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seawulf575's avatar

What policies are the Democrats running on?

Asked by seawulf575 (16837points) 2 days ago

There’s a lot of talk about Biden dropping out of the presidential race, especially after the recent debate performance. There is a lot of speculation as to who might be a worthy successor as POTUS. But there are also numerous polls that show Americans feel the country is on the wrong track (71%) and are not happy with the policies Biden has pushed.

So even if they replace Biden with someone else, what would change? Right now all I hear from the Biden campaign is attack ads against Trump. There isn’t a lot of talk about what another term would do to correct the things people are disliking.

Is there a candidate that would actually address the issues? If so, who and what are their goals?

This is in the General section. I’m not looking for Trump bashing or even comparisons. I’m looking for policies the Dems are actually pushing.

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16 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Links on numerous polls? Not all, maybe three. Thanks.

Zaku's avatar

“numerous polls that show Americans feel the country is on the wrong track”
“There isn’t a lot of talk about what another term would do to correct the things people are disliking.”
– I often answer polls that say I think the country is on the wrong track. I’m mostly NOT thinking of Democratic Party policies when I respond to that poll question that way. And if I am, it’s because I think the Democratic Party isn’t progressive enough. I’m probably mainly thinking of things you asked we not mention.

See this link for the Democratic Party platform.

Pandora's avatar

@seawolf575 Most Democratic policies remain the same. Protect voter rights, protect women’s rights, Protect the weak and powerless, increase jobs, set policies for greener nation, help with education, and help businesses flourish, protect SS and help build our infrastructure so that businesses can prosper and people can go to work and the nation can function. The list is long. At this juncture in history it’s more about protecting what we have and trying to have a healthy environment for the future.

Now, what people want is a magical wand that can suddenly make the nation prosperous and give everyone a home and get rid of crime and make medical cost disappear without some sort of give and take and to never have to pay taxes and for food prices to go back to what they were in the 1920s.

My point is that it really doesn’t matter what Dems want to do because it’s never going to be enough for the people for left leaners and for the right, they just want the wand to work on their taxes and to have complete power over anyone they consider is less than them and to have the nation work without taxes.
In the end the only thing I see is both sides agreeing on never having to pay taxes which is unrealistic. I mean where would those congressmen get their pay bumps from without taxes.

@Zaku I agree with you. I use to answer polls as well but they are a load of crap. Their questions are often to narrow with a yes or no and the question about whether the country is headed in the right direction is too broad. Overall I don’t think the country is headed in the right direction and that’s because I see the current political climate and I fear we are headed into a dictatorship. Which has nothing to do with the current person sitting in the White House. I’m also seeing the current Supreme Court eroding our national laws. When they do questions like this they don’t ask whom do you think is to blame or what, or what specifically you think is wrong. Yes and nos and many fall in between or need more clarification. It’s why I don’t put much faith in polls. I stopped when I realized my choice for answers was too broad. Its like asking. Do you agree 100 percent or 0 percent.
There is also the perception of what is in a Presidents power to actually change by himself. Anything to do with money has to run through congress. They control the purse strings. Presidents are often like housewives who depend on their husbands to make all the financial decisions. Only its a bunch of husbands and half at any time will hate the wife. So most things don’t get carried out. There often has to be a ton of compromise before anything can be accomplished. It’s a game where mostly the people are the ones who suffer, but not the people on the top.
Though not perfect, it’s better than having absolutely no choices. I certainly don’t want to become North Korea.

filmfann's avatar

Sanity in Government.

Kropotkin's avatar

It’s the same as Republican policies, but with more women prison guards and CEOs.

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seawulf575's avatar

@Pandora It might be argued that many of those things are merely campaign promises that don’t really come to fruition. It is the policies I see that I’m questioning. Example: raising taxes to support “necessary” infrastructure improvements don’t really protect the weak and powerless and really don’t produce jobs. The increased taxes hurt everyone and suppress job creation.

I do agree with you that what people want is a magic wand, but beyond that, there are things that people don’t want that they are getting. Hence the polls that show dissatisfaction.

seawulf575's avatar

@filmfann How is that a Democratic policy? Yes, they talk a good story about how they are the party of sanity and democracy, but are they really? What policies point to that?

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku did you actually read the Democratic talking points? They all boil down to the same thing: Hate Trump. And much of it seems to be rhetoric that isn’t really based in reality. Take the Covid-19 talking point. They put forth everything from the “Hate Trump” aspect, but fail to acknowledge their own short falls. Example: almost twice as many people died from Covid under Biden as under Trump and Trump had the earlier part of the disease…when it was largely unknown and when the “vaccines” were still being developed. So everything they have to say on this topic is false or at least heavily skewed. And what it looks like they are saying is that the Dems want to have total power for all these things going forward. Given their track record that might be a dangerous thing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Show me the quote @seawulf575 . . . . . . .

“They all boil down to the same thing: Hate Trump.”

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Don’t be a fool. That isn’t a quote from their statements. But go read them. They bring up a topic and the first thing they do (usually the first 6 things they say) all revolve around how horrible Trump is or how horribly he addressed an issue. They aren’t even really giving outlines of their plans. They just want people who are weak minded to continue believing the “Hate Trump” plan.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You must have B.D.S.
.“Biden Deranged Syndrome”

Cupcake's avatar

The democrat stances that I can identify are: Trump is worse, support Israel (and genocide) at all costs, fail to protect women’s rights, talk about environment/global warming but don’t do anything, ignore COVID (and bird flu and whatever comes next), do nothing about the rapidly growing contingent of disabled Americans, cancel some small amount of student loan debt but do nothing about the interest rates, keep status quo, ignore what the party (and voters, in general) want, pretend that Biden is of good health, and Trump is worse.

jca2's avatar

“ignore what the party (and voters, in general) want, pretend that Biden is of good health.” Bingo.

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