I only saw some “highlights.”
It was on ABC World News.
Obviously, it was/is on a lot of other media sources.
But I was kind if surprised when I saw it in national news.
I.have NO idea, who in Trump’s team thought him being in that interview, with the interviewer often talking with no attempt at varnish.
I have no other choice, but to believe that he (and his unearned self confidence) thought he could just wing this interview.
The audience’s constantly progressing anger was palpable.
The things he was saying, and the questions he was being asked were wild.
I can admit feeling some satisfaction, when Rachel Scott talked over him, trying to talk over her. Several times just exposing him as a total liar.
Trump was terrible. Maybe worse. The audience and Scott, had Trump in a real predicament. I thought he could have actually had better answers for her questions.
She controlled the entire thing.
Trump could not have looked more racially, culturally, or factually ignorant.
To me. That should hurt him, as bad as Biden’s performance in the debate.
I relished, watching him squirm.
I bet he’s STILL throwing plates, and super pissed. And it was clear, that part of why he looked SO bad, was that he was upset at Scott’s existence, and how he seemed to despise the crowd (lots of black people.)
I am mostly confused as to why Trump would agree to such a interview. The questions were NOT softballs, and Trump was essentially a head shaking (no) mess.
Things have changed, like the weather. There aren’t two old, disconnected, over their heads, white men running anymore.
The Republicans, at this time, are running a old, dumpster fire, and so far a VP candidate that is destroying himself with the same ammunition. He can’t do a simple interview without saying something stupid.
And now Trump, today?
Why. Why would anyone not vote for Harris, over Trump?
Whatever color, Trump thinks Harris is, I think she looks “American.” We DO have a lot if mixed race people, and more are being born each day.
And Trump, didn’t need the “n” word to look like an ancient cliché of an old rich white man.
He came off, like a relic of a type of person that needs to die out.