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jca2's avatar

Do you think someone will lose their job over the Trump assassination attempt security failure?

Asked by jca2 (16714points) 3 months ago

I’ve been traveling so not on top of the news to the extent that I am normally, but from everything I’ve been hearing, the Trump shooter was amazingly close to the target and security at the site was lax.

At least one bystander said he saw the shooter crawling on the roof with the gun and tried to notify the police on the ground, but nobody paid attention.

Also amazing that no drones or helicopters were spotting things from above.

Do you think at the conclusion of the investigation, someone or multiple people will lose their jobs or resign?

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22 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Someone has to take the fall, even if it wasn’t their fault.

JLeslie's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

I’d be shocked, if some people weren’t held responsible for the attempt on Trump’s life.

Just like in sports, it doesn’t matter who you are, it matters if you win. If you lose, you get fired.

As a former officer in executive protection, I can tell you that such things are a loss. Regardless of how it happened.
I suspect resignations, would be more likely. As it’s probable that many of his security team, despise Trump. Certainly, almost every single person who ever worked for Trump, now hates him.

Trump being the power hungry, insecure guy he is, may want to personally fire some people. I do suspect that a LOT of fake stories about this being a conspiracy to kill Trump. But. Like ALL things GOP, they will just be more worthless lies.

snowberry's avatar

Someone (the head of the secret service?) told Trump’s normal secret service detail to “stand down” and replaced them with novices. That person should be investigated and possibly charged. But it’s possible that someone instructed the head of secret service to make the switch. That’s worse. So corrupt.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I hope so. I don’t like Trump, but this Secret Service mistake is a big one.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The shooter was closer to around 120 yards.
AR platform, so likely .556×45 rounds, and a semiautomatic weapon. (Semiautomatic weapons, are historically unreliable at longer ranges, because of the system that reloads the firearm. ARs have a tube in the rear stock, that helps the weapon with recoil.)
Not as hard a shot. Not a great choice for the job. To me, suggesting that the weapon was chosen for symbolic reasons (recent mass shootings,) or the kid couldn’t find a cheap bolt action, that would likely have hit Trump.

I will stand with the fact that so many of Trump’s people trying to appear militaristic, as a big reason the guy wasn’t noticed earlier.

JLeslie's avatar

If they don’t fire anyone by Monday, maybe they won’t fire anyone. How long does it take to figure out who planned the detail and who didn’t listen to tips about the shooter?

jca2's avatar

I’m amazed at how we have all kinds of technology and the police and SS have big budgets, and yet there were no drones or helicopters that were overhead. If there was anything overhead, how could it have missed the guy on the roof?

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Agree, unless it was a windy day. I don’t remember it looking windy, but I didn’t really pay attention to that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Drones were likely prohibited, as it would be difficult to ascertain if some drones were harmful.
A FPV drone with an rpg, would have been far harder to stop.

Local Police and other law enforcement agencies have roles. It’s not just the secret service, and they are more limited than most would think, as far as manpower.
If you notice right after the shots, the suits formed a wall around Trump. Not allowing him to move until they were told that the threat was nullified.
A second group of guys heavily armored and armed, in black, moved into the area around the podium, searching for other possible threats.
The snipers that took Crooks out, despite seemingly underperforming, were excellent in identifying the shooter.
Currently, there is some debate about if the first heard shot, may have been from one of the 2 snipers we’ve all seen by now.
It’s possible, they hit the shooter right as he took his first shot…

But they were absolute studs. They were not supposed to be covering the place the shooter was.
Witnesses said Crooks appeared on that rooftop, crawling to stay low. So. Yes. Somehow he got closer than the snipers would normally have to worry about.
As I said, the video of the dead shooter shows an AR style firearm. The SS snipers, with their modified Remington 700’s (bolt action, and better for distance,) severely outgunned the shooter and his choice of weapon.

I’m sticking with this being a sort of complacency by SS at Trump rallies, as far as seeing people dressed in military gear, and often appearing to be suffering from one mental disorder or another. And so, Crooks was able to blend in better than in any other environment.

When I used to work large music venues, each band had their own workers, instruments, amps, and lights or smoke. Each day, I watched strange people, cart giant black cases (they ALL looked like military hardware,) in without much attention. I couldn’t tell the difference between a case full of wires, and a Nuclear bomb.
Mainly, I tried to speak with all the people, and see if they were wearing the correct passes. But, admittedly, someone could have snuck anything in their.

I can’t imagine working a Trump rally. 8 out of 10 Trumpers look like potential security risks.

Trump, was also VERY comfortable, and always thought that he was safe around “his people.” Remember that he tried to go to the Capitol Building on J6. That’s because he felt the mob was 100% under his control. His security, thought better, and stopped that. But Trump was eager to lead the charge himself. As his sheep would have protected him.

The LAST thing in Trump’s mind was being shot at, at HIS rally. Which I believe is why he seemed so shocked.
ALL VIPs, are trained by their respective security teams, to be wary of things like gunshots. But Trump was not remotely concerned about his safety in these circuses he calls rallies.

Like J6, there were/are plenty of cameras, and they will all be endlessly studied. Everyone they can identify, will be a person they want to talk to.
All security, police, etc, will be interviewed repeatedly.

As the shooter seems not to have left any clues about why he would commit such an atrocity, it’s likely we’ll never know.

Regardless of how we feel about Trump, we should all be happy that he was not killed. For a number of reasons.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It was funny how many reporters were saying that the shooter was so close at 500 yards. 500 yards is a long shot even with a hunting rifle. You would have to be a good shot at 100yards to hit a pie plate with an AR. 120 yards is even harder. That kid was a good shot but distance was Trump’s savior. So someone will lose their job. Multiple people f’ed this up.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah, I had heard it was over 300 yards.

I know of some guys who hunt Moose, and Sheep wayyy up north. They can drop an animal at 500. It’s insane, because even with my .308 I have a 50 mm scope and I can barely see the target behind the crosshairs at 200. It’s not worth the ammo, for me, trying for shots I would never take.

The sheer pressure of that moment, must have been crazy. He still almost made the shot. That kid had nerves of steel. I know Trump’s head must have been wobbling as he took aim. Maybe it was a lucky shot.

He probably snuck the weapon in, the day before or something. Then, he just had to get it, and take position. So, he probably walked right by several check points.
VERY odd plan. He couldn’t have thought he’d get away. He was probably dead before the last few rounds hit the crowd.
It’s pretty crazy.
And he just killed innocent people.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Im still not convinced this wasn’t staged,but regardless someone will be blamed.

JLeslie's avatar

I heard people have been calling for the person who was in charge to resign and she has rejected it. For now anyway she isn’t quitting.

@SQUEEKY2 This is how it’s going to be forever more I guess, always thinking political violence is staged by the very side that was most at risk or harmed.

MrGrimm888's avatar

History is bloated, with tales of betrayal, murder, lies, deception, and all empires are susceptible to danger from lower level politicians and military leaders.

The US has been involved in some world changing regime changes. Assassination, and really almost anything is never off of the table.

I was discussing this with my little brother months ago. As some people have been hoping to see someone kill Trump.

My opinion was that if the CIA were to assassinate someone in this election, it should have been Biden. (Remember, this was just a discussion.) Killing Biden, would have opened the door, for a more realistic presidential candidate to challenge Trump.
I knew, and the CIA knows, Biden won’t quit until he’s dead.
That’s admirable, and I don’t want harm to come to him.
But , (again hypothetically,) imagine where we would be now, if say Newsome was building momentum for the past year?
Newsome is ,to me, the perfect challenger for Trump. He made DeSantis look like a total idiot in their little debate. He had quick, and meaningful responses to ALL of the things DeSantis had planned to attack.
I believe he would make short work of Trump, in ANY type of debate. ALL Trump really has, is the power and genius he made up and feeds to his sheep.
Once his makeup and spray tan melted under the lights of a debate with a politician like Newsome, he would just be another version of Rudy looking like he was going through withdrawal.

Trump’s loyal sheep, are not enough to win him an election. As I have mentioned, Trump didn’t win his home state of NY, and has never won the popular vote. All the dems need, is a lesser evil, to destroy Trump.
“Bad-day Biden,” put doubt in a lot of voter’s hearts. Even with Trump just spitting lie after lie.

NOW, people are are panicked about Biden… As if this was impossible to forsee. Oh woe is the DNC…

But anyways, I wouldn’t be surprised if 9/11 was staged…
As far as conspiracy theories go.

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I didn’t see the Newsom DeSantis debate, but I know a lot of Democrats who felt Newsom didn’t do well.

I know a lot of Democrats who really like the idea of Newsom for president, but plenty who don’t.

jca2's avatar

I heard audio from the head of the detail saying that the building was secured from the inside and they didn’t put agents on the roof because it was slanted, but it wasn’t that sloped, and obviously an easy enough slope that the shooter was able to easily crawl on it.

JLeslie's avatar

Makes me wonder how often the agents do catch someone and we don’t know it. This guy happened to pick this event and this event just happened to have poor decisions regarding security for a sniper type shooting.

jca2's avatar

I also heard that the local police were in charge of the building, because it was outside the perimeter that the SS was in charge of. I haven’t confirmed it because I was traveling and not looking at news online, just going by TV and radio news, but if the SS was relying on a little local police force to deal with the out-buildings, it seems foolish. Not that the local police are not caring about security, but probably not equipped or knowledgeable in the way that the SS would be or should be.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that the Secret Service may have thought that rural western Pennsylvania was very much a red (i.e. conservative republican) part of the state – which it is – and so they threat may have been assumed to be smaller.

MrGrimm888's avatar

JL. You heard wrong, as far as that debate.
It’s easy to find, and watch. But I wouldn’t blame you for not trying. It’s ultimately pointless.

Newsome, IS a radical leftist.
I would prefer he not be president either.

But the DNC, has practically nobody, else. And Gavin probably doesn’t even want the job. He’s the king of one if the largest economies in the world.

I’m literally just thinking of someone who could easily charm the majority of voters, into trying a left extremist.

If he managed to get a centrist for VP, it could be a jagged, but tolerable pill for voters who don’t want Biden, or Trump.

If Trump DOESN’T win… His trials will eventually catch him.
He might still get help from the people he appointed. But I think a LOT of people would LOVE to just run from the idea of someone like Trump.

The DNC, just slept through the last 8 years. And no 3rd party candidate has ever really had a chance. Plus, the way congress is, it’s possible both dems, and reps, would just waste the next 4 years all dragging their feet.

We’re talking about if the Secret Service, or some of it’s members, should be fired. Because they failed to do their job.

What about the leaders, that don’t do their’s?

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