Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

What would have happened, if Trump was assassinated?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19414points) 3 months ago

Who would have replaced him, as the republican candidate?
Would his supporters start riots?
Would everyone actually be unified, by such a tragedy, like after 9/11?
Would all Trumpers, still vote red?
Would you consider it a good, or bad thing?
How would no more Trump, affect our pathetic republican led congress, if they don’t have to always please Trump?
How would the world react?

ATTENTION. I would prefer serious contributions. I didn’t want a thread to be another Trump beating, echo chamber.
And please be respectful as possible, as this was very close to actually happening.
What would THIS new timeline be like? Like in the universe Trump did die.

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52 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

We were inches away from removing that if.

There is enough chaos in the Grand Old Party to be unclear on everything including a candidate.
Riots perhaps. Rebellions, certainly. Unification, hardly.
Many voters (including Dem’s) will vote based on candidate as they should.
assassination is terrible.
I think the GOP would be able to move closer to sanity in a shorter period of time.
Trump is not liked on the world stage. I think they would react as we react to this kind of change in other parts of the world.

elbanditoroso's avatar

A couple things.

Remember in The Wizard of Oz, after the witch has water poured on her, the flying monkeys sing “ding Dong the Witch is Dead”? Same her – a lot of republicans who were essentially Trump hostages will be free to speak their minds.

In some areas, there would be rioting by white christians.

But all in all, about 50% of the country – or more – would say “thank god for miracles” and move on.

jca2's avatar

The Republicans would have a very brief time to choose a new candidate. Maybe Rubio? Hopefully not DeSantis.

Zaku's avatar

“Who would have replaced him, as the republican candidate?”
– Unknown, and the GOP would need to find/choose someone. Trump has been terrifying GOP candidates into opposing him, since he’s been talking like a maniacal would-be murderous dictator, so most have been afraid to make themselves a target, or to invite attacks from the Trump supporters. There would certainly likely be someone trying to claim the MAGA voters. And if they have time to organize, someone trying to take the GOP in a less insane direction.

“Would his supporters start riots?”
– I don’t think there would be much.

Would everyone actually be unified, by such a tragedy, like after 9/11?”
– No. But there might eventually be relaxation, at least for a while, since that particular polarizing turd would not possibly have any more trials or elections.
– Hmm, well, the GOP and media might also therefore shift to saying more about the Epstein files and other criminal evidence that has been awaiting revelation at future trials. And that might at least move toward more agreement that Trump was a child-raping traitor.

“Would all Trumpers, still vote red?”
– I think many of them wouldn’t vote, unless/until they found a similar-tasting Cheeto.
– A fairly large number of them think Trump has some sort of Fundamentalist Christian holiness to him, so I don’t know how effectively that deranged notion could be transferred to some other GOP candidate.

“Would you consider it a good, or bad thing?”
– Depends on who the next GOP candidate is, and what happens with elections.
– In general, Trump has done most/all of the “good” I think he could do, by exemplifying and unintentionally exposing how atrocious the right-wing nutty end of the US political spectrum is, and devastating the reputation, organization, etc, of the GOP.
– The worst outcome I can see, would be that someone younger, more credible, and/or even more terrible, might manage to take over on the path to a GOP/Evangelical authoritarian idiocy kingdom. I don’t think that would succeed, but it’s what I’m more worried about than Trump.

“How would no more Trump, affect our pathetic republican led congress, if they don’t have to always please Trump?”
– It’d reshuffle but probably still be terrible.
– Hopefully there might be room for a new saner flavor and/or alternative to the idiocy.

“How would the world react?”
– Mainly relief, especially from US allies. Most of them have been needing to plan what to do if Trump becomes POTUS again, and they could calm down a lot about that, since none of the other GOP likely POTUS candidates are so blatantly set on undermining US alliances, diplomacy, etc.
– Russia and China would also shift plans, since there would be no prospect of Trump returning to power.

jonsblond's avatar

There would be riots. I was looking at comments on a Facebook page called Bikers For Trump and the people commenting are ready to fight back. They were saying how lucky Democrats were because Trump didn’t die because it would be open season on them if he did.

seawulf575's avatar

From an election perspective, the GOP would likely choose another candidate they felt they could win with. My guess at this point is that they would choose Vance. Since Trump chose him, many of his followers would choose him as well. That would bring as much unity as was possible to the party this close to the election.

From there it is a crap shoot. Some nuttier people might look to take out Democrats everywhere. Some might strike back at society as a whole. Some might focus on the media. There might be Civil War in the end. Or they might just hold their tempers to see how the election turns out. If there were any shenanigan’s at all, the entire thing might blow up. The politicians would likely be calling for peace and understanding, but it would likely not be effective. My view is that the country has become dysfunctional in the past couple decades. Fearmongering, biased media, two-tiered systems of justice, censorship, attacks on civilians using the DOJ/FBI and IRS for daring to be different, have all gone on too long. Politicians say one thing and do another. Trust in the government is lower than I have seen in a long time and I lived through the 70’s. An assassination of Trump might be the last straw.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am not at liberty to disclose what events would rapidly take place.

All I can say is, if Trump got unalived, nobody would be at liberty

Ever again.

Zaku's avatar

@jonsblond Sounds like Bikers For Trump are a bunch of idiotic blowhards who make terrorist threats but won’t do squat. Their supposed reaction makes as little sense as other Trump noise. A 20-year-old Republican kid takes shots at Trump, and that means they’d be violent towards Democrats (because why?) BUT only if the shot had been 1–9 inches to the right? Yeah, right.

MrGrimm888's avatar

ALL “Bikers for Trump” I have ever seen are “weekend warriors.”
Older men, who shine up the Harley for a sunny ride.

They aren’t even the same species, as a color flying MC member. A lot of clubs that fit the old outlaw biker stereotype are out west. They make their living running guns to the cartels in Mexico. They also profit greatly from pretty much everything smuggled in through Mexico. Absolutely NONE of their interests would be served by supporting Trump.
Most 1%ers, have violent criminal records, so they can’t even vote if they wanted to.

Having worked as a bouncer for years, I can promise that there is a vast difference between the real thing, and older white men, who collect over-priced Harley gear and polish their chrome.

Those types don’t even participate in “poker runs” usually. Which is smart, because they would just be “licks,” and would likely have their bikes stolen.

I’m pretty sure Biden’s wife, or any soccer Mom, could wipe those old wannabes out with an SUV.

Real clubs, follow a chain of command. NOT any politician.
And they are pretty smart about it. Often led by veteran guys, who had to earn their stripes.

We dealt with MCs frequently, and they typically actually don’t cause problems, because they are supposed to keep their club out of the news. It’s rare to see them flying colors together. It attracts attention.

Again. Trump vastly overestimates his popularity.
He just has his sheep. And they couldn’t protect him from one of their weakest little cohorts.

Trump’s strategically appointed judges, are his biggest asset.

seawulf575's avatar

@Patty_Melt Welcome back, lady!

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jca2's avatar

@Seawulf right now, the logical replacement for Trump would be Vance, but as of the day of the failed assassination attempt, Trump had not yet named the VP so the speculation is open as far as who’d be the replacement.

Blackberry's avatar

Hillbillies would show their true savage nature and hurt innocent people and minorities.

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mazingerz88's avatar

Trump gone? Nothing. America will move on.

Nothing is more important in life than enjoying each day each of us have left on this beautiful home we call earth. Americans will continue loving their friends and families.

Trump worshipers most likely will get a real chance to reflect and possibly ask questions like did they really have to worship a reality TV show host, businessman, hate-mongering, sociopathic pussy grabbing convicted rapist who sat and watched as rioters ransacked Capitol Hill, some left their feces on the wall, some wanted to assassinate Mike Pence. People died because of that attack that day.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@jca2 Yes. That was my premise. Vance I guess, could have been a possibility, but he had yet to receive Trump’s public approval.

As bad as the DNC, has been at developing future candidates, I think the GOP (before the Vance choice like we said,) doesn’t really have a plan B for their old man.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not Republican, something I have stated many times, but I am conservative, and I have heard the opinions of lots of Republicans and conservative Independents.

Many liked Ramaswarmy a lot. Many liked Desantis.
Several were at least willing to consider MT Greene.
I heard of a couple other governor names thrown around.

I believe the GOP could find a viable candidate if Trump were not interested.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

According to one tweet I saw on Twitter today, it would have been all out Civil War, started by the right of course. But in her tweet she was insisting that the left tried to assassinate him to start the Civil War.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I wish that was an anomalous anecdote. The sheep, are in disarray. It’s never good, to let too many stupid animals get stirred up…

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I don’t know about assassinating him just to start a Civil War, though I’m pretty sure they would be okay with that. They wanted to assassinate Trump to put the Republicans in the same boat as the Dems…no candidate with only months to go until election, and no really clean way to appoint one without stepping all over democracy (that the Dems claim they support). But if assassinating Trump led to a Civil War, the left would be perfectly happy with that since it seems to be their goal to destroy the country anyway. Also, they would have used that to avoid the election in November AND they would have blamed the whole thing on the right-wingers.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 get over it. The left did not want to assassinate Trump. But you can just go on telling yourself all those lies.

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Of course they did. They may or may not have had a hand in this, but they most certainly want him out of the way. And the closer to November they get, the more desperate they get. They have wanted to get rid of him since he first announced he was going to run for POTUS back in 2015. They have tried everything since then to get rid of him. They have tried framing him, they have tried impeaching him on lies, they have tried lawfare to keep him tied up, broke, and hopefully in jail. Assassination was just the next logical step.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Projecting much? Thank heavens the shooter was registered as a Republican. And white.

Not that trump minions wouldn’t do everything to twist things despite of. Losers’ last resort. Sad.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Conspiracy theories galore. I don’t see how republicans can live in a world where their life views are tied up in paranoid conspiracy theories.

The way I see it, Trump was lucky because the shooter was poor. How that ties into an assassination attempt is simply folly.

Do you really think that the democrats would subcontract a killing to a 20 year old? Come one, that stretches the imagination.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^The only assassinating that’s going on is lots of Republicans annihilating themselves turning into Trumplicans.

They can’t sell their ideas and visions to majority of the American people so they feel they have no choice but to go gung-ho in support of a psychotic sociopath.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@elbanditoroso exactly! If we had actually wanted to do it, and I would not have condoned that at all, we would have hired somebody who would have got the job done.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 So he was a registered Republican. That means what? Absolutely nothing. Many of the registered Republicans and Independents that voted in the primaries were Democrats that registered that way to vote against Trump. How someone registers means nothing. He did make one campaign contribution in his life that they can verify…to ActBlue, the Leftist Democrat PAC that was set up by Soros. And no one on the right wants Trump dead.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Here’s the problem with your assessment: it doesn’t question anything. When there are obvious questions and the answers are extremely weak, it only adds more questions.

As for the shooter being poor, have you ever shot a gun? Trying to hit someone that is 164 yards away is doable for an average shooter, if they only have to hit that person. Trying to hit his head is another issue. It shrinks the target to something less than 1 square foot. 500 feet away, that 1 square foot looks very small indeed. The fact that the bullet went through the area that was dead center of the presented head space says that wasn’t some no-nothing 20 year old that couldn’t make the shooting team in HS. If Trump hadn’t moved, that bullet would have likely hit under his eye and next to his nose OR square in the temple. Not an easy shot.

And for the record I don’t believe they contracted Crooks to be the shooter. I believe they contracted him to be the patsy.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Impressive feat you having hacked into each and everyone’s head in the right to make the determination that nobody on that side might actually hate trump.

The shooter registered as a Republican means he saw himself as a Republican.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Why not? You all have no problem telling me how I think as a conservative. And again, how someone registers means nothing. I did an experiment one time to see how easy it would be to look up on line to see what my party affiliation was. Independent. Out of curiosity I checked on my wife. She was a Democrat. I told her about that and she was incensed. She hates Democrats. She quickly worked to change it. The point is, she was registered as something back 45 years ago because her parents were that party. She had no interest in politics at the time and really didn’t care. It carried over her entire life basically. But it didn’t align with her beliefs.

elbanditoroso's avatar

One example does not make an immutable law, @seawulf575

MrGrimm888's avatar

Is it SO crazy, to think this kid may have actually had some Christian values. And he saw Trump, as an affront to those values?
That’s a thing many zealots, have in common. They all want to be the one following the most extreme interpretations of their deities.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso You are absolutely correct!!!! Neither does making amazing jumps in logic. But I’ve given more than one example. I gave my wife as one example and all the Dem voters that registered as Indies and Repubs to vote against Trump in the primaries as another. That second one actually ended up being thousands. Have you folks pushing the “registered as Republican” schtick done anything to prove that holds water?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I haven’t heard anything about his Christian values. Where did that come from? I’m actually curious. As far as I’ve heard he is a black hole…no information of really any kind out there. Anecdotal from old school mates is about the best.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^So far, he appears to be one of you. A conservative. Other than him being upset Trump was running for POTUS (something Vance was, before flip-flopping,) there is no evidence at all he is a leftist. None.

I think the $15 donation to the dems, wasn’t even the same guy.
If he was a conservative, he was most likely a Christian. We know he was a white male.
People who knew him, said he used to dress like your wannabe militias.

Trump has constantly been a total opposite, of some Godly man. He made his own Bible.
I have higher morals, than that.

There are plenty of Christians who have worshipped Trump (a false idiol.)
Is it SO impossible?
Of course not.

Most people, around the world, who commit acts of terrorism ARE religious extremists.

seawulf575's avatar

Yes, there is no evidence, if you try ignoring things that point that way. He gave no donations to conservative candidates of PACs. So that one donation, from a 20 year old, suddenly becomes much more significant. But since that doesn’t help your rant, you toss it aside and come up with a conspiracy theory that it was someone else. Why would someone make a donation in the name of some unknown kid?

And once you ignore any evidence that he could possibly be a lefty, ignore the fact that only lefties had any reason to shoot at Trump, and do a back flip trying to justify why he is a conservative, you then go on to make a whole lot of other claims to feed your own rants and delusions. It is amazing how hard you work to keep the hate alive.

jca2's avatar

I remember reading that there was a 15 dollar donation to a Democratic group by someone named Terry Crews but there was no evidence that it was the same person as the person who shot Trump. That it’s not an uncommon name. I haven’t googled it, mainly because my laptop is broken, the new laptop is home in a box, I’m away on vacation and I don’t like doing much on my phone.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s what I thought I heard.
It was a case of mistaken identity. Not really Crooks.

Although. At $15, he would CLEARLY be a guy to keep an eye on. Where did someone get so much (no doubt) drug money?
Who was funding this guy?

There’s nothing to be so upset about. ALL terrorists, are religious extremists.

Crooks, wouldn’t be the first mass shooter Trump brought out to play.

I’m making rants, and delusions?

Wulf. You may have shaken hands with the shooter, if you go to any rallies. Maybe you guys rubbed shoulders, chanting about hatred or lies. Or both.

This guy, looks home grown.

Congrats, on indoctrinating another fine young Christian white man.

What are you so afraid about? Jesus, saved Don “grab em by the pussy – can you find me 11,000 votes” Trump.
Why would Jesus stop now?

Footsteps, and stuff…

seawulf575's avatar

And once again, you make shit up, assign it to me and then go onto a rant about what I did (in your mind). Let me point this out to you:

“Wulf. You may have shaken hands with the shooter, if you go to any rallies. Maybe you guys rubbed shoulders, chanting about hatred or lies. Or both.”

You make an assumption that I have gone to any rallies. I haven’t. You make an assumption about what goes on at rallies. Yet you don’t know since you have never gone to one. So you make these bullshit assumptions. And what do you do with them?

“Congrats, on indoctrinating another fine young Christian white man.”

You accuse me of indoctrinating someone and assume they are a Christian. Yes, you are the demented one. You lay it out for all to see and really get support from people that are no more hinged than you are. Seek help. You truly need it. Take your Fluther posts to your therapist. It will be a breakthrough for you.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Calm down Wulf. I’m just reading the tea leaves.

Trump rallies are common late night foder. The one where Trump was shot, he was literally in the middle of some speech garnering mass boos from his sheep.

I actually assumed you likely considered yourself too high in character to roll in the mud with the rest of Trump’s pigs. I just wanted to to see how you’d respond to that.
It’s of course likely that he did rub elbows, and chant, with the sheep at Trump’s circuses. I KNOW that bothers you.

You support Christian indoctrination. It’s no stretch, to conclude this guy is the fruits of such labors. Most people like him, target minorities in their mass shootings. So you guys made a mistake. Shit happens.

I’m not one if the idiots (including Trump,) saying God saved him. That’s the talk of some hard core Christians.

I’m not sure what to make of you apparently trying to insult me by saying I’ve never gone to Trump’s rallies, only to admit the same…

I guess you’re saying that YOU shouldn’t be offering your opinions either? This is where we find common ground.

Overall estimates of Muslims, Jews, and other non-Christians killed in the crusades are estimated to be 2–9 million people. Although almost ALL scholars believe the number to be much higher.

Timothy McVeigh. Christian zealot, credited with killing 168 men, women and children in the OKC bombing.

Instead of going on forever, I’ll save us both time.

The ATF, FBI, and CIA, are well aware of the dangers that Christian extremists pose to America.

In order for one to become a religious extremist, they ALL start, by being indoctrinated at a VERY young age, or a time when they are vulnerable.

It’s certainly not MY fault, that there are white Christian people in America, RIGHT NOW, who are hoping for a Civil War. Who are arming themselves, and “training,” to be modern crusaders.
Or brotherhoods, or proud boys, or the KKK. Different names, for the same people.

I wager you wouldn’t disagree with me, if I opined that as long as there are Muslims, there will be extremists.

When we aren’t neck deep in military conflicts in the ME, Christian zealots, are the inevitable terrorists.

According to websites about religion in Bethel Park PA, the area is comprised of 60.6% religious people. Of those people, less than 3%, were Jewish, Islamic, or other.

If Crooks was religious, it seems most likely he was a Christian of some sort.

Perhaps we will learn more about Crooks.

But as of this moment, the very small evidence, suggests he was a conservative and at some point liked Trump. All descriptions of his choice of attire, resemble Trump’s “poll watchers,” and or other overly aggressively militaristic sheep.
So far. I see only Duck-like behavior. I’m very comfortable, assuming he’s a Duck.

Am I missing anything?

seawulf575's avatar

Wow. Going all the way back to the Crusades to dig up dirt on Christians? Amazing. Well, since we are back in history, why aren’t you up in arms about Muslims? They have killed far more than the Christians. The Crusades happened from about 1095 to 1291…just under 200 years. And yes, a lot of people were killed. 5–9 million Christians died in those wars. But that wasn’t all! Muslims invaded India repeatedly. They killed between 90–110 Million in about a 500 year period (1000–1526). But you are silent about that. It’s only those Christians that are horrible! You need to take the rose colored glasses off for a while.

You are trying to paint a negative picture of Bethel Park because they are 60% Christians. Amazing. Here are some crime stats for you. Very low. Thefts of one kind or another seems to be the biggest problem. I can’t even find any statistics on religious based crimes which means they likely don’t exist. Those darn violent Christians!!!!! They are so nasty they make their city one of the better ones in the state and in the country.

As for your insane description of what a conservative looks like, please explain how this shooter dressed in a red cap, bullet proof vest, and camo pants who is also a transgender woman fits your description? I’ll guarantee she isn’t a conservative. You are way too obsessed. It clouds your judgement and makes you a hater. Please seek help and bring these posts to your therapist.

MrGrimm888's avatar

You’re starting to get it Wulf.
Organized religion is a plague on humanity.

I’m not concerned about Muslims, because they aren’t trying to force their beliefs on American citizens.

I NEVER painted any negative picture of Bethel Park. I just told you the facts about the religious saturation in the area.
I was using statistical data.
Data which points to Crooks being a Christian, in all probability. Nothing to do with your odd rant.

I believe that you are (probably because it’s embarrassing,) 100% wrong about my description of conservatives.

Again. It’s highly likely that BECAUSE Crooks DID dress like you sheep, he was able to evade detection.
I heard that he actually brought a ladder. Sounds like an ordinary site seeing conservative at the Capitol Building on J6.

As for your transgender shooter, why no. Crooks was said to dress like a hunter, and wear military styled clothing.

But. You bring up a great point, that THAT shooter was likely indoctrinated into Christianity as well. It was a Private Presbyterian School. Definitely lots of brain washing occurred there.

Yall radicalized the wrong person again. I’ll guarantee that people who attend that school were almost certainly Christian.
But private schools are allowed to indoctrinate and produce extremists.

Remember. Nobody cares about things that Christians do in places where they are allowed to worship. We’re mad because Christians are book banning and trying to teach fiction like creationism, in PUBLIC schools.
Trying to change the laws in America.
America, is NOT a Christian nation. It’s not just for white men, either.

Red hats. Hmm. Can YOU think of any Christian extremists, who wear red hats? I sure can. They usually say MAGA. Which we ALL know, means make America white again. This was a REALLY bad example. Spin again.

seawulf575's avatar

“I’m not concerned about Muslims, because they aren’t trying to force their beliefs on American citizens.” Of course they are. Additionally, they want to destroy us. Here is a great example. All the recent pro-Palestinian protests are pushing Islamic beliefs on Americans. They are chanting “Death to America” in Arabic. They are basically using terrorism to get their way. How can you say they aren’t pushing their beliefs on American Citizens? And it is happening all over the Muslim world.

No, you didn’t specifically paint Bethel Park negatively, except you did. You went on a “Evil Chrisitian” rant and then said they were 60% Christian. Kinda looks like you did paint them with that same brush. And I pointed out to you how safe the town is despite them being so full of those horrible Christians that slather at the mouth and hate everyone.

And now you are trying to back-track on your description of Conservatives. Let me help you: “But as of this moment, the very small evidence, suggests he was a conservative and at some point liked Trump. All descriptions of his choice of attire, resemble Trump’s “poll watchers,” and or other overly aggressively militaristic sheep. So far. I see only Duck-like behavior. I’m very comfortable, assuming he’s a Duck.” You painted a very clear picture of what you see as a Conservative by how they dress. So when you are confronted by an obvious lefty dressed that way and shooting up a school, you immediately try back-tracking. Sorry, kid, the proof is right there. But again, you want to try dodging facts. You said it, own it. If it is wrong, say you’re wrong. But you were very exact in your description so it is how you think, obviously. Here’s another way you come up as being demented in your beliefs: go back and look at the pictures of the crowds from the July 13th event. Hell, go look at the crowds in any of the Trump rallies. The people look very normal. You see a very few camo hats. That is about it. So how is this crowd in line with your belief of conservatives and how they dress? You have to be able to tie that together because, as you say, they are overly militaristic, so they should be decked out in camo wear, right? They gotta look like the duck you are comparing Crooks to, right? And you are still doubling down on this comparison in your most recent rant.

As for J6, show me the ladders someone brought. You said it, back it up.

And you are dodging the trans shooter entirely. “Crooks was dressed like a hunter!” No he wasn’t. He had on camo pants and a green shirt. The trans shooter wore camo pants and a bullet-proof vest. Huh. So Crooks didn’t dress like the normal Trump attendee, but did dress more like a loony left shooter. You see the contradiction here with what you are saying, right?

And yes, all that brain-washing done by those horrible Christians! Wow! Yet the shooter was 28 years old. The school that was attacked only teaches K-6. That means IF she attended school there, it was at least 16 years earlier. And I’m pretty sure they didn’t brainwash her into transitioning and shooting up a school of innocent people. More likely she got brainwashed by lefties finding her online and recognizing her as mentally ill to start with. That makes a whole lot more sense. But again, don’t let reality get in the way of your rants.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I do not believe that not wanting Gazans to be victims of genocide, is “pushing Islamic beliefs on America.”

I do believe that there are some influencers, helping to stir the shit, especially in some college campuses.
But isn’t that just like Christians, trying to spread their religion through taking advantage of people? Christians target the young, and the vulnerable. Like children, homeless people, or really anyone who is ripe for indoctrination.

I have certainly heard some antisemitic rhetoric, from some of these Pro-Palestinian campus protests. I’ve even heard them chanting, from the river to the sea.
Question. If Trump never pulled America out if the deal, that kept Iran at a simmer, which funded and caused Oct7th, which in turn resulted in Israel committing war crimes, and genocide, while the world watched, would there be ANY Pro-Palestinian protests by American students?

I have long despised the way Israel has treated the Gazans.
I am not anti-Israel.
I have pointed out, many times, the FACT that religion is the reason for ALL unrest in the Middle East.

Has there been an attack by Muslim extremists in America, since 9/11?

The country HAS been plagued by violence. Mass shootings, and the like.
But those have been committed by mostly Christian extremists.
Like the transgender shooter you targeted, I assume because of the transgender thing.

Back to Bethel Park? Nope. I simply reported the religious saturation there. Since the statistics and probability DO support my hypothesis that Crooks was a Christian, I guess that irks you.
I never once commented on ANYTHING else about Bethel Park.

It amuses me, how you can call someone indoctrinated in a Christian Private School, as “loonie lefty.” Not sure why you think time AFTER her indoctrination, must mean she was no longer a Christian.
Where are your precious citations?
I just saw a transgender person, dressed normally except for a vest and what I can ONLY assume was a MAGA hat…

But. I see you manufactured your own story. The lefties captured her, and made her transgender and want to wear MAGA hats. That doesn’t sound crazy, at all….~

I said Crooks was maligned for wearing hunting and military like clothing. Camouflage, doesn’t count? You’re not doing yourself many favors here Wulf.

You used to have some logic, to your lies. What happened?

The Christian thing, was just one of many variables I mentioned.
Why SO hung up on that?

Christian extremists are the greatest domestic terrorist threat, to America. As sited by our nation’s intelligence agencies.

I’m sorry you refute history, and reality. You’re rhetoric has been awful angry lately. Should we be worried?
Such tantrums, over gender and race. So much hate. Should YOU be on a watch list?..

seawulf575's avatar

_“I do not believe that not wanting Gazans to be victims of genocide, is “pushing Islamic beliefs on America.”” So, to you, does not wanting the Gazans to be victims of genocide mean you support Death to America? And here’s a though on this idea of the poor Gazans: They are the ones that attacked Israel. Hamas, the elected leaders in Gaza, have it in their charter that it is their duty, given to them by Allah, to get rid of the State of Israel entirely and to kill all the Jews wherever they are in the world. You know…Genocide. So if you are Pro-Palestinian, you are supporting terrorist organizations, and people that want to commit genocide.

All the pro-Palestinian rhetoric is coming from the Muslims. It isn’t coming from Christians. All the terrorist acts like taking over buildings and blocking off main highways is coming from Muslims, not Christians.

” If Trump never pulled America out if the deal, that kept Iran at a simmer, which funded and caused Oct7th, which in turn resulted in Israel committing war crimes, and genocide, while the world watched, would there be ANY Pro-Palestinian protests by American students?” Here’s a history lesson for you: It wasn’t Trump you obsessed jackass. The Iranian assets were frozen by Jimmy Carter. They have been frozen for a long time because Iran continually sponsors world-wide terrorism. Obama tried freeing up the assets in a really odd deal to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons. Iran was supposed to open up all their enrichment centers for inspection and were supposed to allow inspectors free access…which never happened. So they got their money, snubbed the US and started sponsoring terrorism again and increased enrichment of uranium production. Trump put a stop to that by re-freezing the assets. That was done in 2016. The assets remained frozen until Sept of 2023 when Biden gave up the entire $6B and 5 Iranian prisoners in exchange for 5 American prisoners. Sept 2023. And immediately Iran starts funding Hamas and the Houthis. One month later, Hamas is well armed and they launch the attack on Israel, killing hundreds of civilians and seizing hostages.

So you are sort of right, but your obsession blocked you from identifying the real culprit. If BIDEN hadn’t given them the money, Iran would not have been able to arm the terrorist groups and the entire mess that started on Oct 7th would never have happened.

“I have long despised the way Israel has treated the Gazans.” Again, you don’t know your history. Great Britain controlled a whole lot of the area that used to be called Palestine. It was never a country, it never had a government, it was an area of the world where people were living. It wasn’t even a particularly great bit of land. But the Muslims kept attacking the Jews and the Jews would fight back. GB got fed up being the mediator of the endless mess so they set up the Two-State solution. That was back about 1948. They gave the land now known as Israel to the Jews and the rest to the Muslims. And in fact the Jews got screwed on the deal since the majority of the land they were given was unusable desert. The Jews formed the State of Israel in 1948 and were immediately attacked by 5 Muslim countries. The Jews won that conflict. The Muslims have not stopped attacking them since. And it is the Muslims that attack 100% of the time. The Jews kicked ass and had control of a whole lot of the land including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank at one point. During one of the efforts at brokering peace in the region, it was suggested that as a show of good faith the Israelis would give up control of both those areas…which they did. Of course the Muslims never held to the peace treaty and started attacking again. So already we see the Israelis were so set on genocide of Muslims that they gave them back the lands and didn’t attack them. Kinda hard to say “genocide” when they don’t start fights. In fact, since you are whining about how they treat Gazans, they even relocated tens of thousands of Jews from the Gaza Strip, moving them back to Israel so they could give the land entirely to the people that lived there. They even let them elect their own leaders and establish their own government. They elected Hamas who keeps getting them into battles with Israel. So let’s recap: Muslims keep trying to wipe Israel off the map (genocide). Israel had control of a much larger area than they currently do and gave a good portion of it up in an effort for peace. They moved their own people out of Gaza and allowed Gazans to govern themselves. So how is Israel treating them badly? Killing civilians? Yep, that happens. It happened when Hamas attacked Israel too. And Israelis didn’t use their civilians as human shields like Hamas does with the Gazans. And yes, religion is the source of all the problems in that area. The religion that causes the problems is Islam. It isn’t Israel starting the fights. They fight back when they are attacked, that is true. But once again, you don’t want to admit Muslims are the problem.

“Has there been an attack by Muslim extremists in America, since 9/11?” ??? You are the one that tried going back to 1100 a.d. to show how horrible Christians are. And still you persist with this schtick about Christian Extremists shooting everyone up. How many mass shooting were done in the name of Christianity? Let me help: NONE. It is usually a church or a school that is that target. So your claim makes no sense. You need to start doing homework and supplying citations to back up your nuttiness. You are even trying to say Audrey Hale was a Christian after saying she shot up a Christian school because of them brainwashing her. Her entire being says she isn’t a conservative and likely not a Christian And you want me to prove a negative. Here’s a thought…a nice change of pace…why don’t you prove she was a Christian and that was why she attacked the school. You are the one making wild claims, back ‘em up. Bring the receipts.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You haven’t the slightest idea, what you’re talking about, regarding the Israeli/Palestinian relationship. You apparently know nothing about their current ordeal, nor do you understand any of the history there.
With so much of what you said being all over the place, and your trying to simplify things to a point they fit YOUR views, I will only point out the part involving Trump.
Obama had Iran in a deal, which kept them at the table, and kept their nuclear ambitions capped.
It was NOT a perfect situation.
We unfroze some of their money, but they had strict restrictions on how that money could be spent, AND the money has been tracked and WAS NOT going towards anything that could have been even construed as having military purposes.

Had we kept THAT deal, there is NO evidence Iran would have strayed from the agreement. Iran was trying to become a safer place for westerners, with hopes of being able to profit off of tourism. As the region IS where civilization began, scholars, archeologists, and tourists would have been a major source of revenue which would also give them better position on the world stage.
I do not disagree that there were still extremists in their government, who wanted the destruction of Israel and the US.

But the Iranian people, WERE about to become part of the normal world. Their transition into that type of state would have brought them much prosperity, and it wouldn’t have been something they would have wanted to abandon. They would have been able to stabilize their country’s infrastructure, power grid, water access, and healthcare. The Iranians ARE historically a trading culture. They would have eventually reached heights, through being part of the international community, that they NEVER would have if they hadn’t entered that agreement with Obama (the USA.)
Trump, unless you want to play retarded, spent the majority of his early time in office, undoing everything that had anything to do with the previous administration. When he pulled us from the Iranian deal, he undid ALL of our previous diplomatic relations with them.
He justified the opinions of extremists in Iran, who didn’t want to trust the US.

It should go without saying, that pulling the US from that deal, permanently damaged the credibility of the US in ANY future diplomatic efforts ANYWHERE.

Newly pissed off Iran, then went back to their older ways, and decided to try to destabilize the region. Especially the fences being mended between Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
Especially, as Saudi Arabia, DOES have close ties and profitable trade relations with the US.

I know. You still want to try to tie the Obama deal to recent history. But. You’re wrong, and you know it.

Trump, in his infinite wisdom, also intacted his infamous “Muslim ban.” I know Wulf. You deny the motivation for that too. No surprise, as it further paints Trump as an Islamaphobic, and racist. Which he even further displayed by calling dozens of nations “shit hole” countries.
Making himself somehow seem even more racist, he proclaimed his fondness for predominantly white countries.

Iran, no longer with anything to lose, funded and helped orchestrate the Oct7 attack, by Hamas (NOT Gaza) which in turn resulted in the right-wing led Israeli military to commit war crimes and genocide in the Gazan Strip. THOSE actions, have turned much of the world (including American people,) against Israel.

As Biden was forced to deal with that situation, it actually worked in Trump’s favor, because Biden backed Israel throughout the Israeli offensive. THIS drew the attention of impressionable minds in our nation’s higher educational institutions, as many were first learning of the oppressive nature of the Israeli / Palestinian relationship.

In response, yes, many people began to protest America’s support of the genocide being committed by the IDF.
Unfortunately for YOUR argument, these protests, have NEVER had anything to do with the American government or any politicians or leaders calling for the US to embrace Islam.

You therefore, CANNOT compare the attempt of the conservatives to force the US into being a white, Christian nation, to college students sitting on a highway.

And I see you tried deflection, when I asked about what YOU considered to be ANY proof that Muslims have attacked America since 9/11.
It sure seems like if we leave them alone, they don’t attack us.

Which CANNOT be said for the clear and present danger of Christian extremists.
And we have Christian extremists in the US government, trying to push extreme religious ideologies onto a free nation.

I’m not sorry, that you are still mad about the Christian trans shooter. You can did her up, and look for clues she wasn’t Christian. I will stand with the only facts I have about her. And her MAGA hat.
I’m not manufacturing the fact that most children indoctrinated at such an early age, remain Christian. If that strategy was not effective, then there would be no Sunday schools, or Public schools that work tirelessly to brainwash children.

If Christians didn’t target the vulnerable, then there would be no Christian “charities,” or bullshit missionary work around the world.
The corners of the world, are full of the thousands of churches that spread with colonialism. Many have of course, long been abandoned. The missionaries, long since killed by the natives who (like Americans) don’t want to be converted.

There would be NO reason for reciting “the Lord’s prayer,” in AA meetings, if Christians didn’t target the vulnerable.

Christianity, is no different than any other attempts at controlling the masses. I shudder to think of how many people were tortured to death, over the centuries, in the name of Christianity.

And yes. Probability suggests that Trump’s would be assassin, was likely a Christian. Not opinion. Probability, based on statistics.

Why does it bother you so much, to admit ANYTHING true?

What is it you get, from spreading lies and willful ignorance?

Do you think you’re ensuring yourself a better room in Heaven?

The reason I brought up Christianity (in regards to Trump’s assassin,) is the same reason why most of us do.
Most people cannot understand why someone who claims to follow Christianity, would EVER support Trump. And it’s a valid question.
You look down on Muslims. Do you think that the Muslim world would react positively, to a world leader making their own version of the “Koran?” Probably not.
But you Christian people, seem to enjoy the fact your holiest book, has essentially been desecrated by Trump.

Even I have more respect for Christianity, than to do such a thing.

It seems like you are VERY selective, when you decide what you value. If your God’s words conflict with Trump’s, you will obviously side with Trump.

The bottom line, is you don’t really care about religion at all.
Your kind, just want less brown people in America. And you don’t want to lose the power that white Christians currently enjoy in our government.

With Trump, Vance, and the SCOTUS attacking ALL women, it’s becoming more and more clear that you guys really want white, Christian men, to rule.

Face it. If my thoughts had no basis on reality, you would not be SO offended. It’s the truth in what I say, you can’t ignore.

I have not asked you to prove anything. You are caught up, trying to dispute facts. I’ve just been listing them.

The facts I have stated, point to my opinions being far more likely than yours.

You can’t change the fact, that your religion, causes unparalleled harm on the world.

You sheep are dying for a Civil War. What a peaceful religious group.~

Remember. I’m just some character in your story. Put here, by God, to test your faith. Do you doubt the Lord’s will?

I mean, otherwise your God wouldn’t let a lowlife like me, say all these bad(factual) things.

seawulf575's avatar

Ecclesiastes 10:2 explains you perfectly.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Is that an Italian motorcycle?

seawulf575's avatar

^ yes. Look it up. It’s really sleek.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I don’t care much, for Italian motorcycles…

MrGrimm888's avatar

Today, I read an article that claimed congress was just made aware of a social media account that may belong to the shooter.
According to investigators ”there were over 700 comments, posted to this account.
Some of these comments, if attributable to the shooter, appear to reflect antisemitic, anti-immigration themes to espouse political violence and are described as extreme in nature.

Note. The investigation has not 100% verified if the account belonged to Crooks, as of that release.

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