Social Question

janbb's avatar

How's your summer going?

Asked by janbb (63147points) 2 months ago

Mine is going pretty well. The standard hot and humid days but tempered by rain and some nice dry days. Times at the beach and the boardwalk; visits with friends and plenty of reading. Going back to the studio for art too.

How’s yours going? Too hot? Too rainy? too busy? Not enough?

Let’s check in. (And no politics please.)

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17 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Damn good! I spent a long weekend in Santa Fe going to the Opera and hiking in a creek to Nambe Falls. Then I saw great fireworks show on the Fourth. And yesterday I put a deposit down on a brand new house and started planning to move to Colorado in January.

I have a whole slate of operas; rock concerts, and plays coming up over the next 5 months!

All this despite bing under heat advisory for the last ten days/

chyna's avatar

Pretty hot here. Also. I’m supposed to be retired but I took on a part time job. Doesn’t pay that much, but it keeps me off the stripper pole. :-)

janbb's avatar

@chyna Oh – the visuals!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I haven’t had fast food in 2 weeks. Groceries only.

canidmajor's avatar

Wow, you guys are so active! (And @chyna, I hear stripper pole training is a great workout!!!)

I am very quiet this summer, the heat is smacking my long Covid pretty hard, but sitting in the AC reading is a pretty marvelous pastime. The summer could be worse!

ragingloli's avatar

summer should be illegal. bring back the ice age!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

We have had an unusually long stretch of really hot and humid days in the Mid-Atlantic. Normally, that is tempered by at least somewhat of a chance of thunderstorms in late afternoon or evening, but we are in such a weather pattern that we haven’t been getting any rain either. Thankfully, that’s supposed to change for the better by the end of the week.

If you watch Seinfeld at all, I would best describe my summer so far as the summer of George. Meaning, I had all kinds of things I wanted to do this summer, but because of my unexpected stay in the hospital in may, I’m now pretty much stuck at home except for running small errands like taking out the trash, getting the mail, etc.

But I’m making the best of it. I’m reading some good books. I’m trying to organize some stuff that has needed it for the longest time. I’ve almost got my other bedroom set up, which is also where my large TV is so if I want to sit in there and play video games, I can. I’m just trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Drove to my grandson’s high school graduation, two days drive North and two days back. National Honor Society member, Magna Cum Laude and member of marching band all four years, they won many regional and state awards.

Proud Grampa

flutherother's avatar

We’re having a nice summer. The weather has not been so great and has been cooler than usual but there have been some marvellous days as well. We spent a few days on Arran last week and toured the island and visited Brodick Castle and its garden. We have also, after 14 years, voted the conservatives out of government so that’s another plus.

chyna's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Congratulations to your wonderful grandson!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Spent the last five days on the lake and at cookouts, can’t complain.

Brian1946's avatar


“Drove to my grandson’s high school graduation, two days drive North and two days back.”

Would that be somewhere near Washington, DC?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Brian1946 oh a little North, I stayed in Annapolis as a half point.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Really hot, but I’d say we are improving. It’s 36 – 37 degree Celsius on average, compared to some months ago when it was be 39 – 40 degree Celsius. We have gone without rain for a month now. I don’t mind though. I would prefer no rain so that I can set up my plan outside.

I have been working a lot. The summer study season is here and we are having more students. I have also been really busy with art since I don’t go out that often. I have been experimenting with different techniques. I also go outside of my comfort zone a little and posts my things online. I don’t have summer holiday like I used to as a child, but I think I’m doing more stuff than when I was young.

A week ago I went to a summer festival with my friend. It was the first time I heard of the festival. I was mesmerized by the people doing cosplay and I’m wondering if I should go for it next year.

tinyfaery's avatar

Hot. Working a lot. My asthma has been awful. It’s been really hot. I finally have health insurance again. Have I mentioned it’s been really hot.

cookieman's avatar

Pretty good so far. This week is only our second heat wave since June 1st, otherwise it’s been good weather.

I’m teaching two online classes – one synchronously, one asynchronously.

Other than that, hanging out with the wife, kid, and doggies.

Pretty good as far as summers go (and it’s my least favorite season).

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