Social Question

Caravanfan's avatar

Will this be the iconic image that reelects Trump?

Asked by Caravanfan (14121points) July 14th, 2024

I normally don’t ask yes/no questions because they don’t really promote discussion. But I saw this picture on Fox News with Trump holding his right fist up and blood streaming down his face. I’m a Never Trumper and even I think this is a winning image.

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120 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Nope. By November voters will still see him as who he really is, a dangerous reality TV clown for America.

Demosthenes's avatar

Oh yes, definitely. Trump just won the election with that image (if he wasn’t already going to win prior to this). Hence why I think the shooting was a false flag designed to help Trump. ;)

Sorry, but Biden’s “defiance” in the face of being called too old pales in comparison to Trump’s defiance in the face of being shot.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Nah. American voters are not idiots. An image will not dictate how they vote.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My guess is that both Biden and Trump will be the targets of copycat acts in the coming months.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. However the media will get much use of it. Forevermore. Plastered in every election from now on.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Either this makes the point (again) for better gun laws, or it makes the point that if you own a gun, you should practice target shooting more.

mazingerz88's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 The media capitalists will have a field day spinning this sad event for this country for as long as they can profit from it.

Caravanfan's avatar

It looks like Fox changed the image.
Here is a direct link to the image I’m talking about

seawulf575's avatar

That picture and this event will have two effects that I can see. The first is yes, it is a powerful picture. The guy just got shot (yes, just his ear) and is still up and being defiant. That speaks to a strength of conviction we don’t see much of today. The other thing is actually about the event itself. Someone just tried to kill a former president that is running for a second term. That means his opponents (whether known or not) are so unhinged they will do anything to win. Laws and democracy don’t matter to them. This will likely drive many independents closer to Trump. Whether Biden ordered the attempt (doubtful) or if it was driven from all the attacks and divisive rhetoric the left has been throwing at Trump and his followers (all conservatives for that matter) for the past 8 years, the end result is the same. The left looks like violent lunatics who will stop at nothing to get their way. Sane people don’t want people like that in power…they end up with tyrannical dictators or oligarchies in place.

filmfann's avatar

I find this picture more compelling. I still ain’t voting for him.

JLeslie's avatar

The first image didn’t have a fist. The second image is a weird angle. There are much “better” photos of Trump with his fist in my opinion if they think it will help him.

I don’t think the assassination attempt helps or hurts his chances.

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JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I completely denounce this attempt on Trump’s life, I am always against violence if you look back at my answers over the years.

If you put a photo of Trump with secret service around him and his fist up next to a photo of rebels climbing the walls at the Capitol, any objective person sees the criminal behavior of thousands of people working together more threatening than one lone person who is now dead. I realize we can pull out other photos, but just using those two, I’m going with Jan 6th is scarier. The average person is fearful of Jan 6ers, not just politicians.

What if Jan 6th was to stop Trump from being confirmed?

mazingerz88's avatar

The iconic photo of trump that would last forever in the minds of sane Americans was the one not taken. Him sitting watching TV as rioters storm the Capitol.

gorillapaws's avatar

Trump’s going to get reelected because of the neoliberal takeover of the DNC.

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zenvelo's avatar

The shooter was a registered Republican. This was a campaign stunt.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Yet you seem to be trying to downplay the assassination attempt. But my original answer wasn’t pointed at any one person, but a generality. There has been a huge shift in this country over the past 10 years, and it is not for the better. We are told to not be hard on criminals and yet we blame the victims. We are told to love one another…or else!. We have seen governmental censorship in action to silence a story that was inconvenient to the Democratic candidate and now POTUS. We have seen politicians mishandling classified documents right and left and nothing ever happens to them…until it is a Conservative…Trump in particular. The government is weaponized against the people and their opponents and it is not in favor of Republicans. That has been seen and many people have wanted to bury their heads in the sand, not wanting to question all the hateful claims and rhetoric poured out 24/7 about those on the right. But now someone on the left has attempted an assassination. It will impact many of those that were sort of trying to sit out of the fray.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I said I condemn the attempt. I am not downplaying it. It is a very sad day in America to have an attempt like this. I am only saying in terms of my own safety, Jan 6 is way more terrifying, and I think a lot of people would agree.

Both events are equally scary in terms of the direction of our country.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 You, and many people, seem to miss that both sides, both Democrats and Republicans, feel afraid of the same things.

That’s because of Russia, China, domestic terrorists, and parts of the media making us all feel that way. Trump actually plays along with it to get elected, Biden doesn’t from my POV but some Democratic politicians do.

Jeruba's avatar

THIS will be the one – or ought to be: the composition (a lucky fluke), the angle, the expression, the mouth open in a shout, the raised fist the dominant element. The instant I saw it, it was like a trumpet sound. I texted my son right then that the T-shirt mills were probably already rolling.

I immediately suspected the whole thing was staged, improbable as that may be, and a part of me will remain suspicious no matter what the investigation shows.

Nevertheless, the attempt was wholly unacceptable, as much so as if it had succeeded. An assassination is the last thing I want to see, by or of anyone on either side.

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws What are you talking about neoliberal “takeover”. The neoliberals have been in charge of the DNC for decades.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan This has been decades in the making. I’m happy to point to specific examples like the Communications Act of 1996 which directly lead to the aggregation of the media in the US, or the beginning o the shift away from unions around that time. More pointedly it was Hilary’s campaign that proved up Trump in the Pied Piper strategy because they thought he’d be easy to beat. The DNC fuckery that lead to cheating Bernie twice. The second time resulted in installing the current fossil we have. Most recently, the failures to be honest about Biden’s mental state and desire to prevent another opportunity for a progressive with a fair primary has lead to where we are now. “m skipping lots of other parts like Obama’s (intentional) failures to deliver, but those all played a role.

kruger_d's avatar

I just know the big guy directly behind Trump was itching to jump in and pissed he didn’t have his gun.

YARNLADY's avatar

Clear proof that God is on his side.~

flutherother's avatar

It could have been a moment of transformation for Trump of far deeper significance that a stirring photograph. A Road to Damascus moment where he saw the error of his ways and repented sincerely. He might have transformed not only himself but America too. Instead we got “fight , fight, fight” and “where are my shoes” …… Disappointing!

Pandora's avatar

I don’t think so. Ultimately, it really depends on who people want to vote for. I believe people who say I changed my mind because of that,will either not vote or choose who they wanted all along. I believe minds have already been made up. Its like the person who marries and abuser and years later asked why and they said because everyone was against him or her. Truth is they were always going to marry them. I don’t believe Biden voters, will suddenly go for Trump. Independents will choose whoever they were already leaning toward.

elbanditoroso's avatar

At lunch, someone asked me “How do we know this wasn’t staged by the Trump campaign?”.

Do we really know?

Kropotkin's avatar

He was already a slight favourite, and this is really great PR for him.

What some of you might not appreciate, is that this isn’t about changing minds. It’s about swaying a relatively small proportion of “swing voters”. If Trump wasn’t already ahead, this will only help him.

I’ve a dim and pessimistic view of voters and of representative democracy, because there’s a long history of fucking dangerous bastards and fools being elected into power at all sorts of levels. Voters are stupid and irrational, and this is the sort of nonsense that will convince enough people.

ragingloli's avatar

Could be. Guy did not bother to put a scope on his rifle, missed a shot on a static target from a trivial distance, secret service did not secure that rooftop, police ignoring people telling them there was a guy climbing up the roof.

jca2's avatar

Trump lovers will embrace the rhetoric and donate more and I believe this will get him votes. He’ll use the images to his advantage and plea for donations. Meanwhile, it’s unlikely that any bullet went literally into his ear and out the other side. More than likely it’s from glass from the teleprompter but it’s more dramatic and worth more to him to say he got shot.

I think there are a lot of apathetic Dems this time around and then you have the MAGA voters who are going to come out in full force on election day. I’m predicting a Trump victory.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli Trump moved just at that second. I don’t think it would have been a perfect shot (between the eyes) but it seems like it would have hit his face or forehead if Trump hadn’t moved.

I gave a conspiracy theory too, but most likely this guy acted alone.

ragingloli's avatar

That is why they teach to always shoot centre mass.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli Yes, I know. I need to watch the video again to see how much he moved. I think he moved and turned. If they had aimed at his chest it probably would have been a much worse wound, but might not have killed him.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I think it’s funny people on the left are coming up with conspiracy theories about this. The pot really does call the kettle black.

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s almost like if your first resort is to label everything unflattering to your worldview a hoax, a conspiracy, or a false flag, people you disagree with are going to start doing it too.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Nope. Just a politician, taking advantage of a the moment, once he knew he was safe.

There are a plethora of photos of people suffering on J6, if this sort of thing floats your boat. Maybe the photos of the trapped policeman screaming and being beaten bloody, by a mob of Trump’s idiots will move you…

Perhaps some footage of the men who fought in Vietnam. Unlike Trump. THAT was bloody.

The countless women who will die because of Trump’s destruction of women’s reproductive health, may be inspirational.
Trump gets shot by idiot, while spreading lies and hate to other idiots, just does nothing for me.

Currently, the only iconic images I know of, regarding the right, are shorts of rednecks shooting Bud Light, to prove they aren’t gay.

Zaku's avatar

“Will this be the iconic image that reelects Trump?”
– No. That’s not how elections work.

@seawulf575 ” The other thing is actually about the event itself. Someone just tried to kill a former president that is running for a second term. That means his opponents (whether known or not) are so unhinged they will do anything to win.”
– No it does not mean that. It means that a 20-year-old registered Republican loner decided to try to shoot Trump for some reason.

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku It will be interesting if they ever decide to investigate seriously. And if they do it will be even more interesting to see what this guy was all about. I’m willing to be he was trying to save the country from a madman Nazi who want to destroy democracy and the Constitution and make himself a king. You know, all the bogus rhetoric the left spews ever single day?

JLeslie's avatar

^^Of course they are investigating. WTF?! Shooters like this not only endanger our politicians they endanger everyone working political events, bystanders, and basically everyone and anyone.

An attempt on Trump likely increases a chance of an attempt on Biden.

The person who shot Reagan just wanted attention. It was political, except that he targeted the president.

My guess is he is most likely a young unhappy man who was either afraid or angry and saw no hope of happiness in the future.

Forever_Free's avatar

If people vote because of a photo versus their proven character and what they stand for then they are idiots.
His raising a fist shows he is a loose cannon and an angry old man in the face of adversity.

chyna's avatar

^I like this answer and I’m stealing it.

ragingloli's avatar

What he means by “investigate seriously” is them eventually concluding that he was hired by Biden to kill the Orangutan. Any other outcome will be considered as the “Deep State protecting Biden”.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Probably. The lack of security for RFK and Trump is ridiculously lacking. A 20 year old getting lucky seems a bit far-fetched, too.

chyna's avatar

I do find it ironic that trump calls everyone a crook and a man with the last name Crooks tries to assinate him.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Investigate seriously. Let’s look at the past history of the FBI when it comes to Trump. They spied on him as a candidate and as POTUS because his political opponent got opposition research, largely supplied by Russia, to say Trump was working with Russia to steal the election. They lied on FISA warrants to get the wiretaps they used.

They “investigated” Hillary’s classified materials by letting her determine what was and wasn’t evidence, by letting her tell them what they could and couldn’t look at, by hiring someone to do the forensic analysis of her server, by letting her destroy evidence so it couldn’t be seen all at a time when it would have hurt her political asperations. And then they concluded that while she did indeed violate the law, she didn’t “mean to”. Despite the law saying this wasn’t an excuse, they made it up for her to skate.

Likewise when it was found that Joe Biden had classified documents at the Penn Center and even more at his home in the garage, they again jumped on the investigation. They let Biden and his associates again go through all the materials again before taking control of them. It was determined that he was cooperating so it was all okay. His excuse for having them is that he wanted to use them as notes for a biography he was having written. He shared these classified materials with the ghost writer who had no security clearance at all. Yet this was not discovered by the FBI, it was discovered when the Republicans started looking into it for real. The only thing the FBI did from that point on was to obstruct any further investigations.

It should be noted that NEITHER of these politicos were allowed by law to have classified materials. Yet when someone “anonymously” called in to say Trump had classified materials they did a raid on his home, telling everyone they had to leave and all security cameras inside and outside the home had to be turned off. And he actually could have them because of (a) the Presidential Records Act and (b) the ability as POTUS to declassify things.

They were told by a shop owner that he had Hunter Biden’s laptop and that it had been abandoned. They were also told it had some sketchy things on it. They took control of it and their investigation consisted of…hiding it. This was leading up to the 2020 election. When that story busted wide open, the FBI STILL didn’t investigate, however they worked with “50 former intelligence officials” to say it was Russian disinformation. They also worked with the media and social media outlets to censor anyone that dared to try saying anything about the laptop that wasn’t their official story. They continued to stonewall any investigations into this laptop until the Republicans took control of the House and opened up their own investigation. Suddenly they opened an investigation into it so they could hide behind “Can’t talk about an ongoing investigation” when they were questioned on their actions and lack thereof.

The FBI has a long history of politically helping the Democrats. If they can spin this somehow into being something that favors the Dems, they will. If there is evidence that it was a planned job involving someone in the government, it will be suppressed. Let’s just say that given their reputation over the past 8 years or more that I don’t have any faith in them being honest in their investigations.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Whatabout HILLARY !


jca2's avatar

@Tropical _Willie my thoughts exactly.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie and @jca2 It isn’t whatabout Hillary, it’s whatabout the FBI. Amazing how you support a biased state police force.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

When all you have is a screwdriver; all problems will solved with a screwdriver.

When you have a conspiracy theory mentality; all things are a conspiracy !

MrGrimm888's avatar

No Wulf, it’s “whataboutism,” that ALL Trump’s sheep use to deflect from the real issues.

I’ve said it before; Trump has made a LOT of powerful enemies, with his diarrhea of the mouth.

Now, someone took a very close shot at him….. Consequences.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Reading history is not a conspiracy. If I made up those things you might have a case. But even a blind fool can see the two-tiered justice and bias applied by the FBI to all things Trump.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Soooo….was I wrong on any of these things? You can blame Trump for people going after him. Why? When he is attacked for doing the exact things Democrats do and are let go, how is that not a two-tiered justice system? And it wasn’t just one example. It was example after example. When does it stop being conspiracy theory for you and move into reality? What would it take? Or is TDS blocking your ability to discern reality?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Unfortunately, you have worked VERY hard, to completely invalidate yourself from being anything but a super biased, good little parrot sheep.

If all the right-wing conspiracies were true, why didn’t the Jews kill Trump with their space lasers?

As I have to remind you (EVERY TIME, ) Trump is only judged by his own words and actions. I’m just really sorry, that gets his stupid ass in deep shit. I will definitely lose sleep, worrying about your apparently not-so God King.

You are NOT, an impartial person. You have ZERO history of anything but defending Trump, and hanging all his detractors.
I think I discern THAT reality, quite well…

seawulf575's avatar

And another dodge. But at least you worked in a personal attack. Got it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Your credibility for truth has run out @seawulf575

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, I’ve heard that. It is popular to throw around when someone wants to ignore the facts I posted. If you believe I posted something that was incorrect, please feel free to comment on it. If you don’t LIKE what I posted because it hurts your fantasy world, that isn’t me losing credibility, it is you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The fact is you deeply believe in the “Deep Sate” being against Trump.

It doesn’t exist, if it did they would have hired a real sniper with a scope.

ragingloli's avatar

And ironically, the “deep state” is exactly what republicans are aiming to create with Project 2025.
When it comes to right wingers, when they accuse others of doing something nefarious, it is an admission that they are doing it themselves.

Zaku's avatar

As of today, I’ve seen articles going pretty deep into who the shooter was. He was always the conservative kid in class, indoctrinated by his parents, and bullied for it. My guess is, he was disappointed in something Trump said, such as lying that he didn’t know about Project 2025, which this kid may have preferred Trump proudly support. Or some other silliness.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Zaku At a NYT article I didn’t get that same impression with the info I read. For one apparently his Mom is a Democrat and his Dad a liberal. He also seemed to be a smart young man academically speaking. Tragic that he threw away his future for nothing imo. He probably didn’t feel the same. Wouldn’t it be better if he left something behind citing his specific reasons?

gorillapaws's avatar

@mazingerz88 ”...his Dad a liberal.”

I read his dad was a libertarian. That’s a huge difference.

Most of the sources I’ve seen say the guy was into wearing hunting clothes/camo and seemed pretty conservative. Of course we’re all just speculating at this point. One theory I heard floating around was the guy may have been a hardcore MAGA Trump supporter, but after the Epstein papers were released, he felt betrayed that the guy he loved was raping kids and so took revenge. To me, that’s just as likely as many of the other hypotheses people are throwing around.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^If only they can televise when investigators interview his parents, co-workers and friends, America would finally have a real reality TV show.

Apparently this young man practiced in a shooting range. That episode alone when investigators talk to the range owners and their lawyer is riveting TV.

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws @Zaku Which “guy” are you talking about? I lost track on this thread.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan “Which “guy” are you talking about?”

Apologies for the ambiguity. In my previous answer I’m referring to Thomas Matthew Crooks, and then later Trump. Here’s the quote with the substitutions for clarity:

“Most of the sources I’ve seen say [Thomas Matthew Crooks] was into wearing hunting clothes/camo and seemed pretty conservative. Of course we’re all just speculating at this point. One theory I heard floating around was [Thomas Matthew Crooks] may have been a hardcore MAGA Trump supporter, but after the Epstein papers were released, [Thomas Matthew Crooks] felt betrayed that the guy [Thomas Matthew Crooks] loved (i.e. Trump) was raping kids and so took revenge. To me, that’s just as likely as many of the other hypotheses people are throwing around.”

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws No problem. I don’t know who that is.

MrGrimm888's avatar

So. The former president of the United States of America, was shot at at a recent rally (fund raising event.)
The person who shot Trump (tried to assassinate him,) was Thomas Matthew Crooks.

He’s a loose muscled, almost pudgy Caucasian (white) male.
In the pictures that I have seen, he looks like your typical (I took ROTC in high-school, because I would have died in PE guy,) and has a rather “nerdy” look.
He slumps, with his belly out, and looks a lot like a 13 year old.

And yes, it appears that he may have actually liked Trump.

As I have said (and it’s just my opinion,) he has that “mass-shooter” vibe. I personally believe that he may have been thinking about doing something like this for a while. Probably because he was bullied, and alienated in school, and there is no real interest in mental health in America.
I believe that he would have inevitably made the news, one day, for something bad.
Something Trump said, or even something a girl he liked said about Trump, triggered this guy.

There is so far no evidence of this being a long planned and well thought out attack.

Crooks’ nerdy appearance, and the fact that he was not noticed by all of Trump’s security, are what makes this so chilling.

I mean, if THAT guy almost assassinated Trump, what if a real “hard-core” character makes another attempt?

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 He looked a little feminine to me (I only saw one photo, maybe it was nerdy). He worked in a job that I think would typically be held by women, but that might not be the case where he is. Supposedly, he got very good grades in school, but was “only” going to a community college. I heard he was mostly a loner a school and that he was bullied. My assumptions, and it is only assumptions, was that the guy was pretty miserable and saw nothing good in his future.

Pennsylvania is a closed primary state so I assume nothing about him being a registered Republican. I am a registered Republican right now and so are a lot of my Democratic friends where I live. Some of us changed parties to vote in the Republicans presidential primary and some changed to vote in the upcoming state and local primaries on August 20th.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah, the guy probably had a rough time in school.
Hurt people, hurt people.

It’s relevant, to many, that Crooks was a registered Republican because of course the fright-wingers are going to try to make this a Democrat led conspiracy.
We have to repeat facts, to Trumpers, because they only care about lies.

seawulf575's avatar

The claim that he was a Republican because that is how he registered is weak at best. We saw during the primaries that Democrats were registering as Republicans and Independents so they could vote in the primaries to try undermining Trump at that point. Additionally, I know from my own experience (with my wife) that people can be registered for one party and not even realize it. My wife was a registered Democrat for years. We discussed it even here on Fluther. But as soon as I pointed it out to her, she was appalled and quickly changed it.

Demosthenes's avatar

We don’t know what this guy’s motives were; it’s all speculation at this point. The fact that he seems to be a bit of a blank slate with weak evidence for him supporting both sides (being a registered Republican, donating $15 to a liberal cause when he was 17) is perfect for an endless debate about who he supported and what he wanted. I think it’s just as likely he was a disaffected gun-obsessed lonely young man who tried to find salvation in MAGA and lashed out when he couldn’t as he was a trans-loving Palestine-supporting radical leftist who just had to try and kill Hitler 2.0 for Daddy Biden.

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws Oh! I didn’t know his name.

seawulf575's avatar

Interestingly, there is a conspiracy theory that says Crook wasn’t even the shooter. Interesting evidence they use: The gauge hole in his ear. They show a picture of the shooter after being shot (supposedly) and the body has a gauge hole. No pictures I’ve seen of Crook show any gauges.

jonsblond's avatar

“as he was a trans-loving Palestine-supporting radical leftist who just had to try and kill Hitler 2.0 for Daddy Biden.”

WTF? :(

mazingerz88's avatar

^^The real conspiracy theory is that trump is re-electable or its more delusional version that he can win. Most delusional is that he would win. Poor MAGA minions and their fantasies.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@mazingerz88 Irony, the swing vote is going to Trump now and unless the DNC runs someone else, Trump will be #47.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Biden has been steadfast that he will not drop out.
The “geniuses” at the DNC, are probably still pretty sure Biden will beat Trump. Which although stupid, should be accurate.
Voters should value truth, over unhinged vigor.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Well, voters are stupid. Half have an IQ less than 98 so…

Kropotkin's avatar

@jonsblond I do believe @Demosthenes is ironically mocking the kind of commentary that will be made about the would-be assassin.

ragingloli's avatar

If you are going to talk about ears:
Look at the distinctive 2 spiky protrusions on the upper back part of the earlobe on the dead shooter and the matching ear of this of Crooks.
The shooter is definitely Crooks, and not this Yearick guy that you pulled out of your ass.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yeesh, maybe an NSFW tag for that one, loli, that was gruesome.

But yeah, I don’t actually think it was staged or that there’s a conspiracy. The fact that there’s no clear motive or manifesto means that the conspiracies will abound, however.

@Kropotkin The kind of commentary that’s already being made. Fox News was blaming pro-Palestinian student activists for this.

chyna's avatar

A little heads up next time loli.

Caravanfan's avatar

@chyna It’s loli. Assume every link is NSFW.

ragingloli's avatar

Listen, it is the same picture that puddlemutt’s link lead to. I need you to get aaaaalll the way off my back on that one.

Demosthenes's avatar

This wouldn’t be the first time @ragingloli has scarred me for life. ;)

Caravanfan's avatar

@ragingloli Actually it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience.

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Yall wanna see a dead body?”

(Boyz in tha Hood.)

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Not Stand by Me?

chyna's avatar

^I remember it on Stand by me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Dang yall. That was definitely THE main plot of SBM. But observe the differences.
Early in BIDH, when the characters are still kids, they are just kind of messing around, when another little boy says that phrase. He then shows them a dead young black man. The scene is meant to show that not only was the neighborhood plagued by gang violence, but how desensitized the community was as a result.
They just briefly looked, and moved on. Later running into the possible killers. A group of slightly older, young black men.

Ice Cube’s character ends up going to juvy soon after, as he is becoming a violent person too.
Cuba Gooding JR’s character after a run in with LAPD, where a black cop points a gun at him as a teen, brings about a powerful moment where Cuba’s character just starts swinging at the air, in front of a girl he liked, and was losing his mind because of the way things are.
The other kid, who always had a football, was killed a bit before that.

In Stand By Me, the children are horrified when they finally find THAT body. The body of a “slow” kid, who was hit by a train.

The boys in the two movies, have completely opposite reactions.
All the different responses to Loli’s pic, reminded me of how much our culture has been changing to see such things as normal.
I know that some of us looked at the pick, after seeing other’s comments.

I didn’t blink, looking at the photo.
I barely even cared, the last time I was shot at. One of the primary reasons I retired from law enforcement.
I had also struck a man, for touching my face during an altercation about that same time. He WAS being really aggressive, but I should not have struck him. I was becoming someone I didn’t like.

In America especially, we see the outcomes of our violent culture far too often.

Demosthenes's avatar

People at the RNC are now wearing gauze and patches over their right ears to signify solidarity with Trump. Meanwhile, Biden is home with COVID and even Obama thinks he has no chance. It’s so #joever, guys.

jca2's avatar

Demo yes, I’m hearing he’s getting his ducks in a row and will be out within a few days.

jonsblond's avatar

This year will give us the most affordable Halloween costume in years. All you need is a piece of gauze.

JLeslie's avatar

Just saw one of these as someone’s profile pick on facebook.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Is it ironic, that it was his “right” ear? Ya know, because he’s completely and forever damaged the right-wing…

MrGrimm888's avatar

I should warn those who are employed, that apparently many Americans have now lost their jobs by making fun of the assassination on social media.

I guess Bikers for Trump, are actually snowflakes…

seawulf575's avatar

@jonsblond Yes! Good thinking. The left thinks he is a demon so that would fit right in at Halloween.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I don’t know about “many” Americans but I know there have been some. But what those people did was to complain that the guy missed. That tells you a lot about those people and how callous and hateful they are. And if they are in positions of authority (or near it) that can send a really horrible message. Firing them is probably the least that should be done. Why isn’t the SS going to investigate these people to see if they are planning anything?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^See July 18 USA today, for the article.

Are you writing this with a straight face, Wulf?

J6ers should be freed.
People who make jokes, should at“least,” be fired huh?

What it ACTUALLY should tell you, and the other sheep who think only the media hates Trump, is just how much you’re God King is actually loved.

You never walked past any conservatives with any hateful, violent, or even murderous messages displayed?

Pence was VERY close to dangling from a noose on the Capitol Building lawn.
You sheep chant about hanging people, an awful lot, for you to have the audacity to say what you do.

I’ve been one of the people who has been saying that I am genuinely happy Trump didn’t die. It’s not MY fault, that the world wishes he died…

Trump has worked tirelessly, to gain such “love” and “unity.”

I’m glad he gets to enjoy the fruits of his labors.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You act like you know me, but you continually take things out of context and make up lies about what I say. And then you hold me responsible for your lies. It is tiring. You are showing you have very little humanity in you. You cannot see how horrible the behavior of the left is. You blame the victims. It is very disturbing. Again, talk to your therapist, explain your views to them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^So your done?
Thanks for playing.

Forever_Free's avatar

@seawulf575 It is simply exhausting to try to speak clarity to people who believe in lies and nonsense.
Never take anything personally.

seawulf575's avatar

@Forever_Free Yes it is exhausting. But the sad part is that there are times that some of these folks are genuinely good people…it comes through loud and clear. I worry about them and would love to have them come to the realization of how far out they are. But it doesn’t happen. I’m sure there are some that feel the same way about me, but I try to stick to facts and will gladly say it is my opinion if that is all I have. I’m sure I’m as frustrating to some of these folks as they are to me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I guess it is exhausting, if you’re just going to come in when it’s over…

You kids have fun playing though.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You had the last word already. No need to continue ranting. Seek help.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I can’t see him as the one that needs help wulfie, now quick spin it .

seawulf575's avatar

^Bless your heart.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 . . . Bless your sweeet LITTLE heart ! !

jonsblond's avatar

Y’all need help!


Group hug?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I was always particular to “Bless your pea-pickin’ heart.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

I like that one @seawulf575. I’ll have to start using it.

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