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ragingloli's avatar

What is the overall narrative that you think the Democrats should use in their campaign?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) July 24th, 2024

The obvious one is of course that they are running a criminal prosecutor against a hardened criminal.

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24 Answers

hat's avatar

They should reverse their po-genocide commitment and guarantee an immediate end to aid to Israel. That might bring the anti-genocide people to the polls to vote Democrat.

elbanditoroso's avatar

youth and progressive ideas and thoughts.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Truly announce they will protect women’s rights, not rip them away like the right wants to.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Vice-president Harris has given 2 similar speeches this week in which she lays out the points she’ll win with. The speeches are relatively short and readily available.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is a convicted felon (34 counts), sex abuser (E. Jean Carroll) and fraudster (Trump University).

I know several of his followers will just say that is the way Trump does things. ! SMDH

flutherother's avatar

I hardly think it matters. I think Kamela has got off to a great start simply by projecting her youth and positivity and joy in life, things that have been lacking in American politics for too long. She is a world away from Trump’s miserable everyone is against us attitude. The contest is between youth and age, between joy and debauchery and between Beauty and the Beast and I hope to God beauty triumphs.

seawulf575's avatar

I agree with all these answers. The Dems ought to run on all these things. Thank you.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother Yeah…umm…debauchery? You might want to look into Harris’ past a bit. focus specifically on Willie Brown. By all appearances she slept her way into the CA AG position.

jca2's avatar

It’s very ironic that Biden used to be the old man in the election and Trump was the younger, now Trump is the old man in the election.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@jca2 and he looks it. Compare to Harris, Trump on TV looks like a tired old man.

jca2's avatar

I’m sure since Trump is quite old and overweight, compared to Harris who’s 20 years younger and in good shape, it’s way harder for him to get around campaign than it is for her.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@seawulf575 Your disgusting accusation of inappropriate sexual liaisons is stupid. The attorney general position is elected. She won’t that race twice.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 As opposed to trump just “grabbing them by the pussy” forcefully?

seawulf575's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Politico even acknowledges this. It isn’t new news. She was dating Willie Brown when he was 60 and she was 29, just starting out. He appointed her to high paying positions in state offices (he was the Speaker of the California Assembly at the time). That gave her recognition. When she was running for AG, he used his political pull to help her out. Yeah, there couldn’t be anything wrong there. We all know how much sex appeal 60 year old men that can’t help a 29 yo woman out have.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna And when did he do that? And why wasn’t he arrested for it?

canidmajor's avatar

Remember, @Hawaii_Jake and @chyna, this is the guy who thinks all women are lying sluts. His reaction is clichéed and predictable.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@canidmajor His reaction is also moronic.

chyna's avatar

That Ho Bag Harris dated a man 30 years her senior. Debonair and suave trump marries a woman 25 years his junior. ~
I can’t believe these opinions still hold up in 2024.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@chyna so you going to vote for Hitler wannabe ? ?

chyna's avatar

Not if he was the last person on earth.

tinyfaery's avatar

She needs to pull at least some of the “we don’t think Trump is horrible enough to vote for a democrat” voters to her side. Adopting some progressive policies would be a good way to do that.

gorillapaws's avatar

If I got to pick the ticket and message it would be: “We’re here to finally reverse the damage Reagan has caused. and finally get America back on track.”

“Since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich, the greatest transfer of wealth has gone from working class Americans to the billionaires, and that stops today with me. We’re going to finally start investing in Americans again because I love America. Trump pretends to care about the working class, but when he had the chance to do something about it, he gave billionaires a massive tax cut. Billionaires are buying our elections, poisoning our water and air and offshoring the profits. I haven’t taken a dime from them so you can be sure that we’re serious about saving the American dream.”

Medicare for all
Tuition free college at trade schools, community college and public universities
Free Pre-K
Paid family leave
$18 Minimum wage
expansion of the immigration processing teams to process asylum seekers in a timely manner.
Breaking up monopolies
new initiatives to incentivize co-ops
Anti-spam act.
Redo the tax structure similar to Bernie’s proposal (progressive taxation + progressive wealth tax on extreme wealth)
Reinstate steep estate taxes above x millions of dollars.
implement a free online tax form like turbotax or HR block for anyone to use for free.
Green New Deal

Something like that from a legit progressive would be a winner.

seawulf575's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake and @canidmajor Yes, you know how I think and my reaction is moronic. Yep. You see how moronic those statements are, right? You make statements YOU think are true and then jump on to see who else will pile on with you. No shortage of morons for that.

But the funny thing: when someone makes a false statement and I challenge it, you never actually support their statement. You go for personal attacks on me. That tells me you are weak-minded and don’t actually have facts to back up your moronic statements.

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