Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What are the chances that the republican party will lie and cheat to keep Harris off the ballot for president?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) July 21st, 2024

Republicans in all 50 states, of course.

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110 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

100% chance of it raining lies!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

Time to call it Trumplican Party. To separate non-deplorable non-Trump worshiping Republicans.

seawulf575's avatar

Pretty much slim to none. In fact, I fully endorse her as the Democratic Candidate.

seawulf575's avatar

In fact, since Joe is incapable of going on, he ought to resign and make Harris POTUS right now.

gorillapaws's avatar

@seawulf575 “In fact, since Joe is incapable of going on, he ought to resign and make Harris POTUS right now.”

I actually agree with you on this one. He’s not fit to serve.

Though I think it’s quite likely there will be plenty of shenanigans with ballot access. Al Gore won in FL and they managed to steal the election from him.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 of Kamala winning the election? Apparently it’s got lots of Republicans rattled. Especially since they can no longer run their platform on, “he’s too old to be president”. Also, she’s going to bring in the women’s votes like you wouldn’t believe.

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Not at all. She’s a buffoon. She owns the same policies Biden had which no one likes. All she has to run on is “Hate Trump”, just like every other Dem candidate. As for saying Biden is too old, that really hasn’t been the talking point. Cognitively impaired? Absolutely. But that isn’t the only thing the Republicans have to run on. Sealing the border, minimizing crime, stopping the wars Biden started, getting the economy working again…the list goes on and on.

What you will see for any Dem candidate chosen is that the media will start bringing out polls to say Trump will get trounced in the election. They could put in Mortimer Snerd and their polls would say that. Come to think of it, that’s all they have is puppet candidates. Their campaigns will just be more Trump bashing…you know…the thing they said they wouldn’t do. The media will hype up whatever candidate is chosen, just like it never stopped. The media turning on Biden was all part of the kabuki theater. You don’t really believe Biden got as bad as he was over the past month, do you? They were covering for him throughout his presidency. But the powers behind the throne determined it was time for him to go so they scheduled the debate with Trump WAY ahead of when presidential debates are normally held. The threw Biden up there after diligently keeping him away from long, unrehearsed speaking engagements, knowing he was going to look like the declining guy he is. It really was elder abuse.

But let’s be honest: Harris isn’t much better. She’s younger and she’s a woman, but we’ve all seen her speak. Her nomination acceptance speech will be something that sounds amazingly like “We are at a point in our nation’s history that is very important. It is important because it is an important point in our history. We know that we can keep the country growing because that’s what countries do…they grow. And that is important.” Of course she will have the waving of the hands and the inappropriately timed cackles. Remember, she couldn’t get any support from democrats when she was running as a candidate and ended up dropping out before anyone else. So if the Dems don’t like her, the Republicans don’t like her, and the majority of Americans don’t like the path the country is on, do you really believe she’s a threat?

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws Here’s the part about Biden that everyone is trying to dodge. Everyone was fleeing him because he is obviously impaired mentally. It was finally admitted by every propagandist for the DNC. He was declining seriously in 2020 and didn’t get any better with age. So someone was purposely keeping him in place until now. But once again, the DNC is trying to bypass their own rules to put in whomever they want. The primaries were already done, most of the candidates were scared off so Biden won handily. But now that all the delegates are committed to cast their votes for him (except the super-delegates), they can’t because he is bowing out. Why? Because everyone knows he is a loser in a race against Trump? That isn’t very democratic of them. They all swore he was good and have now forced him out after the primaries. So really, no matter who they put in, they are fiddling with the democratic process. And this has been the plan all along. Biden was never going to be the candidate in 2024.

The interesting thing now is that Obama is pushing for an open election of any candidate that wants to run…something they already did away with by hiding until the last minute. I’m pretty sure he wants Michelle in as the nominee so he can be POTUS again in all but name. Some of the other top Dems want to just throw Harris in as the candidate. So the in-fighting will start.

gorillapaws's avatar

@seawulf575 “So really, no matter who they put in, they are fiddling with the democratic process. And this has been the plan all along. Biden was never going to be the candidate in 2024.”

I completely agree with your assessment, but your motives are wrong. They did it to prevent another situation like they had where Bernie was projected with something like a 90% chance to win the Primary after Nevada. Had they held a proper primary with debates, the odds that someone like Marianne Williamson surgeon past Biden would have been way to big of a risk for the party elites.

Also, Trump’s not such a young-pup himself. Between his cheeseburger habit and his exercise routine of driving a golf cart, he may not be long for this world either.

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws The Dems have messed with the elections in their own party for the past two elections. In 2016 they let Hillary buy the nomination, screwing Bernie in the process. Not saying he would have won, but it certainly would have been close. In 2020 they cleared the way for Biden knowing he would likely lose and if he won, they could get rid of him. And now in 2024 they’ve gotten rid of him again so they can put whomever they want without the bother of the Democratic process. Their motives keep changing but still remain the same: do whatever the elites want, not what the people want. They have not been honest with anyone for so long, they don’t know how now.

gorillapaws's avatar

@seawulf575 I agree with everything you just said. The 2012 election was the last time the Democratic Party held an honest primary. Superdelegates are undemocratic. The RNC is actually a more Democratic Party than the DNC, ironically.

But let’s not pretend the RNC or Trump ACTUALLY have the working class’ best interest in mind and aren’t ALSO doing “whatever the elites want.” Shitheads like the Koch brothers, and the Waltons have been directing the Republican Party for decades. The most popular thing Trump ever did was straight-up Socialism by giving Americans checks during Covid.

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws Go check your sources. The Kochs no longer are supporting the Republicans. They were the big money people for a long time. But let’s not forget that just about every other billionaire in the country has always supported the Dems. One anomaly these days is that Elon Musk is supporting the Repubs. So to suggest that is a line of demarcation over who supports the working class, I think you need to revisit it. Besides, look at the history. During Obama’s time in office, the middle class shrank significantly. The lower class and the elites grew significantly. During Trumps term, the middle class started to rebound, the lower class shrank and the upper echelon held basically steady…slight increase. Then Biden took over and once again the middle class shrank back down. Also, more and more working class folks are starting to look at the Republicans as the party that is actually working for them. Right or wrong, that’s how it is.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Gee, would you guys like to get a private room or something?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Acute case of logorrhea

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@elbanditoroso and now I’ve learned a new word! Because I had to look it up, lol! But yeah, I guess you’re right. Everybody else is has given up and all the right wingers are just having their own little conversation amongst themselves.

seawulf575's avatar

Gee, would you guys like to get a private room or something?

JLeslie's avatar

I can’t think of any way they can do it. It will be interesting to see how creative they get if they do try.

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t know that it would be called lying or cheating, but I just saw that Trump filed a complaint with the FEC over Harris using money Biden raised in his campaign for her own. He does have a point. While she was on the ticket, she wasn’t the candidate…Biden was. His campaign funds should not automatically be hers.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Headlines this AM read, GOP to attempt to impeach Harris, for something to do with how she handled something with the border…

I didn’t bother, to read any of the articles.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf, I heard months ago, that ONLY Harris, could use the funds.
It’s not a complicated concept.
If people gave money to support her and Biden. I don’t recall any “Just for Joe” fundraisers.

Are you implying that none if Trump’s funds, can be used for Vance?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Filing a complaint doesn’t make the allegation true. If anything, it makes the complainer look weak and whiny.

Go ahead, complain all you want, Donnie.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 It think it is a huge gray area. Here are the FEC rules for transferring the money. It looks like it cannot go to Harris since she is not the “candidate”. Now that may not apply to money donated to a PAC. That money can probably go to Harris without a violation. But if they had money in the “war chest”, it is for Biden’s campaign.

As for attempting to impeach Harris, isn’t that exactly what the Dems did back in 2016? Start pushing for impeachment of Trump before he was even sworn into office? You were good with it then, why is this so bad now?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is spending his PAC money on lawyers, penalties and maybe a BIMBO or two ! ! ~~~~

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yes. The ol’ Harris, and Trump analogy. Comparing apples, to rocket surgery.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – he’s trying soooooo hard to say something relevant, so give him a break. It’s tough when the horse you are backing is really a horse’s ass.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^He is giving us, his thoughts.
Trump was impeached twice?

All I’ve heard from the right, so far, is that she got the VP job as some sort of affirmative action.

Their trying to tie in the random assassination attempt, to everything.
Two weeks ago, Biden was a brain dead old mouse farther.
A week later, he organized the conspiracy with the FBI, masterminding a plan that came within inches of getting rid of Trump for Biden.
But Biden got Covid, and gave in.

It’s a stunning series of events. Wild, massive, conspiracies, can’t fit EVERY scenario.

I get it. The sheep, don’t know what to make of this recent news.

It hasn’t stopped them, online. I’m more concerned for them now, than before.

Trump, in my mind, can’t lose.

Why can’t he just coast to victory? Why can’t his sheep see the truth. Apparently they have to keep looking for conspiracies and ways that Trump is a victim.

I’m going to take a rough guess, and assume that the fright-wingers are just now learning ANYTHING about Harris. Just like the rest of us.

People don’t usually have much of an idea, of what a VP is up to.

Before they almost lynched Pence, I forgot he existed.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Is it any harder than backing a mannequin on strings? Elder abuse doesn’t bother you? Anything for the party?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

PROOF @seawulf575 conspiracy theory and whatabout doesn’t cut it.


elbanditoroso's avatar

What the hell are you talking about, @seawulf575

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 is trying to blow Trump SMOKE up your ASS ! ! ! ! !

JLeslie's avatar

The thing about the affirmative action accusation is affirmative action does not mean less qualified. Biden committed to put in a woman as VP, and there was intense pressure to put in someone Black in my opinion. He had four Black women high on his list of choices before picking Kamala.

How else will we get a woman as VP or a Black person as VP, unless a candidate for president picks someone who is one or both of those. The person is either a white Christian male, or the person isn’t.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Except Harris isn’t black. Mom was Indian, Dad was Jamaican. Partial black is about all she can claim. I’m pretty sure if you dig deep enough into your DNA or mine, we’d be partial black too. That is the problem with identity politics…it is so divisive. And it is what makes DEI so ridiculous.

Affirmative Action does mean that a person is less qualified. That was the point. Hire diversity over ability. Don’t hire the best candidate if you don’t have enough diversity. That isn’t saying black people or women or Latinos or Asians are less qualified. They may very well be the best qualified. But Affirmative Action puts a taint on that.

That is what so many on the left miss in their rush to attack conservatives. The create thoughts for the conservatives and then brand the whole bunch with those thoughts. I’ve worked for blacks, Latinos, and women that were very capable and very good. I’ve also worked for them that were douchebags. But then, I’ve worked for douchebag white guys too. It isn’t the skin color or the sex we look at with people, it is their character. We are closer to MLK than many race hustlers these days when he said “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”. Isn’t it funny that today the Dems (who hated MLK) are trying desperately to judge eveyrone by the color of their skin?

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 What total bullshit. What are you saying? People are only Black if they are part Black for five generations in the US brought over by the slave trade directly here? Being Black in Jamaica doesn’t count. Can’t be Black by way of Jamaica.

So, Obama wasn’t Black too. Got it.

They are treated as Black people by racist people. In my book that’s enough.

In the ‘70’s I was taught 1/8 Black makes a person Black. Now, 50% Black isn’t enough.

Your “people” are just doing anything to stir you all up. What was it before? Obama is a Muslim, Obama wasn’t born in the US, and now Kamala is Indian, Kamala is Jamaican.

This isn’t Elizabeth Warren trying to say she’s Native American. That I can get on board with complaining about.

If you don’t judge people by skin color then what the hell is your problem? If you don’t like Kamala’s policies don’t vote for her.

I doubt I come up partial Black on a DNA test if it matters to you, most people like me don’t, but most Black people come up partial Black in the US because the Black slave women were raped by slave owners.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie it’s the Republican way. Lie about facts (fake news) to make your point. Ethics and truth mean nothing if you are a republican.

SnipSnip's avatar

They don’t have to lie and cheat. She should not be a candidate without being elected by the voters.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@SnipSnip she will be in November

She will be nominated by the democrats at their convention in August.

That’s how the political process works.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Obama was only half black. Mom was entirely white. But see how you have manipulated this? The point is that in all these cases they are playing identity politics. It’s more about what you are than who you are. It doesn’t matter if you are a cackling dolt as long as you are the color they can use and the sex they can use to make it look like you are something special. And if you want to play identity politics, go the whole way. If you want to make things about race, then percentage of race plays a part. If you want to make things about sex, then percentage of sex plays a part. You guys on the left want to pick and choose when and where to apply your biases.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yes, that is how the political process works, but it isn’t how democracy works. The political process actually says the candidates campaign in the states, are put on the primary ballots and the people vote for who they like. The delegates are required to cast their votes to represent the will of the people in their area. These delegates cast these votes at the convention. The Dems made sure Biden was the only real person on the ballots in all 50 states. Delegates from all 50 states are supposed to cast their votes for him. Now what they have is a situation where, once again, the votes of the people mean nothing at the convention. So the nominee for the party will be decided by a few people which goes against the democracy the Dems say they are saving and against the political process.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 Reread the Q . . .“republican party will lie and cheat to keep Harris off the ballot for president? ”.

Exactly what you are doing, rationalization why Harris can’t be a Presidential candidate . . . so Trump can run unopposed ? ?

JLeslie's avatar

Lmao. The people who obsess about educating Americans that we are a republic, sometimes going as far to say we are a republic not a democracy (we are actually both) now are going to say having our representatives vote isn’t ok. What a total joke.

I actually have been complaining the last few days that Democrats didn’t really get a chance to choose, but I also know what is happening is still according to the constitution and totally legal and how it was done for most of US history. Getting to vote in a primary is fairly recent.

@seawulf575 I think there is too much identity politics too. If you don’t like identity politics stop obsessing about her race and national origin. Especially don’t try to tell her she isn’t Black, she knows her experience. Ugh, you are as bad as the people who play in the realm of identity politics. You deny someone’s identity. How does stopping over in Jamaica make a person different than coming directly to the US? Plus, Jamaica is part of The Americas, does that count?

If you don’t like Kamala’s policies don’t vote for her.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Seems like the republicans are doing their share of race-baiting and gender-baiting as well.


seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie So defending democracy is only a slogan when it is convenient to accuse your opponents of what you, yourself are doing. Got it.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Why is it that when Republicans repeat what a Democrat says, they are the bad guys?

When the field for the job is narrowed down to a woman and then a black woman, it is a DEI hire. There is no other word for it. If Dems don’t like being called out for things like this, then stop doing it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Trump is a DEI hire. Of the Douchebag, Evil and Imbecilic kind.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Biden liked Kamala, felt she was capable, so he put her in for VP. Now, we need a candidate for president, and like @rangingloli said on this Q or another, Kamala is recognizable. The Dems who do the deciding think she has a decent chance, so this is where we are at.

I don’t know why you, or people who agree with you, think calling her a DEI hire will hurt her chances? You think that will sway Independents not to vote for her? The only way that makes sense if you think she is not qualified, so why don’t you just stick to that, stick to her qualifications. What do you think it accomplishes to call her a DEI hire? Probably some politicians and judges you like benefitted from affirmative action or a quota some time in their life. You might not even be aware of it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I feel like THIS is the first I’ve ever heard ANYONE saying Harris got the VP job, through affirmative action.

Coincidentally, fright-wingers have recently been blaming Trump’s assassination attempt on women being in their positions because of affirmative action.

It’s almost as if Trump’s sheep, are trying to blame everything bad in history on a woman or minority.

And at the same time, they are busy trying to remove eventually ALL women’s rights.

What a miserable, hateful bunch of idiots. Is this what Jesus would want?

White Christians, are reaching a boiling point. Oddly, when things couldn’t look better for Trump.
Is the hate, so poorly buried in conservative circles?

JLeslie's avatar

Most likely Harris will pick a white guy, because God forbid there are two minorities on the ticket, so that will be reverse DEI?

All will is well.~

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Aaron Sorkin suggested picking Romney as her VP.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Romney? The wishy-washy republican who blows with the wind? The one who transports his dog on top of his station wagon (showing good judgment!).

That’s a hoot of an idea.

Who is Aaron Sorkin to be listened to?

JLeslie's avatar

Crazy talk. Romney is a Republican. It would never be considered for a second.

seawulf575's avatar

Here’s the other thing that I’m amused at with the left getting up in arms because the Republicans are calling Harris a DEI hire. Isn’t DEI supposed to be a great thing? Why would they be offended by that?

JLeslie's avatar

I hate auto correct or whatever inserts words and changes my sentences.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 do you know what you are talking about – - – or only parroting your demented hero !

elbanditoroso's avatar

DEI, before it was misinterpreted and villified by the right wing, was a serious attempt at addressing built-in inequalities in the US.

But the right wing decided that that is was bad, because (in their twisted minds) it was going to:
1) replace and diminish the influence of white males (mostly) with (i) women, (ii) blacks, and (iii) latinos

2) lead to women managers, executives, and CEOs – and god forbid politicians. A male might have to report to a women boss. Heaven forfend!

3) DEI was seen as a threat to Christianity (particularly Baptist and Pentecostal) because those religions, among others, preach that males are supreme and the “little woman” is to be dominated by the male. Why aren’t there Baptist female ministers? Because they are afraid of women.

DEI is a right-wing target because it shakes up their white-male-Christian centric view of the world.

It’s that simple. The detractors would rather destroy DEI than improve the world.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. What ARE you talking about?

You don’t ever tire, of being made to look like a bigot, or a fool, by such horseshit?

Trump called for unity.
Does that mean Trump IS now the problem?

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Here’s what I don’t get, and it ties back to your initial claim that the Repubs are race and gender baiting. You gave a source that slams them for saying she is a DEI hire. You now say that it was originally good when the left first pushed it but now the right has made it a bad thing. If you truly believe, as a party, that DEI is good, you should be able to point to good it has done. You should stick to your beliefs, not fold when you are challenged on those beliefs and start playing the victim. Why does the left want to push DEI and then say it’s bad because the Repubs said so? If it’s bad, why are the left still pushing it and if it’s good, why can’t they support it?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Do I tire of being made to look like a bigot or a fool? Not at all. And you phrased it correctly. You all try to claim those things of me (try to make me look like them) when I say things you don’t like but can’t really refute. Basically, as soon as you do that, I know I’m right and you guys are desperate.

I’m assuming that because I think DEI is horseshit I’m now a racist and a misogynist. But that brings me back to the question. If DEI is so great, why is the left so upset about Harris being called a DEI hire? She was! It is a fact. Biden was going to choose a black woman. Not the best candidate for the job, but a black woman. That makes it a DEI hire. It was done to push diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was virtue signaling.

Since you guys can’t actually refute that, since it is a fact (one I even gave citations for), you have to say I’m bad somehow. Do you ever get tired of looking like a weak-minded fool? Do you ever get tired of doing mental gymnastics to try keeping a narrative alive despite facts?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You can’t seem to comprehend, that nobody on the left or really anyone but Trumpers care about DEI…
In case you haven’t noticed, by the nation’s negative reaction to such comments.
You idiots are going to end up uniting all women and people of color against you.

By your logic, McCain only brought Palin in for the same reasons. Hypocrite much?

Aww. You had citations? Bless your little heart.

Yesterday, at a speech Trump gave he called Kamala “the next victim.” I couldn’t wait to point out more of your hypocrisy and bullshit logic.

I have no reason, to refute anything you’re selling. Harris won’t be getting my vote. And I’m not a leftist. They’re ALL criminals, as far as I’m concerned.

It amuses me, that you think mental gymnastics are required to point out your sheep’s racism by saying that a black woman doesn’t deserve her job BECAUSE she is black.
Or the obvious misogyny in your blaming of women Secret Service Members, as the reason Trump lost an ear.

Now you’re growing those balls.
Finally you aren’t hiding from your bigotry, and not so hidden agendas. Even our ol Yellowdog, at least had the guts not to try and hide from the way he felt.

And here you are. “That’s it Skywalker. Let the hate flow through you. Feel the POWER of the dark side!”

You’re making great progress Wulf. I do owe a few jellies an apology for saying I didn’t think you were racist. Just scared. But your comments are clearing such things right up.

Don’t be afraid to keep admitting your bigotry, racism and fear of brown people. You can’t make any progress, until you admit that there’s a problem.
I’m rooting for you buddy.

Maybe if you talk to your God, and ask for forgiveness, you will make more progress.

If you could still act afraid of Harris, even when you see the light, I would appreciate it. It’s ever so revealing. And only helps support “the narrative.”

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I refer you back to the article that @elbanditoroso posted earlier in this thread

Apparently the left is upset by Repubs calling Kamala a DEI hire. And if nobody cares about DEI, then why was it so important to nominate a black woman to be a VP? When Biden had to put Rachel Levine in as the Sect of Health and Sam Britton as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Power, he did it because of the DEI points he could score. When Blackrock and Vanguard punish people if they don’t push DEI and ESG, that is all for the same thing. Universities offer studies in DEI. They have DEI departments. And I didn’t do any of those things. Sorry, kiddo, but you are lying to yourself. The left sees DEI as VERY important. It is one of their keys to changing America. Which is why I find it so funny that they are upset at someone being called a DEI hire.

I know you can’t stand that the left is loony because you then hate yourself. This is something you are going to need to resolve. Either you have to admit the left is loony and move away or you have to give up your sanity forever and embrace the suck that is the left.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The GOP is hoping to overthrow the US government, then they won’t worry about Harris or any other Democrat.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie When the Repubs try to shrink the size of the federal government and get rid of useless departments, how is that trying to overthrow the government? Almost all governments are overthrown by Socialists and Marxist (you know…Democrats). They don’t gain power by shrinking the size and control of the government.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pretty sure the GOP will have Swastikas at all their events ! !

mazingerz88's avatar

^^MAGA minions just couldn’t figure it out.

Out of desperation to win to get to the White House they keep picking a sociopath, a psychopath and a rapist as their saviour. A political clown who sat and watched as Capitol Hill
was attacked.

Just makes me sad for these desperate MAGA Americans who insist on degrading themselves.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sorry Wulf. You sourced The HP. That has to be a first. You and your ilk, have all but written the Huff Post off as leftist propaganda. So. You’re using an article, whose source YOU wouldn’t trust.

To the article.
You have several Republicans, who are quoted as saying bad things about Harris. If there WAS a D somewhere, who said anything bad, I missed it.

I’m sorry. I don’t understand what this article has to do with our conversation.

I KNOW people with® by their names hate the dems. I can’t say that article does anything but illustrate MY points.

Yes. Her race was a variable. Is that that what think disqualifies her?
Perhaps you could read up on civics. Racial diversity, is vitally important in a country like America.
If we just have 2 white guys, who think precisely the same, THAT DOES NOT REPRESENT AMERICA.

Biden also managed to get a woman of color, on the Supreme Court. And for the same reasons.
Our leadership, and certainly the judges in the highest court in the land, are SUPPOSED to serve “the people.”
In America, “the people,” are comprised of all ethnic and racial groups.
A group of leaders, that don’t understand the needs of their people, are not good leaders.

And honestly, I know a LOT of white people, who don’t feel left out, if their government isn’t run by just white people.

I suppose, you are saying that you only support white people in the US government. Not a huge surprise. Moving on.

It would not surprise me, if at least some people on both sides may not favor such programs.
So what?

You act as if the “outrage,” is equal in both parties. If that is your point, you have failed considerably AND further stained your own apparent opinions on people who aren’t white Christians.

“Either you (I) have to admit the left is loony and move away or you (I) have to give up your (my) sanity forever and embrace the suck that is the left.”

Very well articulated.~

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I didn’t source HP, @elbanditoroso did. I pointed it out to you because I figured you WOULD trust it as a source. And even lefty outlets are upset by someone being called a DEI hire. So again, if DEI is so good that it is being pushed by the left everywhere, why do they get upset by someone referring to them as a DEI hire?

As for Harris’ race being mixed, I don’t think it disqualifies her for anything. I’m not the one stuck on race. But when that race changes with the wind, depending on what is most convenient at the time, yeah, it tells a great story. It tells the story that lefties will buy whatever they are told to believe and parrot. And when sex and color are the first and primary factors in choosing a running mate, it makes her choice based on DEI. She’s a DEI hire. Own it…you are a lefty. Here’s the difference: I felt Trump should have chosen Byron Donalds as his running mate. Not because of his skin color, but because he is level headed and well spoken. He’s smart and I believe he would have been a great addition. I didn’t know much about Vance initially and now that I learned about him more, I feel he will be okay too. He is a bit of a DEI hire too (in a way) since he brings the common-man history with him. But Trump didn’t announce he was going to only hire a white guy from Appalachia and then go to see who was available. Trump didn’t limit himself to any one sex, or race in his choices. I truly believe that Donalds didn’t get onto the short list because he is from Florida. With Trump and Donalds being from Florida, it would have been an optics thing. The left would have gone crazy (not that they don’t anyway).

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You keep asking the question why someone is upset when a Trumplican refers to Harris as a DEI hire when that someone believes DEI hiring is a good thing?

Isn’t the answer obvious enough?

Trumplicans use the term to denigrate said “DEI hire.” Not the same with those who believe it to be a good thing sans any malicious intent.

You already know that. So why the gotcha questions?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@mazingerz88 for a couple of reasons:

1) there seems to be a mindset that if you repeat the same drivel 4–5 times it somehow becomes true.

2) there appears to be some joy gained a typing the longest responses (that frankly, no one reads). Again, length of a responses in no way means correct, accurate, or even on topic.

3) Finally, some people enjoy (i.e. get their jollies) at trying to nitpick and find some perceived (on their part) inconsistency, so the person can say “gotcha”

These dynamics (not just Mr. Wolf, but numerous others in Fluther history) are, I think, some internally driven compensation for not being taken seriously as a child.


seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 If someone calls me a man, I don’t get upset. If they call me a conservative I don’t get upset. If they say I’m white, I don’t get upset. All these things are true and I’m okay with all of them. The left demonizes all three. So how they mean it and how I feel about it are not the same things at all.

The left pushes DEI and brags about how great it is. So why should being called a DEI hire be a bad thing to those that revere DEI? You certainly don’t care what Republican think…you spend all day running them down and ridiculing their views.

But your answer gives the root of the entire issue. You, on the left, know that DEI sucks. You know it is divisive and purposefully so. That is why when you are associated with it you say it is offensive. You know it’s offensive. Yet you tout it and force it on everyone regardless of how they feel about it. You can’t feel two ways about the same thing, unless you are all psychopaths. That’s actually not true. The psychological term is Cognitive Dissonance. Seems I’ve identified that before in many of the left leaning jellies.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^OK. So a few responses ago, you were saying how upset the left is.
In this response, you say they “brags about how great it (DEI) is.
Taking an actual consistent stance, would greatly aid your efforts.

I’m just too stupid, to understand why sticking with my point and support of DEI, is “feeling two ways about the same thing, unless you (I/we) are all psychopaths.”
This interesting view, again makes the FALSE assumption that people on the left, or even center, are as upset about Harris as conservatives. Which is FALSE. The opposite, of true.

Since you somehow missed what really happened, I will explain.
After the Trump assassination attempt, conservatives (after they ran out of crazy conspiracies,) latched onto the fact that there were perhaps several women in Trump’s security team. Conservatives are essentially saying, if they were men, the attempt would never have happened.

THAT got yall started, on the DEI path.

THEN, you guys decided to claim that’s the only reason Harris was VP, and THAT disqualifies her, because no black female, would have gotten that job.

THAT, is where we have our sticking point.
Nobody brought up race, OR gender, until Trump lost an ear.

NOBODY is upset that you are white. NOBODY.

I won’t even speak for others.
I just know that I won’t let you spread lies, that promote division and bigotry.

As we should have been learning, spreading lies has resulted in J6, and many other violent outbursts by conservatives.

NOW. You’re trying to take over the country. THAT, is THE problem. You will find, with each ridiculous thing conservatives pursue as far as trying to make this a Christian version of Pakistan, that Americans DON’T WANT THAT. We are NOT a Christian nation, and therefore we will not accept such evil without protest.

You also still can’t seem to grasp the concept that the people opposing such plans, are NOT all leftists.
I do understand, you’re a victim of Trump’s lies. So. You believe whatever he tells you.

This isn’t a partisan problem.
As we know, from Vance comparing Trump to Hitler.
This is a “we won’t let you do this” issue.

As conservatives seem like they are likely to try to start a Civil War, over lies and corruption, you are illustrating how correct I am about Christians being a violent cancer in America.

And now, we are seeing polls, that point to non-conservatives being ok with using violence to stop Trump.

You poor stupid sheep, are digging your own graves.
You WILL be seen, as the threat you are. And the US military, will make short work of your cute little militias. But not before you guys get some of your hate out. You know your sheep WANT to kill. Anything, to try and stop the inevitable loss of power you WILL eventually see.

None of you are patriots. None of you are anything but terrified, gullible sheep.
As I said, I will have nothing to do with a Civil War. But. Ask Trump (you’ll have to ask his left ear,) if he thinks his plans will go so smoothly at this point.

Conservatives are on MUCH thinner ice, than they believe.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “OK. So a few responses ago, you were saying how upset the left is. In this response, you say they “brags about how great it (DEI) is. Taking an actual consistent stance, would greatly aid your efforts.”

Stay on your side of the argument. It isn’t I that am having trouble being consistent, it is the loony lefties with cognitive dissonance. We have DEI all over this country because of the left. They preach to us about how great diversity is and how you HAVE to hire diversity (over, presumably, white people) and how a guy in a dress is so much better than a guy dressed like a guy. They have infected so many areas of our society with this crap it’s ridiculous. Yet as soon as someone calls one of their people a “DEI hire” they freak out like it is a bad thing. They are right…it is a bad thing, but they are the ones telling us it isn’t at the same time they are taking offense at it. It’s exhausting trying to keep their fantasies straight.

I brought up the things about me because I am demonized by the left regularly. I have WHITE privilege even though no one can really tell me how I have been privileged in my life. I am a man so I am automatically part of the patriarchy and have toxic masculinity because I don’t want to wear a dress. I’m a conservative so I am an existential threat to society, the country, and the world. I hear this crap all day. But I don’t get upset when someone calls me white or a man or a conservative. I consider those things either things I have no control over and therefore completely natural or things I think are pretty good. So I don’t care what others think.

If the loony left thinks DEI is fantastic (which they must for as hard has they have pushed for it), why are they upset to be called a DEI hire? It makes no sense. The ONLY way it makes any sense is if they know, in their hearts, how screwed up DEI is and they don’t like being associated personally with it.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Someone claimed a guy in a dress is better than a guy not wearing one?

I don’t think anyone really asked you to wear one either. Probably they’re just asking you to practice tolerance knowing there are other males who like doing so…without you hating them.

And also understand that if you express hate towards them, most likely you will be hated back.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 A guy in a dress is better than one that isn’t…according to DEI. I give you Rachel Levine as the perfect example. Or even Sam Britton. Both were hired not because they were the best person for the job, but because they were the best person with a diversity that checked a box. And what’s funny is that when it is pointed out, the first thing the fools that want to support and push DEI say is “you’re a hater”. Yet they get upset when they are told they only got their job because of DEI.

Face it: Kamala Harris couldn’t get a single delegate to support her when she was in the race for POTUS. Democrats didn’t like her any more than Republicans did. Yet suddenly she was the perfect choice for VP. Why? Go ahead and give me the reason for that. He was considering only black women. Susan Rice, Karen Bass, Kamala Harris, Val Demings, and Keisha Lance Bottoms. What made Kamala so overwhelmingly the best candidate for the job? What made any of them the best candidate for the job, if you take race and sex out of the limitations? But because race and sex were the criteria, you are hiring based on DEI. But please, wow me. Tell me what makes them better than every white person (or asian or Latino) on the planet, male and female.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

DEI is the latest Fright-winger BUZZ word. . . is the because Harris is a lady of color ? ?

“I know. the answer” . . . . all the Frightwing GOP are upset because the polls show Democrats have gained ground against Trump (I think he has changed his spray tan again and his comb over looks shitty) ! !

elbanditoroso's avatar

The right wing has been against DEI for about three years, even though the concept has been around for about 10. Late to the party, as usual.

The right wing is afraid, once again, that the poor downtrodden white males might possibly be supplanted by people who actually had to work to get where they are today. This is nothing new – the anti-DEI movement is racist at is core. That’s my these same people tried to shut down the 1619 project (which was, in fact, largely historically accurate), tried to close down affirmative action, tried to suborn the supreme court, and so on and so forth.

When was Obama was running for president, the racists played the birth certificate game as a racist action. This time around, it’s DEI which is the racist target of choice.

By the way, as I wrote a couple days ago, DEI today has, in fact, gone bad. It is not in 2024 what it was originally designed to do. But that is another issue altogether.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Can’t help it but I get the feeling sometimes that you were one of those Confederate men who lost the war and never accepted that black slaves should have been freed.

Those Southern white men and women died believing in their hearts that the black race was inferior and that would never change.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@mazingerz88 I hate to say it, but even now in some places in middle and south Georgia, there still are people with the confederate mindset. Not in the cities, but there’s a lot of rural Georgia that, well, never game to grips.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. The majority of these types of programs are set up give people a chance, at opportunities. They don’t just give people an important job, because they aren’t white.
In many hiring environments, there has been an emphasis on providing more opportunities for minorities and/or women, that perhaps a person of that color or gender, previously/historically, were just not getting. I talked to you once about how incredible it was, that a person named Barrack Hussein Obama would even be considered to be president of the United States.
That’s because statistics HAVE shown, that certain names (ones that imply ethnicity,) made some employers not even look at a resume.
There was/are MANY white people who have (like it, or not,) gotten jobs. AND raises, in part or in some cases because of their race.

I will say. I wish maybe a different method of trying to help, was used more often.
Frequently, such programs cause the perception of punishing the white people (just for being white,) and rewarding minorities for just being their race. Despite crying about this being the case, when I have heard white people claim they lost a job or promotion to a less qualified candidate 100% because affirmative action, I have not often agreed.

Again. In some cases in which diversity is strongly considered, it is for the betterment of the team that person is being brought into.

Diversity, in most cases IS a strength. That’s not really debatable.
In leadership jobs, and roles in government, the people in charge must be knowledgeable of the people whom it is their job to serve.

Harris is fairly young. She is NOT stupid. The border BS the GOP wants to hang her for, is THE FAULT OF CONGRESS FOR NOT WANTING BIDEN TO GET A WIN. Conservatives in congress, AND Trump weaponized the issue.
(Yes. Both sides do that.)

That means that ALL of the fears and lies he told his sheep about the southern border, are NOT important enough they can’t wait until next year.

You want to know how someone is better, than another who is white?
If that person’s job is say, Vice President of the USA, a big part of the job is knowing the people the Executive branch serves.
JD Vance, doesn’t know things about minority culture or policy desires, like another minority.
You can’t “LEARN” what it’s like to be black in America. You have to live it. Harris has, and is. Look at the vitriol she is already facing by conservatives. Yeah. It’s tough being a black woman in DC. All those white people in DC, don’t/can’t always represent the needs of the diverse nation America IS.

Well. It’s now her, versus the oldest candidate who has ever ran, and a white guy who might be trying to be SO bad on interviews.

Trump has spent ALL his time, slandering the wrong candidate!
Years of lies, he could have been spreading about Harris.
Probably more millions of dollars in anti-Biden ads, that never made sense and don’t matter now.

Be easy Wulf. Harris might be your president! Things are changing really fast.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I can’t help how you feel. And I believe that is the vast chasm between right and left these days. It is 100% impossible for me to know how you feel which is how conservatives view things. Liberals are pushing their feelings on everyone. And DEI is one of those things.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 So you admit there are DEI programs and that they favor certain people over others. Let’s start with that. You talk of them as good things. Good for you, many on the left do the same since it was their ideals (right out of the Marxist playbook) that pushed this on everyone. Yet as soon as someone says “she is a DEI hire” it is suddenly a slur. Why? DEI is supposed to be good by the left so why do they take offense at being associated with it?

As for the “border czar” nonsense, let me point out it was the left that started calling her that back in 2021. It wasn’t the Repubs that made it up. Axios got called out on it recently and what did they do? They went back to edit all their past comments. They even had to post an apology for starting that nonsense.

But let’s step back a bit and look at what is and what isn’t. You want to say she isn’t the border czar….fair enough. The Repubs are saying she was a complete and utter failure at it as the huge spike up in illegals coming here shows. So let’s step back and look at the facts a moment. Going to the source we find this:

“I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.

And, you know, back when I was Vice President, I got a similar assignment, but one of the things we did was we made sure that we got a bipartisan agreement with Democrats and Republicans to provide over $700 million to the countries in the Northern Triangle to determine the best way to keep people from coming is keep them from wanting to leave.

And the reason why so many people were leaving, we learned, was that not only gang violence and trafficking and cartels, but natural disasters, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes. And so it’s not like someone sits around a hand-hewnen [sic] — hand-hewn table somewhere in Guatemala and says, “I’ve got a great idea: Let’s sell everything we have, give the money to a coyote, have him take our kids or us to the border of America, take us across, leave us in the desert. We don’t speak the language. Won’t that be fun?”

One of the ways we learned is that if you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there.

Unfortunately, the last administration eliminated that funding — did not engage in it, did not use it — even though there was over $700 million to help get this done. We’re reinstituting that program. And there are — as I said, there are many factors as to why people leave in the first place.

But this is — this is the — the source of one of the reasons why we’ve had such a — before we took office, in the midst of the last administration’s somewhat draconian policies of separating children from their parents, et cetera, what happened was that we — we found that there were a serious spike in the number of people heading to the southern border, even in the midst of that. And as — as Alejandro can tell you, is that was because there were serious natural disasters that occurred in those countries. They were coming north, and we did nothing to do any — much about it.

So this new surge we’re dealing with now started with the last administration, but it’s our responsibility to deal with it humanely and to — and to stop what’s happening.

And so, this increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed — among the multiple other things that I have her leading — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept re- — the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.

We’re already talking with Mexico about that; she’s already done that. We’re going to be dealing with a full team now that we have to be able to deal with the problem here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in country.

And I can think of nobody who — who is better qualified to do this than a former — this is a woman who ran the second-largest attorney general’s office in America — after the U.S. — after the United States Attorney General — in the state of California, and has done a great deal upholding human rights, but also fighting organized crime in the process.

So it’s not her full responsibility and job, but she’s leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who, when he or she speaks, they don’t have to wonder about is that where the President is. When she speaks, she speaks for me. Doesn’t have to check with me. She knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along.”

So the plan seems to be “throw money to these countries” to fix their poverty, corruption and violence. She supposedly got several companies to invest in these areas. Whether they did or not is another question. This was supposed to be the solution to the “root cause” of people coming here illegally. Did it work? That is the plain and simple question. Did anything she and Biden plan actually work to stop the flood of illegals to this country? The simple answer is “no”. They came in greater numbers than ever before throughout their entire admin. So she was an abject failure on dealing with the border issues she was assigned to deal with. She didn’t get to the root cause. The root cause is that Democrats give enticements for people to come here. They invite them in, right along with the drugs, the cartels and other criminals, and the human trafficking. The policies she was pushing were complete failures. So what is her claim to fame on the border situation?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Depends on the feelings that are being pushed. Freedom is a good thing to push. Diversity. Equality. Inclusion. All good things to push.

But when you are opposed to these things which are essentially good things…using your valid criticism of the flawed manner in which sometimes good things are being pushed, NOT to give aid in perfecting them…but to recreate the old ways which you think are the good things that need NOT change…well then, knowing how you feel shouldn’t be that hard.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I find it funny that you worry about feelings being pushed. Trump says a phrase and the left, you included, go crazy, spewing hatred about him. Let me give you a perfect example: “There were very fine people on both sides”. The “news” went crazy with it calling him a racist and saying white supremacists and Neo-Nazis were very fine people. You, yourself chimed in many times on this. Yet reality was that that phrase was taken out of context. Immediately after saying that he said “I’m not talking about the white supremacists or the Neo-Nazis, they should be condemned entirely”. But the lie was done. It was done to push feelings against someone. So was the left wrong to do that?

But here’s the real difference: I see DEI as being dangerous and divisive. These are the things Marxists use to divide a society so it can be torn down more easily. My feelings aren’t taken into account. Yet it also seems I’m not allowed to say anything against them because I might offend a lefty. When you push that sort of thing and then try to condemn criticism about them, you are showing you are not inclusive. You are not looking for diversity of thought or equality of outcome. You are looking for only your view to be heard and seen. My criticisms are discounted and we can’t even have a conversation about them. Which, again, is right out of the Marxist playbook.

But the question still remains: If you believe DEI is a great thing, as you apparently do, why don’t you embrace it if someone says you are a DEI hire? Why isn’t the left taking what is being said and own it with pride?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I answered that question in another thread. Pretty sure you read it already.

You do understand that the opposite of slavery and segregation in the US is DEI right?

Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. No. I did not say that. I said, that can become the perception. Then I told you that the cases in which, I have heard that a white guy lost a job or promotion, STRICTLY because of affirmative action, I did not believe that was really the case.

You see, I’ve only EVER heard an older white man, complaining about affirmative action. Often, these are fat, and seemingly lazy, and not so smart white guys. So. I almost don’t need to know much about the “non-white,” who DID alledgedly get the raise, or the job. I wouldn’t hire these guys, for anything.
I find it difficult, to believe that they would have outshined many people.
And. The stories, are often old. So. Admittedly, these fat slobs may have been a different person when they were younger.

There ARE, some jobs, that are obviously ALL white, black, Mexican, etc.
I know that the Long Shoremen, here in Charleston, are essentially 100% black men.
A friend and I went to their union, looking for work. The looks my white friend, and my white self, were enough for us to leave. We weren’t scared. But. The look said, “you aren’t what we’re looking for.”

Take that, and run with it. It’s super racism, against white people.

But. I have been in jobs, where especially young black men, have NO chance at employment.

It is, what it is.

The black slaves, at one point, outnumbered the white people exponentially, in old South Carolina.
Charleston (“The Holy City,) was the largest slave trading post/port, on the East Coast of what would become America.

These black people had NO education, and were a damaged and tortured people. Once a war, led to their freedom. (Republicans’ greatest achievement.)

Most of the 1900’s, were a battle zone for civil rights. The Evil of the ancient racism, was still very much alive.
I’m not going to go much further, because of know you know (at least to some degree) what black people have endured. Not to mention, that we have a long way, still to go with race relations. I really thought we were mostly better. That that outdated, and Evil thinking had finally died off.
Disturbingly, and disappointingly, Trump has shown us that the diseased minds that plagued us for do long, are still amongst us.
In such large numbers. Are you proud, of that?

Fast forward, to a few days ago, and the nanosecond that Harris became the likely candidate for president, the conservatives start crying about racial injustices?
Conservatives are disgusting, and their endless capacity for saying and doing the most offensive thing at the time, is very telling.

I thought we should talk about Crooks again here, Wulf.
You said, he was wearing a green t-shirt and camo pants.

There is a picture, of Crooks from behind AT the rally, before the attempt. He is not just wearing a “green” t-shirt.
On hos back, is a symbol that connects DIRECTLY to Nazi supporters. His d/r shirt, for those who don’t have a history of looking for trouble makers, and similar shirts are available online. Sold alongside a LOT of white pride type gear.

I haven’t seen anyone talking about THAT detail yet. But, I just saw that photo last night.
Wulf. Would you be willing to bet your penis, there are no people wearing/displaying racist or even Nazi things at Trump’s rallies?

Moving back to the southern border.
You successfully pasted a statement from Harris, about the issue.
Then YOU go off, with YOUR interpretation of it. Saying really smart things, like we “invited the grug dealers in.”
I’m afraid that I, and likely many, DO NOT agree, with you baseless, wild interpretation of any part, of anything you lamented.

Speaking of your CONSTANT lamentations of the left, you have decided NOW, to be upset about DEI…. Hmmm…
It’s almost as if, you JUST found this subject to scrutinize…

I’m only saying that because you have NEVER once, mentioned it before.

So. Has this lifelong issue of yours just slipped your mind, until we may have a brown female president?

Are you jumping on yet ANOTHER, pathetic, and petty right-wing bandwagon?..

elbanditoroso's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I’m not sure he invented DEI hatred himself.

Rather, I think that conservative republican media has made DEI one of their big pushes sinve Harris became the candidate (although they haven’t liked DEI previously.)

So the republican acolytes (drones, mouthpieces) pick up on what their national leaders are saying. Heil Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Of course he didn’t invent it.
I honestly, don’t really think Wulf is a overt racist. I could be wrong.

But. I wanted him to be aware of the perspective. Which is, if something could possibly hurt Trump’s chances of being reelected, fond a problem with it. Even if it is ridiculous. Make that a hill to die on. And repeat the BS, and spread it to other people, as if it is fact…

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso No I don’t realize the opposite of slavery is DEI. I thought the opposite of slavery was freedom. Amazing the things I learn. You realize DEI is just another way to be racist and divisive, right? It’s socialism and Marxism rolled up together. This is a fascinating discourse on the subject. It is, in essence, the beginning of slavery.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You didn’t say that? Of course you did.

Wulf. The majority of these types of programs are set up give people a chance, at opportunities. They don’t just give people an important job, because they aren’t white.
In many hiring environments, there has been an emphasis on providing more opportunities for minorities and/or women, that perhaps a person of that color or gender, previously/historically, were just not getting.”

You said exactly that. Not once did you talk about the perception.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m sorry you have poor comprehension skills.
I deliberately used the words ”opportunity,” and ”chance.

Getting an interview, is what most of those programs are about.

In such programs, Mr. VonStupping HAS to at least interview Tyrone Washington. Instead of simply throw out the application.

Then I even explained that again, by using the phrase, “they don’t just people an important job, because they aren’t white.”

This, for example, is how the “Rooney Rule,” (a diversity program) in the NFL works, when teams are hiring coaches.
They HAVE to at least give some minorities a look. THEN, they can choose a good ol’ boy.

Check yourself Wulf. You need a valid point here, eventually.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 was an amendment to the Equal Rights Act of 1964. It made it illegal to discriminate based on color or race (or sex, etc). Everyone has a chance at opportunities. You know how the left loves to say “systemic racism”? This law is actually a perfect example of systemic equality. It is a law…it is ingrained in our society and can be pointed to readily as something that goes against racism. DEI goes beyond that to reward hiring minorities (of race or sex or gender or anything other than white men). It is used to establish quotas and has even been used to give better credit scores (by Blackrock and Vanguard) to companies that comply. So it isn’t equal opportunities, it is preferential treatment.

And it is actually insulting to those minorities, though you virtue signalers ever want to admit that. You are basically saying those minorities aren’t smart enough or good enough to get those opportunities on their own. You have created racism that doesn’t exist and is, in fact, prohibited by law, and then created the “cure”. You are making them tokens, numbers. In every job I have ever had, there were minorities at all levels of the organization. I have worked for them and they have worked for me. I was hired by them and they were hired by me. And all that was well before DEI.

DEI is racist and sexist, plain and simply.

elbanditoroso's avatar

One person’s opinion ^^^

Tropical_Willie's avatar

One Biased person’s opinion ! He loves LOVES Neo-fascists ! !

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yep, one person’s opinion. Just as yours is. You obviously have a different view of DEI that I do. You think it’s great, apparently. So why are you upset that the Repubs are saying Harris is a DEI hire? It shows DEI works, right? Doing what you wanted it to do? So why do you get upset about them saying that?

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Quotas, and just simply evaluating a company’s minority make-up compared to the community it is in is trying to achieve more equality, because obviously minorities are being passed over if the stats are way off.

I don’t agree with hiring when not qualified, or lowering a standard like a GPA requirement, that’s just my opinion.

As far as Harris, if she were white would she be experienced enough? That’s how I would look at it. You’ll probably say no. That’s fine.

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie ”...if she were white would she be experienced enough?”

I mean how the fuck was Trump qualified? He’s a failed businessman who played a successful businessman on a reality tv show.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Quotas are a form of DEI. Rejecting someone because of their race or sex is 100% wrong. There isn’t an argument there. Limiting how far up in a company a person can rise because of their race or sex is 100% wrong. No argument there, either. But we have had lawsuits brought against companies that did that and the people suing the companies have won. So there is already a whole lot in place that is working (as it should) to ensure there is no discrimination.

Then comes DEI. Now it isn’t good enough to be fair, you actually have to give preferential treatment to whatever group wants to say they are marginalized. Let’s take your view of comparing your company’s staffing with the diversity of the community it is in. Trans people make up roughly 1% of the US population, and it is almost certain that a large percentage of those are in urban cities. But companies are being punished because they aren’t hiring trans by the money managers like Blackrock and Vanguard. So if my community only has 1 trans person (because I live in a smaller town) and 50 companies, that one person can pretty much write their own ticket. Not because they are greatly qualified, but because they are odd enough to meet a diversity quota. Is that fair to all other applicants that are possibly far more qualified for the jobs? DEI is supposed to be about not equality, but equity of outcome. Except it just hurt the people that worked to become qualified and make something of themselves. In the case above, 100% of trans people are now hired, whereas a whole lot more non-trans people are still unemployed.

And it is always amazing to me how people talk about racial make up of a community being a big player in hiring. The company I worked for delivering beer and wine is a perfect example of what is wrong. I got hired in as a delivery driver. We had 20 delivery drivers. I was one of 4 white guys. There were two Latinos and 14 black guys. The community was only about 18% black. Yet they made up 70% of the delivery drivers. A company that compared their staffing to the ethic make up of the community wouldn’t look like that. If DEI was actually not racist against white people, they would have had quotas for how many blacks they could hire and how many whites and how many Latinos.

When I took over as the transportation manager, I brought an entirely different perspective. I hired the best candidates for the jobs. I hired blacks, Latinos, whites, women…it didn’t matter to me. What mattered to me was that they would be able to do the job and be a asset to me and the company. I also had to fire a few people and, again, I fired not based on skin color are sex, it was all performance based. And I was not unique in this viewpoint. Even our HR department didn’t care about the diversity when it came to hiring or firing. All they cared about was that it was not being used against a person.

seawulf575's avatar

As for Harris, if she were white being qualified enough…WTF? Let me make this as simple as possible for people to understand: RACE SHOULD NEVER BE A FACTOR IN DETERMINING PERFORMANCE. DEI would have you think otherwise. I don’t like Harris, not because she’s black or a woman. I don’t like Harris because she has never done anything I can truly respect her for. I don’t like Harris because of her stated views and policies. And I don’t like Harris because she does like so many lefties do: she throws the race and sex card as a way to shut down criticism.

Let me throw it back at you: If Harris was a white guy, would Biden have chosen that guy as his running mate? Or let me throw this one at you: If Trump were a black woman, would all the hate and vitriol the left spews about him be happening?

elbanditoroso's avatar

“If Trump were a black woman’ ... fake hypothetical.

If Trump were a black woman:

- he wouldn’t have had a TV show called the Apprentice, He probably wouldn’t have had a TV show at all.

- He wouldn’t have had a father that owned dozens of buildings in NYC and gotten rich that way. He probably would have lived in a tenement.

- He wouldn’t have been buddies with Jeffrey Epstein.

and so on.

You can make up all the hypotheticals you want, but the fact is that race does play a role in society, no matter how much you want to deny it.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 You don’t like Harris, got it. I’m not a huge fan either, but she’s ok, I’ll vote for her.

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gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie “We agree.”

Yeah, I know. I was @JLeslie for the quote attribution purpose, but the response was to everyone.

Let’s be honest if Trump was born to any family that wasn’t in the top 0.1%, he would have been shipped off to Vietnam and likely murdered by his fellow soldiers because he’s an insufferable prick.

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