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LadyMarissa's avatar

Do you plan to watch the opening ceremony today for the 2024 Paris Olympics?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16292points) 1 month ago

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris is scheduled to begin on NBC, NBC Olympic app, & Peacock at 1:30pm EDT & last for 3 hours. There will also be an encore presentation tonight at 7:30pm. I understand that a lot of people are at work at the 1:30pm time slot plus it would require giving up most of the afternoon. The 7:30 time slot will run into bedtime for many & interrupt the dating crowd. I would love to watch it but can’t decide which part of my day I want to surrender. Do you plan to watch & which block of time will be most convenient for you?

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31 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Probably most of it. Most likely the rerun in the evening.

ragingloli's avatar

Neh. I do not care about sports.

snowberry's avatar

The entire event will be a waste of time.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@ragingloli I don’t care for sports either, but I usually enjoy the opening ceremony. It isn’t sports but more pageantry & festivity. It’s a nice break from the real world & lying politicians!!!

ragingloli's avatar

Honestly, I care for pompous and grandiose processions even less.

jonsblond's avatar

I might watch a little bit of it but I’m more interested in watching the water sports and gymnastics.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think the opening ceremony is generally pretty cool and have fond memories enjoying them as a kid. These days, it’s less of a draw and I have other stuff that takes precedence for me. I saw an article the other day about the Mongolian opening ceremony outfits and thought they were pretty stunning. If you’re watching the ceremony keep an eye out for Mongolia, they should be looking pretty dapper. And I’m saying this as someone who has very little interest in fashion.

smudges's avatar

I haven’t watched the Olympics in quite a few years, and the opening ceremonies for even longer, but this year I’m going to watch as much of everything as I can. I heard that the 2034 winter Olympics are coming back to Salt Lake City.

Caravanfan's avatar

I may have the encore on if my wife is interested. I have an person Dungeons and Dragons game this weekend and I have to put stuff together for that.

Zaku's avatar

No, I don’t know if I ever have watched an Olympic opening event, except for a few seconds on a restaurant TV, or a clip of some bit of it after it happened, or something.

janbb's avatar

I’m not into the Olympics much but i am into Paris and go there often for my family. i do plan to watch most of it but haven’t decided on the time. It’s a gorgeous day here so I may wait til the night.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I will likely watch some of the games. But I don’t respect the Olympic games committee.
Holding games in China, and Russia? Honor has long ago left the Olympics.

Kropotkin's avatar

No, and won’t watch any of it at all.

jonsblond's avatar

I just watched some of the beginning and it’s giving me a Macys Thanksgiving Day parade vibe with everyone on boats. I’m just going to wait and watch the events I’m interested in.

filmfann's avatar

I am watching it. What a mish mash of French culture, music, and history.
It was nice to see the bell of Notre Dame ring. First time since the fire.
The Hunchback. Marie Antoinette. Lady GaGa. Le Miz.
Geez. They even reference a menage a trois.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann Yes. Way over the top and lots of fun, I think!

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m waiting for it to come out on DVD.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Only if the late night hosts show a part of it. I can’t watch TV during the day. There is always too much to do outside.

janbb's avatar

LG It’s being reshone at 7:30. NBC

JLeslie's avatar

I missed the first 20 minutes. Looks overcast. Lucky no rain so far. I guess for the performers lucky the sun isn’t beating down on them.

I like it so far! Love the variety.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh wait, a reporter just said it is raining. It didn’t look like it to me.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I am DVRing it and will watch it this evening because it just seems like tradition to watch it on Friday evening. I’m a night owl so I will probably watch it all the way through.

flutherother's avatar

We watched most of it and I discovered a dozen countries I never knew existed. It was lively and entertaining with some great music and dancing, even though it rained.

Cupcake's avatar

I planned on watching it tonight but watched it live this afternoon. Loved it. I love the joy and pride and hope in the faces of the athletes. I love seeing the different countries and how the host country represents itself in the entertainment. I thought it was great.

Caravanfan's avatar

I heard it was actually pretty good and that Lady Gaga and Gojira were amazing. I’m going to watch at least those performances.

janbb's avatar

I had missed the beginning before. I have to say I found the Lady Gaga bit pretty inane although I liked a lot of the rest.

filmfann's avatar

I didn’t watch it all. Did they make a Napoleon reference?
I thought the Marie Antoinette reference was tasteless.

jca2's avatar

I watched much of it during the prime time rerun. I thought it was pretty cool and looked like a lot of fun for the athletes on the boats. I fell asleep before the USA boat went by.

Brian1946's avatar

I watched some of it, but I missed seeing Coco Gauff bearing the US flag.

I was just watching Women’s Street Skateboarding, and Coco Yakizawa won the Gold!

I’m coocoo for the Coco’s! ;-D

RocketGuy's avatar

I recorded it on DVR. Olympics opening ceremonies usually try to be spectacular. Cool (for viewers) that this time they spread it out over several Paris landmarks. Lady Gaga and Celine Dion were fantastic. Heavy metal Marie Antoinette act was spectacular! Technology was advanced. If I had taken European art history I would have better appreciated the artsy acts. Because of the length we ended up watching it over two evenings. DVR for the win!

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