General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Even if he wanted to, can Trump kick Vance off the republican ticket?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33489points) 2 months ago

Vance (and Trump) were voted on by the Republican delegates to their convention, in an official, legal proceeding. (as opposed to democrats, who have not yet had their convention).

Is it legally possible to dump Vance, without another subsequent republican convention?

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7 Answers

chyna's avatar

It’s trump. He does what he damn well pleases.
But he made a horrible choice in Vance.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@chyna if Trump does dump Vance, it will be fascination to see how the right-wing fanatics, Tea Party, MAGA fundamentalists react.

Will they feel Trump was justified? Or will they feel betrayed?

Civil war in the republican party.

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes. McGovern kicked off Eagleton because of a h/o treatment for severe depression and replaced him with Shriver (who, coincidentally was the former father-in-law to Ahhhnold)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The convention must vote on the new VP, if I understand it.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Tropical_Willie It depends on the party rules. But as I said before, not necessarily.

mazingerz88's avatar

I think he can. As easy as farting in his sleep.

It’s no longer the Republican Party, it’s the Trumplican Party. He is their MAGA god now. I hope the felon keep Vance. Replacing him would be a good move for them.

LadyMarissa's avatar

He doesn’t want to replace Vance because that would make him look WEAK!!! My research indicated that he could but the delegates that voted originally will need to approve the change, They will approve the change because they don’t want him calling them to inquire as to why they didn’t.

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