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mazingerz88's avatar

What could I add into this string beans recipe?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) July 25th, 2024 from iPhone

I simply heat up some olive oil then stir-fry string beans sprinkled with a bit of salt. Is there anything else I could add to make this more interesting? Thanks.

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

butter, diced ham/bacon, crushed carlic

janbb's avatar

Soy sauce and pine nuts?

JLeslie's avatar

I love plain string beans just sauteed with some salt, plain like you make them.

You could add bacon or ham.


Love the pine nut idea above, but I probably wouldn’t put soy sauce with it, but I do like soy sauce with sauteed veggies. Maybe add mushrooms and soy.

SnipSnip's avatar

thinly sliced red potato
chipped kielbasa
butter instead of OO and a little thyme

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Add salsa after crisping the beans in EVOO.

seawulf575's avatar

Since you are sautéing them, I’d suggest a little onion, some garlic, and a few grape tomatoes. I’m assuming you are making a side dish. If this is supposed to be a main dish there are other things I’d suggest.

smudges's avatar

Wow…I never thought of sauteing beans! Sounds yum! I like the sound of grape tomatoes and ham or bacon added.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We use bacon/bacon grease here, lots of garlic and onion. If you throw in a little sweet n sour sauce w spicy mustard, its pretty tasty.

snowberry's avatar

Toss in toasted almonds while sautéing.

MrGrimm888's avatar

If you’re stir-frying, don’t forget some Zucchini and or yellow squash.
Peepers and onions, shouldn’t hurt.

MrGrimm888's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

You could toss them with a little sesame oil in a bowl after they’re through cooking.

This is my favorite way to do fresh green beans, just in a skillet. Sometimes I add the pine nuts, or some minced red bell pepper, or other possibilities, but simple is great.

Cupcake's avatar

lemon juice/zest

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