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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Inspired by another question, what policies are the Republicans running on?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23213points) 2 days ago

And like the other question, no comparisons.

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21 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Screw the little guy

Trickle down economics must work, look at all the six digit vacations Clarence Thomas gets.

We don’t need EPA, DOJ, FBI and really don’t need to have the Federal Reserve System – - – Trump will control the interest rate all by his onesie !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Don’t forget start a needless trade war with all your allies,give the Uber rich more tax deductions,blame everything on the Democrats, and cuddle up the the worlds most ruthless dictators.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Their platform is simple:

anti any race but white

JLeslie's avatar

-Christianity in government.
-Prevent wars (Trump says he can do it).
-Ship out undocumented immigrants.
-More tariffs (I will not Biden kept the Trump tariffs in place).
-Vouchers for schools.
-Anyone can buy a gun.
-Cut women’s healthcare.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Make America Great Again
Probably with some added amens and Liberian flags

jca2's avatar

Drill baby drill. Drill in Alaska, drill in National Parks, damn it all.

Women should keep their legs closed and if they get pregnant, they were whores in the first place and need to pay the price. If their lives are at stake from having a baby, too bad.

Re-do government so it favors Republican policies and their agenda.

Bible quotes in schools, let’s start introducing Christianity into schools.

Cut taxes on the rich, after all, they’re the Republican politicians’ friends and donors.

Kropotkin's avatar

The reality is is that in four years of a Biden administration, there been absolutely no structural or systemic changes to anything at all.

When you understand the underlying ideology, you will be able to predict what they’ll change and not change when in power.

The major donor and lobbyists, which support both parties to varying degrees, are only interested in maintaining the status quo.

The politicians, who are practically all extremely rich and out of touch with the vast majority of people, are only interested in their careers, and having the privilege and status of administrating this status quo, who may be later rewarded with sinecures in the private sectors, as consultants or even as lobbyists themselves.

The starkest differences are entirely rhetorical. Of course, the Republicans may be a bit more openly sexist and homophobic and get caught with male prostitutes now and again, and the Democrats love to virtue signal about how much they love equal rights and women while getting caught for sexually harassing interns.

There are absolutely no meaningful policy differences between the parties, because they are largely ideologically aligned on all the significant systemic issues related to the functioning of capitalism and the state.

jca2's avatar

It seems like after every election, the losing party will ponder “where did we go wrong? and point fingers (blame it on the media, blame it on the naysayers, blame it on the 3rd party voters, etc.) and will do some wringing of hands to try to figure out what can be done differently next time, and then everyone goes back to their lives and the winning candidates carry on with their work and appointing people to positions, and then 3 years later, when election time comes up again, here we go again, down into the abyss with doing the best with the candidates before us.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Closing the border.
Limiting non-emergency abortions.
Lowering inflation.
Negotiating with Iran and othe dictatorships rather than needless wars.
Stopping funding of current wars.
Giving the middle and lower class affordable food/gas.

hat's avatar

@KNOWITALL: “Stopping funding of current wars.”


KNOWITALL's avatar

@hat 62% of Republican voters believe the US is helping Ukraine too much.
Most Republicans support Israel but due to multiple concerns, including our own inflation, think additional finding is unjustified.

hat's avatar

^ Isn’t the question: “What policies are the Republicans running on”? There is always a large gap between voters’ concerns and politicians’ policies, since funding of campaigns, etc is what drives policy (corporations).

So, are you aware of policies that Republicans are running on that point to “Stopping funding of current wars”? From what I see, the usual behavior of Democrats and Republicans fighting over who supports ethnic cleansing and murder in Gaza most. Sacrificing Ukrainians for a proxy war against Russia on behalf of arms manufacturers is a bipartisan issue, as is support for apartheid and the annihilation of Gaza.

Correct me if I’m wrong. Is there a gap between the two right-wing corporate parties on their support for the war machine? I’m not talking about Republican voters. The party. The policy Republicans are running on.

jca2's avatar

“Giving the middle and lower class affordable food/gas.” I haven’t heard that anywhere. It’s been typical for Republican policies to not favor the lower and middle classes, but to cut taxes on the upper classes. Typically, Republican policies favor cutting social programs that help the lower and middle classes.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Giving the middle and lower class affordable food/gas.

Those numbers are not controlled by the President. Recent inflation is a global phenomenon. Gas at the pump prices are also determined by global supply and demand. The US became a net oil exporter while Obama was president.;

No candidate is “against” lower food and gas prices. But dishonest people pretend that their opponents cause higher prices.

Feel free to show me an example where gas prices fell under Obama and Biden, and Fox “News” attributed the change to the president.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@jca2 I think someone is hoping that will happen (it is not in either party’s control) ! Gas and food prices are by in large supply and demand.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Correct me if I’m wrong. Is there a gap between the two right-wing corporate parties on their support for the war machine?

Many Republicans support Russia’s atrocities in Ukraine.

Democrats and some Republicans are helping Ukrainiane to expel Russian invaders.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, since Trump is the nominee, Here are a few of the things he has on his web page that are policies he wants to pursue:

1. Get America Energy independent again.
2. Do away with unfair trade agreements with other nations (China)
3. Stop being dependent on China
4. Do away with unnecessary regulations to entice companies to not only stay in this country but to expand as well
5. Secure the border
6. End asylum fraud
7. stop the Cartels from controlling the border
8. Round up and deport criminals that are here illegally (gang members, felons, etc)
9. Work to hire and train police officers to bolster the failing numbers in troubled cities.
10. Work to enforce the laws, put law breakers into jail, do away with the soft-on-crime practices.
11. Rebuild the military to re-establish our dominance and leadership in the world.
12. Stop the unnecessary wars, or get us out of the middle of them if possible
13. Get a state-of-the-art missile defense system for the US
14. Re-establish free speech in America, getting rid of bureaucrats that are working to censor free speech, and laying out directives to departments on no more censorship or targeting of Americans
15. Reject Globalism
16. Care for our Veterans
17. Protect parents’ rights
18. Ensure free, honest, and lawful elections
19. Drain the swamp: Goals would be overhauling the bureaucracies to make them more efficient and transparent, push for term limits on Congressional seats, Eliminate insider trading by congressional personnel, and a lifetime ban on lobbying by former members of Congress or the Cabinet.
20. Doing away with a lot of the Green New Deal policies the Dems have pushed because they either cannot be done or are so cost ineffective as to be ludicrous to push.

That’s a start. Some of these are pie-in-the-sky dreams, like trying to get Congress to vote in term limits for themselves, and you can bet Dems will fight tooth and nail against just about everything…because it’s Trump, not because it is a bad thing for the country. And I see things missing that I would think should be on there like cutting the national debt. But these are policies and goals that he has no problems talking about.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Trump thinks Veterans and combat killed at F *&KING suckers and losers (he has said so several times)

Shoot all the Democrats, colored, Jews and Latinx !

Send cash to his off shore accounts from his l“oser” donators

Have tariffs with China that are 100% so everything from China costs twice as much ( you and I are paying for that)

End the EPA, DOJ, FBI, IRS and any federal agency investigating him.

Trump is the reason the federal debt is so high ! ! ! !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 now lets see if I get this right….
1)The usa is already drilling more under Biden then they did with Trump, so what is energy dependent ?
2)Like rip up any trade agreement in place already like the free trade agreement you had with Canada?
3)Then find another country then can mass produce consumer goods as cheap as China can.
4)I guess that means is let them pollute like crazy,and give them massive tax breaks.
5)Secure the border,I guess anyone caught inside the us without the proper paper should just be instantly deported no questions asked.
6)don’t know how to accomplish that when you want to cut all government departments to bare bones,but ok.
7)Don’t know how the cartels are in charge of the border,but if found to be true I would agree with that.
8)See answer 5 for this.
This is all I have time for tonight, but will try to answer the rest tomorrow.

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