What foods or drinks have you avoided, that helped your health from abstaining eating and drinking them?
From alcohol to soda pop? I made the following changes from being diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, (ibs), and being on medication for other stuff.
I cut out Apples, grapefruit, califlower and cabbage. My health has improved gradually over time.
I also stopped drinking pop and fruit juice, for about a year. Instead I drink chilled tap water, and fruit.
Also I haven’t had any alcohol since 2003.
I have lost 13 pounds this month.
I still drink milk, and non alcoholic low sodium v8 veggie cocktails.
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17 Answers
When things bother me, I tend to avoid them. I used to love ice cream. Then I started noticing that I would have an upset stomach and gas for a while after I ate some. I figured I was getting a little lactose intolerant and started watching my reaction after consuming other dairy products. It seemed true. I can eat butter, cream and sour cream without a lot of problems, provided I keep it in small quantities. Also I used to love spicy hot foods. A pepperoni and jalapeno pizza was wonderful. Until I suffered with heartburn for hours after eating it. So I stopped eating really hot things.
I had my best weight loss and felt my best when I started delivering beer and wine. The job was exercise like crazy often in ridiculous heat. I drank a lot of water and ate very little, usually grazing on carrots, celery, fruit and nuts all day. Then I’d have a good dinner with the wife when I got home, though I was so hot and tired by that time I didn’t have much of an appetite and didn’t eat huge portions. I dropped 30 pounds in 40 days and leveled out at 185 pounds (84 kg). On my 6’ frame, I was right where medical science said I should be. And I felt good.
Avoiding foods with saturated fat these days. Beef, dairy, pork, chidken. Consuming mostly veggies, fish, nuts and grains.
The goal is to reduce my high bad cholesterol number without taking meds. At the same time I still have about 4 lbs of weight that needs trimming to get to my proper BMI number. We shall see. :)
Alcohol, sugar, trans fat, vegetable oils, processed meat, and wheat flour (bread, pasta, heavy sauces…). If people just did this, they would be much healthier.
Alcohol (beer, wine, or the hard stuff) – maybe two beers a year, maximum.
Spicy stuff (reflux problem)
I love coffee, but I discovered that caffeine reduces your body’s ability to absorb magnesium for up to 10 hours! I was taking magnesium supplements, but I wasn’t benefiting from them, and I had horrible leg cramps. Ever since I stopped coffee, I haven’t had a single cramp. Woot!
I don’t drink alcohol of any kind.
I don’t drink things with high added sugar content like soda. I drink orange juice occasionally, but that doesn’t have added sugar. It’s naturally occurring.
For personal reasons, I don’t eat any meat.
I’m in excellent health. I hope it stays that way for many long years.
Doctor told me to go on the “No White” diet, no sugar, pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, crackers and cereal ! That was about 75 pounds ago and A1C went from 6.4 to under 5.
Lean protein like eggs, tuna, cottage cheese are fine.
Still haven’t drank, since November 2020…
I never really drank much except water. Unless I was drinking alcohol.
Now. I may have polluted myself with PFAS. Don’t just drink the tap water! What if I have for over 40 years?
Filtered tap water is fine in most places. I don’t understand the amount of people drinking water from all those single use plastic bottles. That can’t be good long-term.
I cut out soda a decade or two ago, alcohol is social/special occasion only and never beer (sadly my doc said its terrible.)
I drink 2 cups of coffee, the rest of the day water. Occasionally I will have a no sugar added juice but its rare.
@Blackwater_Park I was a “drink from the hose” guy.
I did buy a filter a few months ago, and it’s “PFAS certified.”
I can be neurotic, about stupid things like this. I just know I’m full of plastic! And I always thought I was SO smart drinking water, when everyone I know hates water. Especially women, I know. They need it to have “flavor.”
Water got flava….
@MrGrimm888 Me too, but we had well water growing up and we lived in the middle of nowhere in the smoky mountains of Western North Carolina. It was some of the most pristine water available in this entire country. When we moved to East Tennessee and had “municipal” water for the first time it was like “Jesus, how do people drink this shit.” Everyone who grew up here also has dental fluorosis, so there were a lot of kids drinking municipal water straight from the hose. My siblings and I were spared because of the well water I assume.
I’ve drank and showed /lived with well water before. I hated drinking it, honestly. No matter how much I drank, I was still thirsty…
But. Now, I’m full of plastic.
Well water in some areas can be dreadful, especially near the coast. In the Appalachian mountains, it’s some of the best in the world.
^Ours was probably a couple/few dozen miles inland from the ocean. There were many lakes, and swamps around. It was actually really close to Hell Hole Swamp.
It was a really deep well. We had to pay extra,and the guy putting it in, said it was one of the deepest wells he’d ever drilled.
It was fairly cold, regardless of the time of year. But wow, it stunk, and everything we cooked with it, seemed to taste weird.
Well water is amazing here in the Ozarks!! Luckily my friend down the road lets me fill up anytime with that delicious, cold goodness.
Filtered tap is disgusting. Shudder.
Somebody farted, in our well water…:(
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