didn’t willingly step down.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I read some articles on this today, not that I think it should happen at all. There is no precedent for this and there is no plan currently in place to do so. A plan would have to be created in a short amount of time. Also, only one time was a recumbent president replaced, and that was before the Democratic convention. I think it was Lyndon Johnson that stepped down and decide not to run again and so his VP, Herbert Humphrey decide to run with little time to campaign. He ended up losing. Anybody seriously considering replacing biden, might as well just vote for Trump at this point. It would divide the vote at the very least.

jca2's avatar

@LifeQuestioner As I stated in my details, “I’m not saying that he’s finished or that this will happen.”

jca2's avatar

Today, the NY Times Editorial Board is calling for Biden to step down from running again.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

They may be calling for him to do so, but they can’t make him do that.

jca2's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I know. However, mountaing pressure might compel him.

seawulf575's avatar

My understanding is that the Dems have set the rules that they can put in whomever they want as their candidate. As @gorillapaws stated, the DNC rules allow this. And while the sitting POTUS is usually thought to be the head of the party, that is not set in stone anywhere. I’m not sure they can force Biden to drop out of the race, but they can certainly say he isn’t the Democratic Party candidate.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@jca2 I don’t think he would bow to that pressure though. He knows what needs to be done to save our country, and he’s not going to back down from that. That’s the kind of man he is. @seawulf575 if they do that, that may be the first time that a third party candidate has ever won because tons of people would flock to his support.

jca2's avatar

@LifeQuestioner When Trump wins, the DNC will be wondering where they went wrong and hand wringing over why they didn’t do something when they had the chance.

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner They already made a third party candidate by doing that. RFK jr was running as a Democrat until the DNC told him they wouldn’t support him. So he’s running as an Indy. Biden could try that, but with his current polling numbers, it’s doubtful he would get very far. Not to mention the support of the MSM would evaporate. They would start excorticating him every time he had a gaffe. They would push for tougher investigations into him. Basically they would treat him like Trump.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 sorry, but I’m afraid your wet dream is probably over. People are bouncing back in support of Biden like you wouldn’t believe. People all over Twitter are bashing the New York Times and canceling their subscriptions because of the editorial that came out yesterday calling for him to step down. It really is telling of human psychology that people will complain about what they have, in this case a good candidate, but the moment a major institution turns against them, they jump to his defense.

Kropotkin's avatar

Joe Biden is completely lucid and is as mentally sharp as he’s ever been.

Any suggestion that he’s somehow incapable of continuing as President, that he should be replaced, or that his cognitive faculties are faltering in any way, is simply the product of ageism, and possibly Facebook memes produced by Russian agitators.

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner You are right…I wouldn’t believe it. And it wasn’t just the NYT that spoke out about Biden and his performance. Pretty much every news agency in the world came to the same conclusion. Anyone that actually watched the debate came to the same conclusion.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 sorry, but when did news media outlets speak for the people? And I know plenty of people who watched the debate who did not come to the same conclusion. We know this is what you want really bad because you know your guy’s not going to win. People are actually boycotting news agencies over this. They are canceling their New York Times subscriptions. They refuse to let the media speak for them.

jca2's avatar

@LifeQuestioner A Siena poll showed that 45% of Dems didn’t want Biden to run in the days before the election, so it’s not “the media speaking for the people.”

LifeQuestioner's avatar

You can find any poll to support your view if you look hard enough. Everybody knows that the polls are slanted and then they don’t reflect the will of the people.

gorillapaws's avatar

@LifeQuestioner “Everybody knows that the polls are slanted and then they don’t reflect the will of the people.”

Some polls are better than others. A good poll is very representative of the overall population it’s drawing from. I don’t know how that particular poll that @jca2 is citing, but wishful thinking doesn’t win elections.

jca2's avatar

OK, the polls are wrong and the media is wrong, and anybody who thinks Biden is too old is being ageist. Let’s talk the day after the election and see what’s what.

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner You can dream whatever you like. Personally, I’d love Biden to continue to be the Dem nominee. He’s useless. He’s the most unpopular president I’ve ever seen going into his re-election. He has about zero chance of getting re-elected. Keep him in.

But it’s interesting what you are saying about people boycotting news outlets. Got any proof of that? Because that would be an interesting twist. The news agencies that have been the propaganda arm of the DNC, who all you nutty leftists get all your talking points from, are suddenly losing the left? Wow. Now THAT I would love!

jonsblond's avatar

“I’m not saying that he’s finished or that this will happen”

Yes, you are saying this. Look how you are reacting with those who disagree and you are arrogantly saying Biden will lose. “Let’s talk the day after the election and see what’s what.”

seawulf575's avatar

This is hilarious to look at. Half of the lefties are backing Biden no matter what, the other half are saying he needs to step aside. I’m going to make some popcorn.

jca2's avatar

@jonsblond I’ll say no more. I am genuinely curious to see how things will play out. I am a Democrat and I voted for Biden last election.

jonsblond's avatar

^Is this the “scolding” you wrote about in another thread? Good grief. My only point is, be honest. Don’t say “it’s my friends, it’s not my opinion” when you continually bash Biden in everything thread. I don’t care if you do. It’s your opinion and we are all allowed to share our opinions here. Don’t start playing a victim and saying I’m scolding you. Own your opinion.

I’m out.

jonsblond's avatar

@seawulf575 Exactly! MAGA is eating this shit up. They are drooling with excitement because we aren’t demanding the liar step down. We are eating each other.

gorillapaws's avatar

If Trump still has a pulse in November, there is 0 chance that Biden will beat him at this point. His numbers were already bleak in the battleground states before the debate. My only hope is that after Trump wins, people will turn on the DNC and we can either get a 3rd party out of it or finally have some accountability for the leadership that’s been playing the “lesser of two evils” game since Obama. IMO purging the party of the rot is the only hope for a viable future.

seawulf575's avatar

@jonsblond You are partially right. Anyone right of Chairman Mao understands how the left bands together for every topic, regardless of how foolish it is. But suddenly there are a lot of people that saw Biden exposed. No spin from the left wing reporting, no cut to commercial at an opportune time to help him out, no teleprompter to guide him along (though I suspect he had a bug in his ear. He reached up a couple times to adjust it). And the world saw what those of us on the right have been saying: that he shows all the signs of dementia coming on. And there are many that have bought the propaganda about the Dems for years and now their confidence is shaken. And suddenly they are at each others throats, calling each other names, trying to shame each other…all the little games they play against anyone that disagrees with them. You know…shut down the discussion. And those of us on the right can sit back and watch the show. In the end, there is no win for the left. Y’all just haven’t figured that out yet.

jca2's avatar

@jonsblond My friends love Biden. Perhaps you misunderstood me. They defend him to the end.

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