General Question

janbb's avatar

If you donate or will donate to a candidate, are you one and done or do you donate several times?

Asked by janbb (63360points) July 28th, 2024

I go back and forth between each strategy. Donate as much as you plan to give all at once and then resist further appeals or donate a little – perhaps even monthly. It’s difficult to decide.

Please do not use this question to rant about the political system that requires donors or to mention any candidates by name. This will go in General and off-topic answers will be flagged.

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13 Answers

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filmfann's avatar

I donate anonymously. That way they won’t stalk me.
I donate early, and more if I can later.

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canidmajor's avatar

I tend to donate once, as generously as I can. I have the idea that it does more good sooner, rather than later.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@filmfann how do you do it anonymously?

canidmajor's avatar

@elbanditoroso I use money orders.

Pandora's avatar

I will donate to a good candidate at the beginning of their run. If they look like are definitely going to lose because their opponent is stronger then I won’t give a second time.
I never do those monthly donations. So in the voting year, I may donate 3 to 4 times. I usually decide a total amount for donations and then divide it up by who probably needs it most or who I am 100 percent wishing will win.

smudges's avatar

One and done, through ActBlue. When they emailed me a few times, I “unsubscribed” and also blocked them as spam. No more problems.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My donations are miniscule, and I make more than one because of that fact. If I had larger resources, I would make one donation early in the process and delete all further solicitations without reading.

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Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I signed up for a small monthly donation to Biden, and now that’s going to Harris.

As bookkeeper for a small campaign, i see the “big” $2k to $5k donations make an impact. The $100 – $500 donations add up, they may be the bulk of our income. The $5 & $10s show real heart, we love them and hope they’re also contributing with word of mouth publicity.

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