If you live in the US, what are you doing (if anything) for the 4th?
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It’s my anniversary. My wife and I have a tradition now of getting a hotel right on the water in Wilmington NC. We get away from everything, enjoy eating out, wandering through shops, and then, on the 4th, they shoot off fireworks right outside our bedroom window. We leave this afternoon!
Spending a lot of time on the lake
Staying home. There are heat warnings out for the entire area – I see no reason to swelter.
If it cools down I may go and see fireworks.
Building a bunker, buying some assault rifles, bump stocks, dried/canned goods and ammunition.
Staying home. I have to work the next day.
I have to say I’m feeling less celebratory than usual but a friend is coming down for a few nights and we’ll see what we’ll do based on parking issues and crowds. Last night I did go with old friends to our town’s fireworks and felt quite nostalgic for former family times seeing all the clumps of teenagers.
I did buy hot dogs to grill at some point though!
Where I live, a former summer community on a lake that’s now year round, there’s a little parade going down the main road through the development. It’s very humble, with the local FD maybe making an appearance, with the sirens on, and a classic car or two, plus kids on bikes and people pushing strollers, bedecked with stars and stripes and all that. That comes through around 11 and I stand on my deck and wave, and then no plans after that, unless we’re invited somewhere. Just planning to stay home. I may pick up some watermelon today, on sale at the supermarket. The only problem with cutting a watermelon is it takes up so much space in the refrigerator.
I should add there’s a chance of rain and thunderstorms tomorrow, on the 4th. Where I live, the neighbors do a huge fireworks show every year, so we all kind of feel like why go anywhere to see fireworks. On the lake, the various communities do fireworks so you can see fireworks off in the distance for a few hours.
My husband and I are usually tent camping this time of year but we didn’t schedule anything this year since I’m now taking care of my father. We would have had to cancel if we did schedule a trip because of my illness. I’m on day 13 of not feeling well, but I do know I’m not contagious with anything so if I have the energy tomorrow my husband and I might use two movie passes we got earlier in the year and go see the new A Quiet Place movie.
Planning on locking up our 3 cats. It’s particularly noisy around our house with lots of bombs and sky explosions.
Last year one of our cats left home and stayed away (over a mile from home at another house in a quieter area) for over a month. I knew exactly where he was because he wears an Apple AirTag. I paid the people where our cat was staying $100 to help pay for his food. Brought him home because he had a vet appointment but he kept going back to the other house (a mile away). He’s been staying home more lately because I found out what foods he likes best. That’s right, I bribe him to stay home. Not looking forward to going through that again. HA!
@gondwanalon I have four cats, three of them go out during the day (but they’re always in the house after dark). Every year, the day before July 4th and on July 4th, I make sure they’re in the house. I often see posts on local social media about people’s pets who run away from being scared by fireworks. Some make judgmental comments. I don’t, I just feel bad for the animals, scared and then lost, often far from home from running from the noise.
It’s my birthday, and for the first time in many long years, I’m getting a party. We’ll be at a house with a pool that is a block off the beach. There will be 7 of us, and we’ll have pizza. I’m very excited!
@Hawaii_Jake Happy Birthday! Have a great birthday and party.
Family party with bbq, cornhole tournament, water slide, volleyball tournament.
Same thing Saturday with a different batch of family.
@seawulf575 Happy Anniversary!!
@Hawaii_Jake Happy Birthday!
Family cabin in the mountains—4 days will be a treat!
Aw, @Hawaii_Jake, I was going to throw you a surprise party tomorrow, but you let the cat out of the bag! Have the loveliest of birthdays, come back after and let us know how it was!! <3
Preparing “go” boxes and watching out in case anyone starts a fire with fireworks, and comforting the cat.
If anyone’s animals are absolutely terrified, the vet will likely give you something for your pet. I’ve heard that it helps tremendously – they may even sleep through it all.
I’ll watch fireworks from my patio and prolly have a hot dog or two and corn on the cob.
My great-nephew will be 6 on the 5th. He’s living win Australia for 3 years, so his birthday will fall on the 4th here, so I’ll also probably Skype with family.
Going to the bank.
Call my grandson to wish him happy birthday.
Work. But will be able to watch the Nationals and Mets play ball on TV. Got hotdogs and going to try this Modelo beer for the first time. Maybe I’ll like it. High humidity tomorrow in DC so missing out on watching the 11 am game at the stadium, not gonna feel bad about that.
Zumba in the morning.
About two hours of work.
Maybe go to one of our town squares in the evening to see the July 4th festivities. We don’t have fireworks where I live, supposedly because we have so many veterans. We do in the other cities nearby, but I never bother going. I used to always see fireworks on the 4th, but not since I moved here.
On the 5th I am going to a July 4th “party.” Just 10 of us getting together after dinner at a friend’s house and some red, white, and blue plates and napkins and most people will most likely have clothing to match.
Well, the neighbors are already traumatizing the beasties, my pup is already concerned, and my underdeck marmot (Alan) has musked in protest a few times. Things are kinda pungent.
A hot dog will be consumed, 1776 will be watched, otherwise a very gentle day will happen here. I was on a boat in NY harbor on 7/4/1976, no firework display will ever top that!
Happy Anniversary, @seawulf575 ! Enjoy the weekend away!
My neighbors are having parties. I am going to spend the afternoon on the deck. I may run to the supermarket – they have cherries for 1.99 on sale, watermelon for about $4 on sale, peaches for .99 on sale, i can’t resist. They’re open till 10. When I called, the woman answered the phone by saying “we’re open until 10 tonight. How can I help you?” I said “Thank you, you just answered my question.” haha
Morning I slept in and then read a novel for a couple of hours. Mid-day a work friend hosted a backyard get-together. I had a couple of hotdogs and a couple of beers. Now back home I’m outside in a camping chair relaxing with my noisy bird friends, web-surfing. Later I’ll try to sleep despite the noise of the neighborhood fireworks.
Patriotic action – reading about and pondering how our Founders, a small group in a fringe settlement, constructed the Constitution, which has inspired governments around the globe. Yes of course, they stomped on the rights of Black Americans, natives, and women. But later, emancipation and civil rights have become the law precisely because the text of the Constitution has been interpreted in a more fair and literal way.
May we always strive for a more perfect Union.
Washington Post – What explains the genius of the American Founders?
Update: We had a great anniversary! Walking around a museum for hours, eating a nice late lunch, fireworks…it was a great time had by all. And thanks for all the well wishes.
We stayed home and watched old movies. We never heard any fireworks or gunfire (the latter surprised me).
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