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What would you feel about law enforcement officers having an AI powered robot?
In other words; human officers, with a robot partner. An evolution, of sorts, from having K9 (canine,) partners.
Hypothetically. It would be a humanoid machine, with extraordinary strength, speed, ect.
Hypothetically. It will not malfunction, and prioritize not harming humans. So that won’t cloudy the concept.
It would obviously be purpose built for things like helping subdue a person, ripping a car apart to save a person, foot pursuits, and in obvious situations where we’d rather risk a robot.
Should it have the ability to kill, without human orders, or as it decides?
Is this maybe even a constitutional issue?
Should they be considered an officer? Or. More to the point, what should happen if you damage or destroy one?
Could an obviously gender-less robot, be allowed to search both genders?
Law Enforcement agencies, are already being militarized more often. I’ve heard that a large amount of Police, now have an AR style rifle in their vehicles.
Would they be a potentially massive improvement, over human officers?
Is it a terrible idea, from the ground up?
Would you treat it with the respect of it’s human equivalent in the agency?
Would human officers, have any valid reasons to refuse to have a robot partner?
I was just thinking of questions that would apply, but please feel free to address whatever else you may think of.
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