Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

What would you feel about law enforcement officers having an AI powered robot?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19414points) 3 months ago

In other words; human officers, with a robot partner. An evolution, of sorts, from having K9 (canine,) partners.

Hypothetically. It would be a humanoid machine, with extraordinary strength, speed, ect.
Hypothetically. It will not malfunction, and prioritize not harming humans. So that won’t cloudy the concept.

It would obviously be purpose built for things like helping subdue a person, ripping a car apart to save a person, foot pursuits, and in obvious situations where we’d rather risk a robot.

Should it have the ability to kill, without human orders, or as it decides?

Is this maybe even a constitutional issue?

Should they be considered an officer? Or. More to the point, what should happen if you damage or destroy one?

Could an obviously gender-less robot, be allowed to search both genders?

Law Enforcement agencies, are already being militarized more often. I’ve heard that a large amount of Police, now have an AR style rifle in their vehicles.

Would they be a potentially massive improvement, over human officers?

Is it a terrible idea, from the ground up?

Would you treat it with the respect of it’s human equivalent in the agency?

Would human officers, have any valid reasons to refuse to have a robot partner?

I was just thinking of questions that would apply, but please feel free to address whatever else you may think of.

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11 Answers

hat's avatar

Dystopian movie/show plot (Black Mirror already did the robot dogs – that ended up in reality a few years later).

I have problem enough with human cops, and find that their existence is largely unjustified and dangerous. And we are already doing a pretty good job of ending civilization (or human existence). We don’t need to make efforts to speed it up.

ragingloli's avatar

Realistically, it would be less Robocop, more ED-209.
In their glitzy marketing videos, Boston Dynamics robots do parkour and backflips. In the real world, it will get confused by potted plants and boxes in hallways. Probably have trouble with stairs, too.
“hypothetically” it will not malfunction and prioritse not harming humans.
But realistically, it will malfunction, and prioritise following orders. It will be programmed as a combat machine first. It will have no empathy, no respect for life, no aversion to killing. It can not be reasoned with, it does not feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
When it inevitably kills an innocent bystander or a suspect who is not a threat, the fact that it is a machine and not a human will muddy the question of responsibility. Read: no one will be held responsible to any relevant degree. At best, the manufacturer will respond with an “oopsie, we promise to do better”, and only get a minor fine.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Like I feel about AI in general – it’s half baked, prone to error, and untrustworthy.

Add a shitty AI assistant to a police officer, and you have a good chance at Dumb and Dumber.

Bad idea. Made worse by the fact that the AI assistant can’t be thrown off the force for killing someone.

Kropotkin's avatar

“Made worse by the fact that the AI assistant can’t be thrown off the force for killing someone.”

I thought this was how it works for cops anyway.

flutherother's avatar

I feel great about it. What can possibly go wrong?

smudges's avatar

^^ :D

I think not, thank you very much!

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t like the idea at all!!! I don’t trust AI even in the safest of scenarios. I see people dying for absolutely NO reason at all. A 2 y/o with a water pistol dies faster than a bank robber with hostages.

Zaku's avatar

I feel about it, like I feel about the ED-209 scene that’s in @Blackwater_Park ‘s first link above!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I was hoping to focus on other things. But, maybe it’s telling that it seems nobody can overlook the lack of trust.

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