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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you noticed that garlic bulbs look different?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24827points) 3 months ago

Years ago I noticed that garlic bulbs look freeky.

Or are the garlic bulbs sliced differently?

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6 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Different from . . . light bulbs?

What’s freeky with a double-e?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Different from older garlic. The new garlic looks like a bees honey comb.

I don’t rember garlic looking like that 10 years ago.

Freeky is weird.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Double “E” is Canadian spelling.

If the roots are cutoff clean, it was imported from China, where the government require no roots (I think it because of pests in roots and soil).

Smashley's avatar

Maybe drop a picture of what you mean?

I’ve been harvesting thousands of garlic bulbs for 15 years and I swear they look exactly the same.

Zaku's avatar

(OMG no freeky is a freAky misspelling!)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Smashley I am on my smartphone. So it is hard to send a link. I think that it is how one cuts the garlic? Horizontal or vertical? One looks like a bunch of alien eggs. While the other way is individual squashed garlic bulbs.

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