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elbanditoroso's avatar

Has there been anything in the news about the Trump assassin's parents?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) July 24th, 2024

We know that the older Mr Crooks bought the gun and kept it at home.

Aside from that, has there been any news about the family? Are they proud of their son? Are they Trump supporters?

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9 Answers

jca2's avatar

What is sad is that they lost their son. I realize it was from his own doing, but still, if they had no idea on that day that their son had this awful plan, what a shock to suddenly lose your son, have every aspect of your life and household be scrutinized, and have nobody actually seem to grieve for you or with you.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I heard his father was pretty upset.
For a lot if reasons.
He said he saw his son, leaving with the firearm THAT morning.
He said, he thought his son was going to the range. That was typical behavior, for Crooks.

He said he never thought, that would be the last he saw his son.
I heard that, a few times, the day after. I also heard that the FBI, confiscated 14 additional firearms. No notes on what type, or anything.

It sounded like the father was being fully cooperative.

They’ve got all the kids media devices, and pretty much everything.

I’ve just heard that he was a registered republican. He was considered to dress, and behave similarly to Trump supporters.

It seems like he LOOKED at a lot of people and things, that were political. It sounds like he may have left a warning/note about the 13th on discord? Somewhere online.

I have seen some extremely random footage of him, interacting with others.
In a recent video, he sounded fairly feminine.
I certainly have not seen anything, that hints at motive. Yet.

Nor have I seen any footage of the day of the attempt, that seem too interesting.

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Early on I said he looked feminine and then I found out he had what seemed to be a traditionally female job. Supposedly, he did well in school.

I’m totally guessing, but I get the feeling he was depressed and angry and didn’t have a place to fit in in his community and possibly didn’t have the money or support to go to a university. I think he was going to community college. I heard he was kind of a loner, but maybe his classmates were horrible.

I don’t think his party registration necessarily matters, he lives in a closed primary state, but possibly he was a Republican, because everyone around him is or he agreed or believed some of the Republican policies.

smudges's avatar

3–4-5 days ago I posted a link to an article saying he was a registered republican and also that he donated to the democrats [ActBlue].

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges Yeah, the news reported that within a day, thanks for the reminder. Another reason the party registration isn’t the whole story.

seawulf575's avatar

The last I saw is that a bunch of reporters found dad outside a grocery store and he gave them the statement that they had no statement until they talked with their lawyer. Also, neither parent is a Republican. Dad is a registered Libertarian and mom is a registered Democrat.

SnipSnip's avatar

I guess you should read the news to find out. I don’t know anything about those people.

LadyMarissa's avatar

His parents were smart in that they immediately cooperated with the FBI which relieved some of the pressure. They are saying that he had NO political bone in his body. His friends swear that he was MAGA. He was following the schedule of events for 45, Biden, & several other high profile political styled people. It appears that 45 was just the first to get close to him. Of course, 45 will NEVER admit to that as it won’t support his narrative that Biden is trying to get him!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It wouldn’t be very smart, to talk to any “media” that tries making headlines by peppering them with questions outside of a grocery store.

One doesn’t have to register, as any specific party. Crooks had to go out if his way, to register as Republican. At least put thought into it, to register.

If he was an extreme leftist, I would be surprised he would not make sure his name was separated from the right.

It’s NOT, much to go on. But. People have been saying Obama was born in Kenya and was a Muslim with far less proof.

Most extreme leftists, don’t usually wear military type garb, or spend lots if time with AR-15s at shooting ranges.

I believe I heard a former teacher of Crooks talking about him the other day. Again. This all seems shocking to the few who knew him.

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