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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What do you think of Donald Trump saying that if he wins, there will be no more elections?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) July 27th, 2024

He said there will be no more voting. “It’ll be fixed.”

Does this alarm you? Do you think it means nothing?

It absolutely terrifies me. He is an existential threat to democracy in the US and to world stability.

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29 Answers

chyna's avatar

It’s very scary and I can’t believe anyone would vote for him. They want their rights taken away? Their civil liberties?
This makes me sick.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that Trump means it. And I think that his followers will take it literally.

I don’t think that the trumpies care one bit about democracy. They care about power and forcing everyone to live under their worldview. Yes, this is just another sign of an existential problem that comes along with Trump government

gondwanalon's avatar

The way I interpreted what Trump was saying is that there won’t be any more elections if he DOESN’T win.

I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m not voting for Trump and certainly not voting for a far lefty.

This country is crumbling. No place to run to. No place to hide. I feel like one of the band members on the Titanic as it was sinking. 1–2-3 hit it! One MO time! Hit it! HA!

JLeslie's avatar

I am shocked he said “I am not Christian.”

I would be curious to see the entire context. If I think optimistically, he meant he would be such a great president and make the country so great, that the whole country will want to keep the status quo.

Maybe, if he was talking to very fanatic Christians he felt they would interpret that as he would bring the second coming of God, which many of them do believe Trump is helping with.

Trump is brilliant at saying things that make Democrats hysterical and Trump supporters happy and fired up at the same time.

It might be foreshadowing. It might be Trump admitting he will try to destroy our checks and balances and destroy our vote.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t think much of anything Trump says. It’s pretty clear, he doesn’t either.

Biden wasn’t the only one exposed at the debate.
Trump, unfettered and unchecked, went on to lie about pretty much EVERYTHING.

Narcissists need attention, so they feel the need to constantly talk loud, and often.

If anyone was thinking Trump was going to do less than try and start a Civil War if he isn’t elected, you haven’t been paying attention.

He doesn’t really understand much, about how the government works. So. He’s prone to making overly ambitious, and frequently unrealistic claims of what he will do of he’s elected again.

He WILL do his worst. But he has far too much faith that people will actually back him.
The military, in Trump’s first term, made sure the public was aware that they would NOT allow Trump to start a war, or nuke anyone.
He was just playing commander and chief.

For Trump to be ALL POWERFUL, like he wants, our nation’s volunteer military would have to be willing to commit acts of war on the citizens they volunteered to protect.

I ,personally, don’t believe that will happen.

ragingloli's avatar

“I love you. Get out – you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

chyna's avatar

I think trump says exactly what he means. It’s not like he’s a deep thinker. In his mind if/when he wins this time he will be a dictator that will hand the US down to his kids to run for the next 60 years.

Kropotkin's avatar

He didn’t say that there will be no more voting or elections.

He urged the Christians to come out and vote “just this one time”, and then that they wouldn’t have to again.

I’m fine with Trump criticism, but misquoting and misinterpreting, and then getting hysterical about it, isn’t it.

chyna's avatar

^My interpretation differs from yours. {{shrugs}}

seawulf575's avatar

As usual, the left is taking one snippet out of a whole speech and trying to make something nefarious out of it. Here is a video of his speech. If you like, call up the transcript and review it for yourself. He is addressing Christians (mainly) at a TPUSA rally in Palm Beach. He talks a good bit about how different religions tend to vote and why, but with Christians, he almost chastises them. Go to about 37:30 and he says:

”... by the way Christians have to vote you know. I don’t want to scold you but you know that Christians do not vote proportionately. They don’t vote like they should. They’re not big voters. You know who else aren’t voters? The NRA endorsed me very powerfully strongest endorsement they can give. National Rifle Association people that own guns and rifles on not big voters. They have to vote. If you don’t vote we’re not going to win the election. If you do vote we’re going to win in a landslide too big to rig. We’re going to win in a landslide. But Christians you know you’ll go to church every Sunday and Pastor Paula White and all of the people I understand they’re doing lock boxes in churches where people don’t even have to go to vote they can now vote in church, and if you do that we’re going to win by numbers that nobody’s ever seen before. You know you have tremendous power but you just don’t know that but you have to use that power. Christians are a group that’s known not to vote very much you have to go out at least this election. Just give us in get us into that beautiful white house. Vote for your congressmen and women vote for your Senators we will change this country for the better; this country will be great again like never before. You got to vote…”

He then goes on to outline what he intends to do when he is elected, his policies, things Biden has screwed up and then talks about how to ensure there are fair elections going forward. At just about the 1:00:00 point is when he says the bit about not having to vote again. He is referring back to how Christians (his target audience) traditionally doesn’t vote very much. Basically saying “Make sure you at least vote in this race, get me elected and I will fix it for fair elections going forward. If you don’t want to vote after that, you won’t have to since I will have fixed the process.”

Context is everything. To the left it is optional.

Kropotkin's avatar

@chyna If he says what he means, then there’s nothing to interpret.

I listened to a few minutes of the relevant segment of the speech.

Just prior to his comment toward Christians voting. he talks about introducing voter ID.

Leaving aside about arguments about voter ID, it would make no sense to want voter ID if you’re going to abolish voting and elections, which he wouldn’t be able to do even if stated explicitly and unequivocally.

The whole thing is about getting Christians to go out and vote in larger numbers than previously in order to give him enough votes so that the election “can’t be rigged” against him.

The “fixing” he refers to is about introducing voter ID, and any other voting reforms he might imagine will ensure right-wingers get more votes in future.

He even says “I’m a Christian*, and the Guardian somehow turns that into “not”.

janbb's avatar

@Kropotkin Yes, I heard it quoted on the radio and he said, “I’m a Christian.”

chyna's avatar

I’ve played that part of the video several times and can’t tell if he says “I’m a Christian” or “I’m not a Christian”. He kinda slurs right there.

LadyMarissa's avatar

The man has NEVER stepped foot in a church. He’d burst into flames if he did. I don’t trust any video that he controls. He will manipulate to fit his narrative in a skinny minute!!! He also depends on fools to have his back.

@Hawaii_Jake That’s what dick taters do, so I wasn’t even shocked except for the fact that he finally admitted it out loud!!! He’s been saying it in a round about way since he said Putin didn’t interfere in the 2016 election because he said he didn’t do it even though our intelligence people had proof that he did. Russian BOTS keep everything stirred up.

He’s upset that Harris has been stealing his thunder so he has to say something outrageous to get the spotlight back on himself & this is the way he chose!!!

chyna's avatar

Is this the same speech where he claims Kamala is against Jewish people and is against Israel? Her husband is Jewish. How can anything he says be taken seriously?

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna People accuse Trump of being antisemitic and his daughter and grandchildren are Jewish. Everything can be twisted and people will believe anything, especially if they want to believe it. A big block of his supporters are fervent about Israel for the prophecy.

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SnipSnip's avatar

Context is everything, and a bit of critical thinking and common sense are so necessary and both in short supply. If you cannot understand the context of the remark which has “terrified” you perhaps you should not read the news for a while.

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YARNLADY's avatar

@seawulf575 It’s interesting that you end the quote above just before he actually says “it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore.” You finish your comment in your own words, not his.

Kropotkin's avatar

Jesus Christ. Do any of you not understand context?

You don’t have to lose all sense of rationality just because Trump is saying stuff.

This only irks me, because I’ve seen this sort of disingenuous crap aimed at the left in my country, which also mostly came from liberals even more than conservatives.

seawulf575's avatar

@YARNLADY You folks couldn’t understand his, apparently, so I paraphrased to explain what he was saying. I mentioned where the part you folks have taken out of context fit into his speech, explained how it fit into context, and explained what it meant. Again, context is everything. Here’s a thought: why do I have to be the one to always go back to find the actual facts of what went on? And then, when I do, why is it that you folks always want to try nit-picking something so that you can still be right when you are so obviously uniformed and wrong? If you want to see the exact wording, as he said it, go back and watch the video I posted. They also offer the transcript there if you like reading. But the bigger question is why can none of you actually be bothered to look up the facts yourselves?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Context? Seriously?

As with EVERYTHING I take issue with, regarding Trump, I am reacting solely to HIS words.
There IS no appropriate context, for this, if you aren’t stupid enough not to put it in with the rest of Trump’s rhetoric.

His FACTUAL history, is that of an insurrectionist. Only a total moron, would not pay attention to the gathering storm.
Trump, and his sheep, are a clear and present danger to the USA. Take that, I’m whatever context you please. But opinions about this being “out of context,” are from the willfully obtuse.

Does ANYONE think his idiot sheep took it, “out of context?”

It’s time for some people to stop playing Devils advocate. Constantly making excuses for Trump, has always been an indefensible position. Nobody manufactured the things he’s said, or done.
A leader proclaiming he has been endorsed by a deity, IS A FUCKING PSYCHO.

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