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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is the psychology behind vandalism?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25164points) July 29th, 2024

A friend years ago said that she stopped some teenagers who were vandalizing a municipal trash bin.

What is the meaning of the vandalism?
Bordem? Anger? Mental illness? Marking one’s territory? Or something different?

Have you ever felt that way? How would you describe the psychology behind it?

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7 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Oh yeah, you mean Clem and Rudo, that time when they did that vandalism to those municipal bins I know all about in Red Deer, Canada?

Yeah, we had an in-depth discussion of their reasons for doing that. They told me all about it.

. . .

I’ve witnessed and been part to a LOT of vandalism, almost all back before I was a teenager.

There are of course different people and different cases, which can have pretty different reasons.

Most of the vandalism with kids I knew, was an almost-entirely unspoken mixture of looking for something fun and exciting to do, and resentful reactions directed at adult society in general, I would say mostly because of the crappier aspects, such as the expectations of limited behavior and expression, and borderline or actual abuse of the kids by parents and other adults.

Being dominated, restricted, misunderstood, and judged by adults, when given time with other kids, they could claim and experience some agency, freedom, power, and expression, by thinking up diabolical stuff they could get away with, and the more panic and upset it would cause adults, especially adults they resented or didn’t respect, the better. It was also exciting and fun trying not to get caught, and so on.

In some cases, the cause and effect was pretty direct and clear to see. One adopted kid had pretty strict parents who only permitted him to have any sweets one day a week, on “Candy Day”, when they’d take him and his sister to a nearby store that had some candy, and give them a little money with which they could buy sweets. This led to him spending the rest of the week stealing money, shoplifting, going to that store himself to buy sweets, and stashing sweets in hiding places outside the house.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

In some cases, it’s a desire for validation. The artist wants recognition for their work.

gorillapaws's avatar

So in my case, it was about proving to my peers that I was trustworthy. If we’ve all done some illegal act together, then that builds a sense of mutual trust. Gangs commit horrendous, violent crimes for a similar purpose. Suburban kids sometimes do minor property crimes to prove how tough they are…

This isn’t a comprehensive explanation and I’m sure there are many other reasons people commit vandalism. It’s just my experience.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think that this is a GREAT question.
We know, the reason.
At least in more cases than not, we kids did ANYTHING “just because.” (EXCELLENT Jane’s Addiction song.)

@Zaku I think, could not have given a better, or well thought out answer. At least as far, as the type of vandalism that I am talking about.

Now I, never did anything wrong.

But WOW. The Red button effect. I call it. Or. That’s what I call whatever disorder I have.
If I see a red button… It may not be now, or maybe no time soon. But I WILL push that red button.
Even if I have to go, to unreasonable extremes, I have to do it.
To be fair, the habit, has brought me mostly terrible (but interesting,) results.

The things I’ve seen, in public schools, are frankly unspeakable. Acts, thar vary in motivation, as much as the act is random.
Mostly destruction, or simply taking random (often valueless) things, because most kids, are fucking crazy. I genuinely think, the young/underdeveloped mind, with extremely powerful hormones and lack of experience with the concept that “actions, have consequences,” will likely do highly unpredictable things.

To me, it’s more of a symptom, of being a certain age, than an isolated behavior.
Looking back on so many things and memories of the event, I rarely can recall WHY I had acted like I did. It sometimes wasn’t even like me. I remember doing this, but why the Hell did I?
I do recall, there was justification.
That old man, always yells at us.
We should come back tonight, and wreak havoc on his house, or yard. Whatever he was always yelling about.
If there was a business, that was deemed to have committed a wrong, it would have been dealt with.

A couple decades later, I am the adult who is the victim of of random acts, of the insane young people. Broken windows, theft, things like sticks jammed into the old hole in the back of my motorcycle seat. All kinds of shit. It sucks every time. I almost never know what I could have done for whatever happened to me.
I always try to keep my chin high though, and recall the duality of the situation. It sucks, but I will admit a smile across my normally stoic face. Remembering all the stupid stuff me and my friends used to do.
Some things, we were forced to do, by older kids. Nothing sexual, but they would beat us up if we wouldn’t steal something or break something.
Usually, they beat us up no matter what.

I see it, in other animals, all the time. Young make Elephants tear down trees, and stuff.
The hormones are driving them crazy.

And then, at some point, we become adults. Then crimes, are crimes. And “just because,” is no excuse anymore.

This question, brought back a lot of memories.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all They were kicking the trash can. So I am including exercising as another possibility.

YARNLADY's avatar

The one act of vandalism I ever did was to see how hard it would be to kick out some pickets from a fence, and the sound they made was exciting.

gorillapaws's avatar

@YARNLADY I think if you added a few line breaks, that could be a pretty awesome poem.

Almost a bit Gwendolyn Brooks.

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