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jca2's avatar

Did you see Biden's interview Friday night with George Stephanopolos, and what did you think?

Asked by jca2 (16661points) 3 months ago

Did you see Joe Biden’s much awaited interview with George Stephanopolos last night? What did you think?

There are no right or wrong answers, because everyone is entitled to their opinions.

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8 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I did. He came across as the competent, strong President I’ve witnessed for the past 3½ years.

I actually live three miles from the middle school he held his rally at here in Madison, WI. I drove past the school on my way to visit my father. It was just before Air Force One was scheduled to arrive. The street was lined with supporters. When I left my father’s to return home one of the local radio stations aired his speech from the rally. He sounded confident and strong, just as a president should.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I also heard a strong & competent President. I must admit that when I hear him speak that I don’t hear a doddering old man. Then again, he sounds the same as when he was first elected in 1979. Members of Congress called him Rambling Joe way back then & he was only 29 y/o. So, he’s been like that for the over 45 years that I’ve been aware of him. ALL Presidents who do their job properly age rapidly during each 4 years. That is all except one…#45!!! Think back to JFK. He was our youngest to ever run & within the 2 years before he died, he began to look like an old man. So, I don’t feel that Biden looking older to be anything bad but a positive that he did the job properly & it’s NOT an easy job. Actually, I’d prefer a doddering old man compared to a dictator who is only 3 years younger any day of the week. This could easily be the last election we ever have!!!

jca2's avatar

@LadyMarissa Joe was born in 1942 so he was older than 29 in 1979.

jonsblond's avatar

“ALL Presidents who do their job properly age rapidly during each 4 years.”

I had this exact thought when I watched the interview @LadyMarissa. Biden might be slower than he was four years ago but he can still do the job.

gorillapaws's avatar

He refused to do a cognitive test. He’s got to make up one of the largest deficits in the history of US presidential elections. This is an egotistical psychopath who will lose in November. I think he’s the perfect candidate for “moderate” neoliberals to hand Trump the White House a second time.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@gorillapaws Yeah, 100%

All of you who are in DENIAL of Biden’s competence need to be completely willing to accept Trump come November.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m not doing another round of election year vote shaming at Fluther. It makes me physically ill. I lost fluther friends over Hillary Clinton. I’m not doing it again. I’m out. I’m done commenting on Biden and unfollowing every question I have answered. Have fun y’all.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@jonsblond All I’m going to say is when we have Trump again, don’t think we did not warn you that it was going to happen.

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