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Tropical_Willie's avatar

How long before Trump calls Kamala Harris a "bitch" or worse the "N" word in public?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31621points) July 29th, 2024

Trump seems to be more animated and agitated in public after the latest polls say he is slipping to Harris. I think he is becoming more irritated, weird and irrational.

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46 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

I thought he already has; however since you’re asking, I guess I was wrong. At one point, he changed the “N” word to the “R” word by simply changing the first letter & nobody noticed. It won’t be long now…bullies are cowards!!!

flutherother's avatar

Trump hasn’t gone much beyond deliberately mispronouncing Kamela Harris’s name so far, like the true statesman he is. He seems to be having trouble finding ways to insult her. Perhaps he is getting senile.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I doubt he will, on purpose, because he really doesn’t want to lose too many (a) women and (b) black votes.

But since his brain and his mouth are seldom in synch, it’s not at all impossible.

Forever_Free's avatar

During a debate would be especially sweet timing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Former President with NO CLASSS !

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve heard Trump talk a LOT. Like I said, I used to listen to him on Howard Stern’s show, based in NYC. Trump was a guest frequently. And like most, Trump was more open on Stern.
He said a lot of wild, stupid shit. And liked to brag about himself.

We have a lot of “hot mike,” or otherwise recorded things Trump has said. Some, extremely offensive, and shocking.

However. I, personally, don’t think he says the “n” word. I’m not saying that Trump isn’t racist. But, that word doesn’t fit his style.

It may be that Trump’s vocabulary is so small, there’s no room for such words.

snowberry's avatar

One minute if AI does it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not that I am taking sides with Dementia Don, but a really doubt he would do that ,he will call her lying, crooked, that sort a thing but I doubt at least on camera he will call her the N word, or bitch.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ If he’s needing some press to increase his relevance, don’t underestimate anything that might come out of his mouth. He NEVER thinks very far ahead only this precise moment.

JLeslie's avatar

I very seriously doubt the N word. I grew up in NY and metro DC and I never heard that word, except in school in literature, it just was not part of our vernacular. So, unless he’s hearing people in his immediate circles say it a lot, I don’t think he would naturally say it. Plus, aren’t his groupies trying to say Kamala isn’t Black? The majority of Republicans don’t want to be portrayed as racist, it really bothers them, understandably.

Bitch might be more likely, but I doubt it.

jca2's avatar

I’m guessing he’s going to continue with that she’s nuts, a loony, very liberal. He’s probably not dumb enough to call her bitch or n word. He might refer to her as botch privately. I’m betting he knows that hot mic catching him saying n word at any time is the kiss of death.

RocketGuy's avatar

He’ll probably use DEI instead, now that DEI has taken on derogatory meaning.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would actually be common for younger generations, regardless of color, to use the “n” word.

For ,say my generation, the word would replace “dude,” or currently “bruh.” It is if course a culture thing. The word, used in such frequency and different context, may actually hopefully remove the power of the word.
As it has a horrific past.

I will say, you don’t have to say the “n” word, to imply racism.
Saying things like “shit hole countries,” when referring to predominantly brown nations, should clear that up.

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I would be shocked if New Yorkers are using that word, even young ones, especially white New Yorkers. I’m not in New York or with young people a lot, so I could be wrong, but I haven’t heard that word any time I was in NYC. Maybe I’m not in the right social circles, but when I’m in NYC I do use the subway, buses, shop in everything from hardware stores to Bloomingdale’s, eat in little local restaurants, it just seems so unlikely.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s just what I have heard, over the past 10 years. It was long used the same way, by only black people. But when people from “the north” come to the clubs I used to work, or if you just listen to some white kids talking at a bus stop, it seems to be a new norm.
I discussed this with my nephew, because he has a 4 year old now. All his friends, regardless of color, use it, and it doesn’t seem to bother anyone.

There IS a big difference between the bad way of using it.
But. If it’s their thing, and it’s not that bad for them, who cares…

RocketGuy's avatar

Since I’m not black, I won’t even try. I offend people often enough already by using just common words.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Read the link I posted in answers – - he has used the “N” word in private more than once . . .he and his father hated people of color . . they were taking to court because of that; many times about renting their apartments to people that were NOT WHITE !

JLeslie's avatar

His nephew has said Trump has used it, but I think it was many years ago. Maybe Trump still uses it behind closed doors, who knows.

jca2's avatar

Grimmy I live in New York in a predominantly white area and I can assure you that the kids here don’t use the n word and friends and family in other areas of NY don’t use it either.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yesterday (July 30), Trump said that Harris “doesn’t like Jewish people.” This is laugh-out-loud hilarious, given that she’s married to a Jewish man.

In the 2020 election, approximately 70% of American Jews voted for Joe Biden. I’m predicting that the percentage will be much higher for 2024.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Where is wulfie to defend that Trump statement ,he should be here screaming it was taken out of context.^^

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I think I know why . . . he is sure Trump will “Open Mouth Insert Foot”.

He is calling. Harris a “play toy”

A little sexist , maybe a lot sexist. He doesn’t respect women unless they have a Pre-Nup. ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

syz's avatar

Some Republicans are calling her a “DEI hire”, which is the new publicly acceptable N-word.

LadyMarissa's avatar

You might find this as funny as I do. He’s claiming that he didn’t know that she is black. He says that she used to be Indian, but it seems that she’s now claiming to be black. Now he needs to look at that closer.

flutherother's avatar

Trump has no future. He is even losing the ability to be offensive, which is the only quality he ever had.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He has gone from offensive and boorish to rude and nonsensical.

JLeslie's avatar

@Love_my_doggie Jews are sometimes accused of being antisemetic. Trump is accused of being antisemetic and he has a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren. I don’t think Harris is antisemitic, but just pointing out how that can be twisted.

I think the Jewish vote is a little more precarious this time compared to 4 years ago, because of the antisemitism that has come from the left in the last several months. Most Jews will vote for Harris, but I don’t think you will get a higher percentage than 2020. Might even go lower. That’s what I think anyway.

chyna's avatar

He is now saying she isn’t even black. He never knows when to shut his mouth.

Pandora's avatar

I was going to say, maybe not now, because he denying she’s even black. LOL He’s trying to make it sound like mixed-race people are something weird. You can’t be one race or the other so you shouldn’t be seen as valuable to that race.

The Republican party pretty much has been calling her a mutt by bringing up her mixed race. This is to be expected of white nationalists who believe in the purity of race although they hate all races that is non-white.

I would be surprised if he did because it would bury him further, however, I think if he feels like he’s really has a chance of losing, then he will use it to fire up his clan base.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I only saw some “highlights.”
It was on ABC World News.
Obviously, it was/is on a lot of other media sources.
But I was kind if surprised when I saw it in national news.

I.have NO idea, who in Trump’s team thought him being in that interview, with the interviewer often talking with no attempt at varnish.
I have no other choice, but to believe that he (and his unearned self confidence) thought he could just wing this interview.
The audience’s constantly progressing anger was palpable.
The things he was saying, and the questions he was being asked were wild.
I can admit feeling some satisfaction, when Rachel Scott talked over him, trying to talk over her. Several times just exposing him as a total liar.

Trump was terrible. Maybe worse. The audience and Scott, had Trump in a real predicament. I thought he could have actually had better answers for her questions.
She controlled the entire thing.
Trump could not have looked more racially, culturally, or factually ignorant.

To me. That should hurt him, as bad as Biden’s performance in the debate.

I relished, watching him squirm.
I bet he’s STILL throwing plates, and super pissed. And it was clear, that part of why he looked SO bad, was that he was upset at Scott’s existence, and how he seemed to despise the crowd (lots of black people.)

I am mostly confused as to why Trump would agree to such a interview. The questions were NOT softballs, and Trump was essentially a head shaking (no) mess.

Things have changed, like the weather. There aren’t two old, disconnected, over their heads, white men running anymore.

The Republicans, at this time, are running a old, dumpster fire, and so far a VP candidate that is destroying himself with the same ammunition. He can’t do a simple interview without saying something stupid.

And now Trump, today?

Why. Why would anyone not vote for Harris, over Trump?
Whatever color, Trump thinks Harris is, I think she looks “American.” We DO have a lot if mixed race people, and more are being born each day.

And Trump, didn’t need the “n” word to look like an ancient cliché of an old rich white man.
He came off, like a relic of a type of person that needs to die out.

jca2's avatar

I saw an interview on TV where he was talking to a black audience, saying that the migrants are taking black jobs, and they were asking him what are black jobs? They didn’t seem too happy with him.

It’s crazy that he’s saying he didn’t know kamala is black, when she became Bidens vp pick 5 years ago, the big talk was that she would be a black VP.

RocketGuy's avatar

Maybe he thought black voters wouldn’t vote for a “not actually black” candidate? He wouldn’t vote for a “not actually white” candidate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m not sure what point Trump thought he was making, but he seemed to be saying that she was previously a self-proclaimed Indian woman. And that she, I guess, decided recently that she was black.

I am NOT, an expert on Harris. But, like I said, she looks American. To me, her black genes are predominant.

She went to Howard, for fuck’s sake!

JLeslie's avatar

Trump knows his supporters are pushing this idea that Harris is not Black, so I figure he is just saying that to chime in with them. It sounds crazy that someone wouldn’t know Harris identifies as Black. She has said it multiple times and it was part of the criticism when Biden was choosing a running mate. He was choosing from multiple Black women.

I do think when he asked the reporter to define DEI that it was a legitimate question by him, and that the reporter did not answer it. If I remember correctly Trump didn’t say emphatically that Harris was a DEI hire, he said he didn’t know, or something similar. I just think it is a ridiculous question. Why not ask if he thinks Harris is qualified instead?

I saw when Trump was asked the first Q he came back at the reporter as being rude or whatever he called her. I wondered if I got to see the very very beginning. Did the reporter bother to say thank you for coming or any sort of welcoming statement? Seems like that would have been a standard thing to do.

When he was asked what is a Black Job, he said any job a Black person has. He didn’t say what type of job. I don’t know if he has said something different in the past.

If I sit back and just listen without years of being upset by what he says, some of the answers the Democrats are criticizing him on don’t sound that bad to me, so what that means is Republicans are hearing at minimum similar to me, or even further down the road of what he said being “right” and legitimate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Trump’s entire political career, was founded on his constant lies about Obama.
It doesn’t shock me, that he is attacking Harris’ race.

Trump is unique, to political history.
The first ever candidate, who uses grade school vocabulary and tactics. This leaves essentially nothing, off limits.

He and his sheep, feed off of each other’s hate.
Do NOT give Trump any free passes, for being a bigot.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Next he will ask Harris for her birth certificate.

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I’m not shocked at all. Like I said, he is just going along with what his groupies are saying. The Republicans are calling Harris a DEI hire and saying she isn’t Black. I still think Trump just listens to stuff and then it is fresh in his head and parrots it back for his base, or he makes up stuff and see if they like it, and then he sticks with those things that they like. He will say almost anything for the adoration. I don’t think he is always doing that, but he does it a lot.

I do think he has opinions on politics, he always has. I have seen him in interviews for 35 years being asked about politics. It is not like suddenly he started thinking about politics. He foreshadowed a long time ago that if he ran, he would run as a Republican, because he thought they campaigned better and the base could be convinced of almost anything. He used to be more critical of both sides previously, he wasn’t uber loyal to either party back then. He gave money to both and socialized with both.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie Apparently he accused them of being late to air, because of cheap equipment but it turns out that his team was fighting over what questions they could ask him. His team wanted a fluff piece and didn’t want them to be able to fact-check him in real-time.
So that sounds like he just wanted to be able to come in and lie with no consequences. If you don’t plan to lie then you wouldn’t worry about fact-checking.

I’m sure that pissed off both sides before they started. And on top of that, he wanted them to treat him with respect. When has he ever cared about being respectful of others? Always behaving like a schoolyard bully or a child throwing a tantrum.

You didn’t ask me nice stuff so you are a mean ole lady who hurt my feelings. He needs to grow up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah school yard bully, mob boss, who respects no one and yet wants respect from everyone.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora I think his main complaint about her question was it was right out of the gate, but yes he might have still accused her of not being nice and used his fake news line. I think my point is, Democrats help set themselves up to be criticized when they don’t follow normal protocol in an interview situation like that. Usually, you thank someone for showing up.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie Which is possibly something that Trump set up. He had no legitimate reason to deny fact-checking unless he planned to lie. So I’m sure after an hour of negotiation they probably had arguments. Trump isn’t known to behave as an adult when he feels he isn’t getting his way. So he set it up to look contentious.

Because nothing is ever his fault. Cheated on taxes. Not his fault. Cheated on his wives (all three) not his fault women throw themselves at him. Took documents and not only didn’t return them when asked, but kept shuffling them around and hiding them. Not his fault. Lost and election and caused Jan 6, not his fault. Failed several businesses and left others holding the bag. Not his fault. So, I’m hesitant to blame them for not being super curious. It wasn’t very welcoming but I didn’t think it rude. They were there to ask tough questions.
If a prolific liar wants to be president then he should be able to handle some tough questions, or just don’t go.

He reminded me of my grand nephew, who got mad after grandpa yelled at him. Grandpa said he had a headache and asked him not to play in his room because he wanted to nap. My nephew ignored him twice and continued to jump around and make noise. Then grandpa yelled at him and kicked him out. He came crying to me and his mom. I told him I heard the whole thing and grandpa asked him twice and even explained he was tired and had a headache. He said well he was in the room first so grandpa should’ve left. But it was grandpa s room. I told him he was being disrespectful and threw a fit and stormed out. Saying no one understands.
I expect that from a (then) 7 year old. But that is Trumps whole life in a nut shell.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Well, Trump is called. Harris “Bitch” in private multiple times.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m probably not surprising many, but so have I.

But mainly in ways like “who even is that bitch?”

Does anyone here think Harris, may not have some things she calls Donny?

Tropical_Willie's avatar



>>Non compos mentis – – - (not mentally competent)

>>Lard Ass

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