General Question

KmiberDWZ's avatar

Am I that only one that does this?

Asked by KmiberDWZ (141points) 2 days ago

So, I tend to write down a list of my favorite stuff (characters, food, drinks, anything) because I tend to forget about what my favorite thing is especially when it comes to my top number 1 for some reason and I would usually remember on my own or go back to my notes to reread it. This has started since I was about 16 or so and I’m 20 now still writing notes which I don’t mind but I wonder why can’t I at least remember some things in order and I’m wondering if I’m the only one that goes through this, especially at this age and wondering if this is normal. Thanks!

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6 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I love to make lists of all sorts of things. You’re not the only one.

SnipSnip's avatar

You know that professional I told you to see earlier. Mention this to him/her also.

cookieman's avatar

My daughter is a list maker too. Has been since she learned to write. She’s 21 now and still does it.

tinyfaery's avatar

No one is ever the only one to do something.

SnipSnip's avatar

If you think it seems a little nuts, stop.

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