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LadyMarissa's avatar

Have you heard yet that 45 & his family supported Harris from 2011-2014? (Additional details inside).

Asked by LadyMarissa (16292points) 1 month ago

Both 45 & his fave daughter made donations to Kamala Harris Attorney General campaign. Any chance Ivanka will repeat her donation this year?

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20 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I hadn’t heard, but I imagine the Trump campaign will try and disavow it in some way.

Will Ivanka contribute? I would like to think so, but she would do it in some anonymous way so daddy wouldn’t find out.

Have you noticed how silent she has been the last year or two?

ragingloli's avatar

“I never did that. Fake noose!”

LadyMarissa's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yes I noticed. She almost lost her status in her friends circle around 2020–2021. Then she testified fairly truthfully & daddy proceeded to throw her under the bus. I’m pretty sure that put a wedge in their relationship. She’s also stopped going to Mar-a-Lago except for family pictures.

Daddy holds his fortune over every kid’s head to force them to do what he wants. She’s rich on her own merit & doesn’t need his money which means that she can be more independent. He even has to pay Melania to speak on his behalf. When he refuses to pay, she refuses to speak.

@ragingloli I saw a copy of the $5k check he wrote in 2011. He can deny all he wants.

janbb's avatar

Friends of mine saw Ivanka and Jared dining on the Jersey shore during the last night of the convention. They’ve clearly taken the money and ran.

seawulf575's avatar

I hadn’t heard that, but would question it. The max an individual could contribute to a California politicians campaign in 2011 was $4900. So it already looks iffy.

But in the end, it doesn’t matter. Trump supported many politicians over the years and many of them were Democrats. However all that changed in around 2011 (the year this article is trying to say the contributions were made. This‘s_political_donations shows a history of which parties he supported and when.

gorillapaws's avatar

He donated to Hillary as well. I’m not sure Kamala wants to highlight her donors. She took that bribe from Mnuchin to not prosecute his bank when they illegally foreclosed on thousands of Californians. Not a good look for her to be seen as the sellout candidate. That’s what did Hillary in.

She’s be better off leaning into populist policies that will get people excited about her. Raising taxes on the rich would be a good look.

chyna's avatar

Heck trump even hung out with a sex predator but in the end it doesn’t matter..

ragingloli's avatar

He IS a sex predator.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Jewish space lasers made him do it…That’s why we need a dome!!!

Creating iffy is what he does BEST…Maybe she had a PAC similar to his!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

@gorillapaws If that were true, pretty sure Trump and Trumplican handlers are now offering Mnuchin as much money as needed to get him to agree in exposing Harris.
Mnuchin might end up in jail for his bribery hence that huge fee.

ragingloli's avatar

Only if he receives the money before he does the deed. Remember, the “supreme” court recently legalised bribery, if the bribee receives the money after doing the corrupt act.

gorillapaws's avatar

@mazingerz88 It’s old news. It’s part of why Kamala was so unpopular in the 2020 primary. Here’s a link to the article. It’s also probably exactly why the establishment loved her.

JLeslie's avatar

Not surprising to me if it’s true. Trump said during his 2016 campaigning that he gave money to Democrats and Republicans. Basically so they owed him a favor.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Vance likened Trump to Hitler.
Now he’s Trump’s ride or die homie.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I think that was Vance’s compliment.

Vance is a Mini Me of Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ah yes. He was probably referring to all the good things Hitler did.

Zounderkite's avatar

Isn’t it standard practice for business people to donate to both parties? Trump even bragged about it in 2016 when he said, “I’ve given to everybody! Because that was my job. I gotta give to them. Because when I want something, I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You mean, play both sides.

Zounderkite's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yes, that’s what I meant.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You called it right.

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