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mazingerz88's avatar

If you can will you take a long vacation out of your country?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) July 15th, 2024 from iPhone

A really long vacation like a year?

Say you’re tired of all the things societal and political in nature and you could afford it, where would you go?

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

Probably France or England because I have family in each. Maybe not France or England because I have family in each…..

jonsblond's avatar

More like move to a different country. My husband’s employer has an office in Canada, not far from Toronto. When supporters began turning on Biden after the debate I took a serious hard look at what we would need to do to move out of the country. I am fearful, more so now after the assassination attempt on Trump and his supporters blaming the left for the political violence.

chyna's avatar

I’ve been thinking about asking @squeeky if he and Mrs. Squeeky have a room I could rent.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If I were in that position, probably Italy.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Oh me too! See you in Venice!

ragingloli's avatar

Antarctica, because of the ideal temperatures.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

If I could afford it, heck yeah!

I would like to spend a year in Mexico, Ghana, Vietnam, Portugal or Ukraine.

That is my answer today. Ask again in the future and it may be different. I have never traveled outside the US and Canada.

Brian1946's avatar


The prime minister of Italy is probably a neofascist:

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is Hawaii a foreign country ? ?

smudges's avatar

Greece or Italy, most likely Greece.

jca2's avatar

I wouldn’t leave because of politics.

I have cats so unless I could take them, I’d stay put. Many countries have quarantine laws for pets.

As far as politics go, hopefully in four years when we’re done with Trump (in my opinion the likely winner of the 2024 election) the Dems have a great candidate who’s got a good chance to win. I’m a Dem and I’d like to have a candidate I’m enthused about. Right now I’m not enthusiastic about Biden or Harris, and Never Trump.

Demosthenes's avatar

I am doing just that, essentially, except it’s not a vacation, I’m actually moving here (to Mexico).

I didn’t do it for political reasons, though I can’t say I’m not happy to be away from the U.S. for the remainder of the election period.

If I could go somewhere for an extended period of time other than Mexico, it would probably be Spain or Italy. A warm climate with beaches and swarthy natives seems to be a requirement for me. ;)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would spend a year online in Atlas Survival Shelters. In a underground shelter.

canidmajor's avatar

Probably Fiji. It’s warm, the people are nice, the food’s pretty good.

seawulf575's avatar

I’ve always thought Costa Rica would be nice. Beautiful, lots to do…I could keep busy for a year easily. Unfortunately all this depends on what the rules of the country you are planning on visiting are. Some place say more than so many months is prohibited without special authorization.

SnipSnip's avatar

Not right now.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Good grief, lots of other countries are experiencing political unpleasantries of their own.
However, that aside, I have no desire for a temporary relocation.
I would like to visit other parts of the world, but I have never desired living in another country.

When I joined the Navy, I was given the opportunity to suggest what country/region I would like to be stationed in. We all told our first three choices.
My only choice in another country was Australia.
If my arm was twisted, that is where I’d choose.
Kangaroo, platypus, sugar gliders, koala; a country with such residents must be worthy of a long visit.

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