Social Question

janbb's avatar

After hosting a dinner party or BBQ, do you clean up everything in the kitchen or leave some til next day?

Asked by janbb (63146points) 3 months ago

Just a Q in my mind right now. I had a small very successful BBQ and now I’m facing a messy kitchen. Obviously, the perishables need to be dealt with. I usually clean everything up right after but I sure am tired!

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14 Answers

chyna's avatar

If I was feeling extra energetic, I would clean now. If tired, I would wait until tomorrow and hope I don’t die during the night and the police come in and think I’m a slob.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I clean dishes while cooking. and do more while chatting & drinking after dinner. . There will always be more the next day, but not a huge amount.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I only came to say I will never forgive you for not inviting me.


YARNLADY's avatar

We try to clean up the same day, my hubby and I work together.

flutherother's avatar

We always clean up the same day

canidmajor's avatar

It entirely depends on how I feel. Very tired? Dishes to soak but washed next day. Still some energy? Clean up right away.
I would rather face the dirty kitchen and clean up in ten minutes than spend a half hour doing a bad job and breaking stuff.

cookieman's avatar

We always clean up the same day. I don’t care how late it is or how tired I am. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I left the mess for the next day.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Always clean up ASAP

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m a next-day kind of person. I realize that objectively makes me inferior, and I can accept it.

janbb's avatar

@gorillapaws You’re only finding that out now? JK

SnipSnip's avatar

I cannot go to bed until all evidence of a party is gone.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Stuff that will spoil (potato salad, meat, wine, etc.) gets wrapped and refrigerated ASAP.

Everything else (plates, silver, glasses, etc.) can wait til morning.

Forever_Free's avatar

Same day when I host.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Same day. The best guests volunteer to help.

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