General Question

seawulf575's avatar

How would you do a debate between Trump and Harris?

Asked by seawulf575 (17290points) August 1st, 2024

There has been a lot of talk about a Trump/Harris debate. The debate between Biden and Trump had Biden setting all the terms. CNN even hosted it.

In that debate they both had to walk in, no teleprompters, no note cards, no communications with anyone and deal with the questions. The questions were supposedly not given to either party before the debate.

How would you design a debate? This is in General. Not looking for dissertations on how you feel about either candidate. I’m looking for structure of the debate

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46 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

My view of a good debate would have many of the same things as last debate: no teleprompters, no notes, no communications with anyone. I’d suggest both candidates are checked for communication devices prior to entering the stage.

But I believe that both candidates should write up 5 questions when they first get to the stage. This would not be known to either candidate before hand. Those would be the only questions that could be asked. Ask Trump questions that Harris writes up and vice versa for the initial answers with the original author being a response to the opponents answer for that question. I think if the candidates wrote the questions on the fly, it would tell us a lot about the question author as well as the answer from the opponent.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like to try one candidate at a time being interviewed by the moderators. No interaction between candidates. Only one candidate at a time in the studio.

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smudges's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 But one of the purposes is to put them on the spot where they have to answer in one another’s presence.

chyna's avatar

So wulfie, do you mean Harris gets to ask trump 5 questions and he answers. But does she also get to answer her own questions and vice versa?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I never understood a true televised debate being micromanaged. Mics shouldn’t need to be cut off, candidates should not be allowed ear pieces or help. Bring notes, behave and have an actual debate!

JLeslie's avatar

I think bring some notes, allow pen and note paper.

Question, answer not more than 3 minutes, and then a chance to rebut for 45 seconds if something is introduced in an answer that needs to be clarified.

Moderator can point out if a candidate did not answer the Q.

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Zaku's avatar

There could be a delay for what they say to be checked for relevance and accuracy, and if it’s off-topic, the words “not answering” appears in large yellow text while they don’t answer. If it’s inaccurate, words to describe how inaccurate it is appear in letters that get larger range from yellow to bright red for blatant self-serving lies, as they say them.

Actually it probably needs a category for “completely bonkers” too, in WingDings font, with a different color for each letter.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I like JL’s answer, and the others mic is muted to let the person finish.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’d be happy with instant fact checking.

@KNOWITALL Mic cutting, became a necessity after Trump tried to talk over everyone and couldn’t follow rules that kids running for class president would have adhered to.

In the most recent debate, can I assume we didn’t need to hear Biden’s active mental decline for longer than we had to.

There will be an agenda for both candidates, of course.
At this point, I would like for facts to be prioritized. And for the checking to be immediate. Even if it makes it take longer.

Since they had to stand for the entirety of the last debate, I feel it necessary that both candidates be on an elliptical machine this time. Trump likes doubling down, and he’s in excellent shape, so I can’t think of why he wouldn’t like to show off his vigor some more.

This will seem like a joke, but I’m serious. I don’t think it would be wise for either candidate to stand at an open podium going forward, whenever possible.

The assassination attempt, should have had the same impact, as JFK’s. It’s not safe, for the candidates.

I’d rather not see a drone zoom into the debate, and kill both of them. It’s time to get serious about the stakes in this election, and understand that there is also involvement with foreign agitators, like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea.
Let’s keep these candidates safe.
Some are consumed with voter fraud, but the real issue is safety.

LostInParadise's avatar

Force both candidates to provide references for any supposed information they are referring to.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Perhaps like the 1956 first televised debates, they should have surrogates debate.

Zaku's avatar

There could also be a live score table showing the number of actual responses, the number of truths, half-truths, and lies.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Zaku I like that a lie told by either candidate should be shown to the public instantly.

filmfann's avatar

Part of Trump’s strategy is to keep the lies coming so fast you can’t possibly challenge them all.

filmfann's avatar

I would like a complete revamp of these debates. Prepared questions given to the candidates ahead of time, then let them defend their positions live.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann I might be on board with that. Less excuse to pivot if you have the Q’s ahead of time.

LostInParadise's avatar

I was not surprised by any of the questions. The candidates should be able to guess what they will be asked and prepare accordingly. That is part of the reason I was so disappointed by Biden’s poor debate performance.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How about a text off? Between candidates?

filmfann's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I am hoping for a dance off.
Of course I will watch any debate between them, even though my vote is locked up.

jca2's avatar

They should be able to rebut each other’s responses, which is what a debate is.

Asking each one questions privately in a room is not a debate.

I agree with cutting off mics so that each would not be allowed to talk over the other or ramble on. Question is asked, candidate answers. Other candidate gets a minute or two to rebut. First candidate gets a minute or two to respond to rebuttal.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’d have them both suspended in a dunking booth filled with hungry piraña’s. If they lie there’s. a 20% chance they get dropped into the tank.

Pandora's avatar

I would design it like a game show. With actual answers to the questions asked. And everytime they go of subject to avoid giving an answer they lose a point and it moves on to the next question. They will not be given extra time to actually try to answer the question.
Both asked the question blindfolded and the answer revealed on the board for the audience to see.
Whoever gets the most answers right without lying or going off on a tangent wins.
And for extra points they are asked what do they plan to do while in office that would be legal. Of course major minus point if you say something totally ridiculous. Like replace Generals with Nash Car people.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL The candidates in such a forum, are already essentially acting. Some, look more natural at it than others.

I definitely used(past tense,) to hope a debate would provide great insight into both people, and that we could vaguely ascertain their speaking/diplomatic skills.

SO much I was taught about America, has turned out not to be true.
The performance( for lack of a better word) of the US government (overall,) in the past 20 or so years has been abysmal.

In the past 10 years, it’s been barely functional. Every few months, the government is about to shutdown.
There is a partisan war, that has spilled not just out, but allover every level or branch of the government.

There are too many shameful failures, to even try to list.

The “debate” between Trump and Biden, was a disgraceful public display of the nature of current American politics.

If anyone thinks either candidate, was anything other than a shameful embarrassment, I would question their judgment.

As someone, who has NEVER/will NEVER vote, it’s validating to know that I am indeed not participating in a poorly run game meant to give us the illusion of choice/power.

But. I grow tired of being right, instead of just cynical.

The events of the past couple weeks, have been especially batshit crazy.

The debates, at this point, are just a game.
In fact all of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the next months, to try and get both elected, is a comical waste of money.

I would like for there to be a LAW, that prevents politicians from lying in their campaign commercials too.

seawulf575's avatar

@Chyna Yes, Harris would ask 5 questions (or the moderators would ask Trump those 5 questions) and he would answer and then, just like in all debates, she could respond to his answers. And likewise for Trump asking 5 questions (or the moderators asking Harris those 5 questions) and she has to answer with him being able to respond to her answers.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL All the mic cutting and notes, etc shouldn’t be needed, should they? But the problem is that many politicians are nothing but schoolyard children. The need to be considerate is not considered. Likewise, notes should not be needed if the politician is up to snuff. They should know what they stand for, what their perspective policies are, etc. Unfortunately there are too many that are merely puppets that give answers they are told to give. If they are running for the highest office in our country, they shouldn’t need to be given talking points. They should be able to “wing it” on their own.

Now, bringing blank paper and a pen? That would be okay, provided it was verified to be blank. Let them jot down things that they feel they need to respond to as the debate goes on.

seawulf575's avatar

The problem with the “lie” issue is: who decides what a lie is? Remember when Trump saying he never colluded with Russia during the 2016 election was considered a lie? Remember when it was a lie to suggest Hunter’s laptop was real and not Russian disinformation? Letting others tell you what is a lie and what isn’t is weak at best.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^A “lie” is a non-fact.

We’ll NEVER get a lie-free presidential debate.

FACTS. Like; “crime was worse, under Trump, NOT better.”

FACTS, are not subjective.

We NEED fact-checking.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yet fact checking said Russia Collusion was true…until it wasn’t. Fact checking said Hunter’s laptop was Russian Disinformation…until it wasn’t. Fact checking said Trump called white supremacists and Neo-Nazis “very fine people”...until it was proven false.

Fact checking is just as flawed as every other “news” coverage these days. And “fact checking” cannot be spot checked. That becomes “opinion”. Tell you what, let’s do “fact checking” but let Newsmax or Breitbart do the fact checking. Would that be alright with you? After all, they can fact check too, right?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I do agree that “fact-checking” is not impartial if the news networks are doing the checking. The “fact-checking” always favors the party the network represents. It’s like scientific “studies” that are sponsored, read, “performed” by corporations that want to use them to sell a product or convince the public that they’re safe when the opposite is true.

LostInParadise's avatar

@seawulf575 ,
There was Russian colliusion in the 2016 presidential election.
And Trump said that there were good people on both sides, where one side was all racists.

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise Get with the times. Mueller did his investigation and found that while Russia did try to interfere in the election, no Americans were found to have knowingly played a role. In other words, there was no collusion. On a side note, John Durham did an investigation into the entire investigation and what got us to the point of claiming the collusion. What he found was people lied on FISA warrants so they could wire tap Trump and all his team and then kept those wired taps in place when he was POTUS. The entire thing was started because Hillary wanted the presidency and used foreign players to dig up dirt on Trump. So the disgraced British spy got with sketchy Russians who fed them all sorts of lies. None of the Steele dossier was verified before it was used as fodder to lie on FISA warrants. So in a way you are right…there was Russian Collusion…between the Russians and Hillary.

As for the “very fine people”, let me give you Snopes’ take on it

They give a transcript of the discussion. Trump specifically did NOT call white supremacists or Neo-Nazis “very fine people”. What he specifically said about them was: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?”

You are spouting what the left pushed for a long, long time. It was a lie, they knew it was a lie, and still they pushed it.

smudges's avatar

^^ I checked out the fact check also. He didn’t blatantly say what many are claiming he said.

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?” is what he said. I can’t stand trump, but I hate lies outright lies from the media even more.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Snopes used to be reliable. It’s not the same couple running the show now.

smudges's avatar

Thankfully, Mikkelson was caught and the new owners are trying to rebuild its reputation that he almost destroyed.

“Aug. 13, 2021
Snopes Retracts 60 Articles Plagiarized by Co-Founder: ‘Our Staff Are Gutted’. The fact-checking site has banned David Mikkelson, who owns half the company, from writing articles after a BuzzFeed News investigation prompted an internal review.”

06–02-2023 / TECH
Inside Snopes: the rise, fall, and rebirth of an internet icon
America’s premier fact-checking site was failed by the two men who had charge of it, critics say. As Snopes turns a corner, here’s the tale of what went so right—and so wrong.

seawulf575's avatar

@Blackwater_Park It isn’t about whether Snopes slants things or not. They just happened to be one of the first sites on my search that had a portion of the transcript of what Trump said. And it shows specifically that what the “fact checkers” said was true, wasn’t. they were lying. that is why fact checking on a debate is meaningless. It has been shown time and again that fact checkers will make shit up to support one side or the other.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. No. No.
Wulf. I know that you live, to look for conspiracies and injustices against Trump.

I agree. Some “facts” are more fluid than others.

According to a Washington Post article from Jan 2021, Trump made “false, or misleading” claims 30,573 times in his 4 year term.

In Trump’s debate with Biden recently, let’s look at Trump there.

He lied, about abortion.
He lied, about the environment.
He lied, about prescription drug reform.
He lied, about the border.
He lied, about the economy.
He lied, about January 6th.

I don’t expect EVERY letter of every word, to be scrutinized.
But Trump, in the past and present, is lying ALL THE TIME.

Is someone here saying, that because some facts, are more subjective, most ARE NOT.
If Trump lies 45% of the time, he’s talking, the country SHOULD know about it. Period.
If Harris is also untrustworthy, like Trump, then the country SHOULD know about it.Period.

”...a fact check, in a debate is meaningless.”
You’re continually discrediting yourself, and Trumpers, by making such mindless comments.

It actually illustrates the type of people, Trumpers are. They don’t care about truth, or facts. They just care about Trump being elected again.

As far as Harris, I’m not convinced of much, about her.
I don’t currently have anything negative to say about her.
BUT. The reason (I know) a lot of people voted for Trump in 2016, wanted change, for the sake of change. Which proved to he disastrous thinking.

To a large degree, Harris, (at this point) could be considered “change, for the sake of change.”
Another potential pitfall.

Fact checking, is more than a good idea. It’s the ONLY way to debate.

For someone wanting the debate to be ”fair” on either side, being against fact checking is not in that interest.

Call them, on the obvious lies.

Why, is THAT such a big fucking deal?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Since you cited the WaPo list, have you ever actually looked at it? I’d suggest you do. I looked at it when I first heard about it. Trump said he never colluded with Russia, they called that a lie. If he said it 3 times a day because he was getting questions about it, they counted that as 3 lies. That went on for years. Ditto that the “Very Fine People” lie. Every time he denied saying it, it was a lie. It went on and on like that. Basically if he opened his mouth they called it a lie. And guess what? When all those things were proven that he didn’t lie, they didn’t go back and amend their list. Too much work to be honest, I guess.

And let’s look at that another way. They were keeping a running tally of “Trump lies”. Were they also keeping a list of Hillary lies? Biden lies? Obama lies? Nope. And don’t try to tell me they never lied. The entire Russian Collusion thing was a huge lie by Hillary. But what that says is that the media is biased. They aren’t treating both sides of the aisle the same. They are trying to castigate one side while they cover up for the other. This is what I consistently tell you is a huge problem. That is why I try to get as much information from as many outlets as possible and, if possible, go to the root documents. Because as much as you want to believe organizations like MSNBC, CNN, WaPo or the NYT, they are lying most of the time or at least not being honest.

You keep saying Trumpers don’t care about facts, yet you are touting things you heard on left wing outlets and accepting them as fact. Without checking at all.

As for Trump in 2016, I truly believe he saw a niche and applied a lever. People all over this country were fed up with the morass that was Washington DC. They were tired of the obvious corruption, of not have representation that cared, of policies that screwed them over all the time. He termed it the Swamp which was a pretty good descriptive term. He pointed out the way DC had been operating. He was not a DC insider, not part of the good old boys club that had been fostered for so many decades. He gave people hope that the sinking ship could be saved. That is why he won. Hillary was a DC insider and was promising more of the same.

Harris is much the same as Hillary. She has nothing to run on. The policies she and Biden put in place did way too much damage so she can’t run on those. She tries but most people are tired of the gaslighting and recognize it for what it is. So, as I predicted so many times, she can only run on “Hate Trump”. Take a look at everything she has to say. She panders to every crowd she speaks to, and everything that is wrong in the country is not her fault, it’s Trump’s.

I would love to see a debate where the candidates have to actually say “This is what I believe we need to do as a country” and then defend those statements against the opponent.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 I would love to see a debate where the candidates have to actually say “This is what I believe we need to do as a country” and then defend those statements against the opponent.
This is exactly what I would like to see. But trump started the bullying shit when he stalked Hilary at their debate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

A quick search on Google turned up a LOT of Hillary’s lies, and/or questionable actions.
I forget exactly how old I was, when Bill gave his “I did not have sexual relations,” statement.
But I was old enough, to read it as at best, as him choosing words carefully. A strategy that usually means someone is trying not to lie, too much.

The same, could be said about Trump. This, to me, has NOTHING to do with any media.
I’m not stupid. Trump often gets carried away making clear and obviously false statements.
You may not agree, but yes, when Trump’s mouth is moving he IS probably making false, or misleading claims.
Repeating the lies, is dangerous.
Trump got a lot of his sheep arrested and/or injured or killed during J6. We know that several mass shootings in the past couple years, were committed by Trumpers, often with a background of being a victim of the lies Trump and FOX News, and the rest of his sheep.

THAT is what is at stake, when Trump lies.

You should know by now, that I NEVER remotely supported Hillary as POTUS. Although admittedly, I had penciled her in, as nobody could lose to Trump.
So. I was worried, about what she would potentially do as POTUS. I was especially fearsome of her possibly starting wars or conflicts, to prove her “toughness.”

I think ee could even maybe say, that Hillary lied at a similarly disturbing rate as Trump.
The difference though, is Trump gets people hurt, or killed, with his lies. And he could care less.
He’s using you, and all his sheep.

I will say, Hillary could have been a dangerous POTUS.
But. She is largely a completely dormant person now.
Honestly. I’ve only even heard her name, from Trumpers and their crazy conspiracy theories.

It’s not just good form, to fact check this debate. It may prevent acts of violence, by Trump’s sheep. And don’t act, like his sheep won’t do stupid, violent things, in the name if things Trump said, and FOX News spread.

I know you don’t want to believe it, but ALL signs, point to Trump’s would be assassin being a extreme conservative.
He was probably set off, by something Trump said. Maybe a lie. Maybe if Trump didn’t utter that lie, Crooks would have shot up a Walmart or somewhere he could kill minorities.

I do not see ANY comparisons, between Hillary and Harris. Not yet. If the debate is properly moderated, I’ll be able to get an honest read on Harris too.
As I mentioned, I don’t have a well defined opinion of her yet.

@chyna Has raised an excellent point. A point that I’m trying to make too.
Trump has been very anomalous, in his words and actions.
For what it’s worth, I do think that Hillary should have turned around, and told Trump to back the fuck off her. I believe that could have been a defining moment for her.

She played too nice, and completely overestimated her self, and underestimate Trump.
She practically ignored a lot of “flyover” country, during her campaign. Her statement about “the basket of deplorables,” was very revealing.
This is like Trump, using words like “vermin,” and “invasion.”

If Trump wasn’t Trump, these debates and really many things, would be different.

The leaders and lawmakers, are having trouble prosecuting or just dealing with Trump because there is no precedent for a lot of Trump’s actions.
No president, has tried to steal an election, and insighted an insurrection. No president, has the lifelong criminal issue. Not a criminal like Donny.

If a person wants to sit there, and listen to Trump do a repeat of the Biden debate performance, I don’t believe in that person’s decision making.

The debate, should be in a neutral venue, with neutral moderators.
And just because Trump lies more, (so he’ll be constantly being corrected,) it won’t matter how level the playing field is, it will appear like Trump is being deliberately targeted. If Trump doesn’t plan on lying, then he won’t be targeted at all.
But do any if us, really believe Trump can go more than a few minutes without making some false or misleading claims?

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Yes, Trump-Trump-Trump. Bang a different drum. Politicians side stepping questions and making personal attacks were going on long before Trump hit the political stage.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yes, you can find all sorts of lies from Hillary. But here is the real test: which news outlet kept a running tally of them? Which of them were even called lies at the time she said them? These are the things that make the media bias. Hunter’s laptop is the perfect example. The NY Post first printed the story on Oct 14th 2020…about 3 weeks before election day. That would have been devastating for Biden. So the media went into overdrive swearing it was a fake story, that it was Russian disinformation, that the NY Post was worse that the Enquirer, and everything else. They blasted it 24/7 for the weeks leading up to the election and then kept up the ruse for a couple years afterward. It was later polled to find out if people who voted for Biden would have done so if they knew the story was true at the time. Some number like 17% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they were told the truth at the time. That’s huge. That is the problem with the media.

And that is why instant fact checking is horrible. Because it is done by the same people that lie to the public every day to push one side or the other.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You keep stubbornly clinging to the false narrative the Trump is just any other person.
No. He causes problems. He has relationships with Russian oligarchs, and who knows who gave him $500 million recently.
He’s a lifelong criminal, and has a well earned reputation for being an asshole and at best, a shady business man who was also infamous for not paying people.
His rhetoric, calls for violence.
His lies, and actions, are risks to national security. His rhetoric, was always different from ANY candidate that I’m aware of.
He had his “empire’s” tentacles spread all over, and had many potentially questionable relationships with many people who have now also gone to prison.
I’m frankly surprised Hillary’s security, didn’t tackle Trump as he was looming behind her in their debate. For a few moments, it seemed like he was about to attack her from behind.
He obviously had all kinds of side shit going on, like paying porn stars for sex and discretion. The Stormy thing, was while his wife was pregnant.
And while I’m talking about Melania, where the fuck did she come from? I’m pretty sure, she was raised by Eastern Europeans, to be sold to wealthy men. And I think she’s possibly much smarter than Trump, and often is visibly uninvolved with Trump. What does, her creepy ass do? Should she be American?
Should his offspring with her be non-American? Their mom, was bought, and brought here.
If she isn’t wearing those big sunglasses, her eyes show a person who is just committed to following this through, until hopefully she profits greatly from Trump’s death.
Maybe she paid that kid, to kill Trump.~
That would have made her day!
He’s a stupid, loud, bully, and he says very polarizing things.
When he isn’t sexually assaulting models in his pageant, or other women that is.
Trump is TOTAL scum. He is the something our founding fathers, NEVER expected. A man of high stature, seeking to become president, WITH NO MORALS.
Trump has no real interest, but scamming his way into office again now.
It is common world knowledge, that Trump is CONSTANTLY in trouble. And no, NONE of it (at least what I consider media,) has anything to do with it.
He’s a compulsive liar, and he manages to get caught doing shady shit, on a recording, or video.

I would wager that my phones algorithm, with my interest involved, picked the many sites I saw about Hillary’s garbage.
I never used to listen to what I heard about Hillary. I didn’t think very highly of her, and EVERY time I hear someone in DC may have done something unethical or illegal, I assume that they did.

I cannot (for the lfe of me,) actually take you seriously, if you think that FOX News, or any of the thousands of conservatives that apparently have nothing better to do than put out videos espousing and making completely unfounded and often really ridiculous claims about pretty much anyone not a Trumper (even Republicans, if they don’t support Trump,) and actually think THAT is remotely factual. I can understand, if you want to see conservative news, and conservatives talking about conservative issues. That’s fine.
But. FOX News, is not a place where you should think of everything you hear as truth.
I personally don’t trust any article making incredible claims about politicians. Not until I’ve read it, or heard it, from multiple sources.
I would agree, that targeting Trump, is a popular choice for criticism by people who consider themselves other than conservatives. And believe it or not, MOST of the world, is NOT conservative anymore.
I do see some of the noise, as bullshit, attention seeking by celebrities.
Although, I think a lot of those people are just using their platform that their celebrity status gives them, to make honest/thoughtful speeches about Trump. No different, than Ashton Kutcher raising awareness about child sex trafficking.
Some people, feel like they judge have to sat something. Trump IS a obvious legitimate threat to ALL American interests. Even if you all succeed in taking the country in the next 2 years, ballooning Trump’s power to that of a king it won’t last.
Biden is getting the ball rolling, for major changes in the SCOTUS. And yeah, politics have something to do with that. Because the court, is not a real SCOTUS. They are NOT people of unquestionable character and wisdom, who hold the constitution and above their political leaning.
You think Harris, is a DEI product? What do you think, of Clarence Thomas?
Kavanagh, is not a complete loser, he rarely, but has made some decisions trying to be a judge. But he us pretty stupid. Like he used to drink too much.
I don’t believe he even approaches the standard there should be for a SCOTUS judge.
Gorsuch, has some varnish as well, but is ultimately clearly a Trump guy. His statements about the ideas being proposed to put term limits on judges, and give them oversight are disturbing. I found his thoughts, and the way he wasn’t afraid to hide it much, were threatening to the country. He definitely, wants unquestionable power, and obviously judges are like politicians, in that they desire to hold their position as long as possible.
Wulf. You have previously expressed that you would very much, support term limits on those judges.
Alito, AND Thomas, are extremely bad, at looking impartial. I do not support judging these judges by EVERY thing they own or do. But they are (at minimum,) both publicly displaying pro-Trump propaganda. If it’s really just their wives, they need to tell them to tone it down. They are SUPPOSED to be these GREAT people. Any wife, in her right mind (hold thoughts on that,) would do simple things, like not flying Trump/conservative flags, or making public you opinions that Trump had the election stolen, or other horse shit.
It’s entirely unprofessional, and shows VERY poor character, that they’re rubbing this stolen court and corruption in our faces.

Currently. It’s just one thing after another. And it’s became transparent as to how this court, intends on doing things in their long reign.
It’s not a my team thing. That court, has no excuse for not being comprised of great people of high character and wisdom, or essentially the best we can find.
Even if it’s the best person, who is on the appointing president’s party. Trump just threw in 3 (1 he never should have had) lame ducks, whose highest quality, is they can be bribed into contributing to the needs of Trump and the conservative agenda. They dug up Roe v Wade, and went straight to work.
What other formerly thoroughly vetted and essentially decided and written in stone things, will this conservative and corrupt SCOTUS make new decisions on?
The conservatives are scared now. They worked SO hard, putting all the people in all the right places, to ensure Trump will not be held accountable for his potential dozens of criminal acts. Now. The poles shifted.
Harris seems quite appealing, after we almost had decide between two unqualified white octogenarians. Biden has looked terrible lately. I don’t know if he’s really capable of being POTUS 24/7, anymore. Time caught up to him.
And Trump, is an obvious NO, for people who aren’t victims of the lies and deceit that gave them their opinions.

Then Trump probably couldn’t have made himself look worse, at that black journalists interview.
Now he is cowardly running from a debate with Harris?
Trump has a VP, that he publicly said, would not be ready day 1, and is ultimately inconsequential.
And thar VP, is a VERY poor public speaker. Maybe he talks like that in his church, or in rallies. His opinions on camera, are stupid, racist, and nonsensical. He’s another guy, who would benefit from saying less (like Trump.)
And obviously, they’re two white Christian radical conservatives.
That doesn’t represent America, at ALL.
Kamala. Regardless of what race you believe her to be, or how she got her job, looks like an American. And she’s lived thar life. She didn’t get $400+million to get going.
She went to Howard. You can think what you want, about Howard. But Howard isn’t a diploma factory, like many Ivy League universities are now.
And yeah, it’s a “black college,” hoping to get their students reason for “black jobs.” (The things Trump says…)

Haley, when fighting in the joke republican primaries, once said something like, ”whichever party abandons their old man first, will win this election.”
That, is an interesting concept.

Harris, weather she deserves it or not, has a tidal wave of momentum and funding.
And Trump and Vance, are digging their own graves in public appearances.

Like I said, I don’t want Harris, JUST because she’s a change.

A properly organized, accurately moderated AND most importantly fact checked debate in a neutral setting is paramount.
Harris might be viewed as a warrior if she accepts Trump’s bullshit change of venue. Without lies, or unfounded conjecture, I don’t think Trump’s team has ANYTHING on Harris.

If Trump mans tha fuck up, and attends the ABC venue, he will probably be more confined to at least trying to sound like he’s telling the truth. Apparently, Trump is terrified, of debating a person he claims isn’t qualified for the job….

Most of the facts, are NOT as subjective as you claim. His recent lies, can be statistically proven wrong. That’s not biased.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yes, I keep to the narrative that he is just like every other political candidate out there. But that narrative also says he is not treated equally by the lefty press. That is what you fail to acknowledge. You keep saying it’s all Trump’s fault, but I have given you example after example after example of where a Democrat says or does something equally bad (or worse) that Trump and nothing is said of it. I’ve shown numerous examples of where the media has out and out lied about Trump and you ignore it.

I understand you have TDS, but I keep hoping you will open that mind a little and do some research for yourself sometime. Don’t take what the media says at face value. Dig in. Look for the source documents. If the lefty news puts out a video and claims Trump said something, don’t accept that snippet of a video as proof. Find the entire video or a transcript of it to get the context of what was being said. Look at the question we had recently about Trump was going to do away with elections if he was put into office. That was what was being pushed from the left. They had a snippet where he was telling people they wouldn’t have to worry about voting again. But when I put out the entire video, it changed the entire meaning. But the lefty media doesn’t want truth, they want to slam Trump because that is what their mixed up followers want. It pays better as they get better ratings when they slam Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’m fine if you want to leave it at that. We simply disagree, with what is actually happening.

It is relevant to note that FOX broadcasting bankrolled FIX News into a set of monopoly for conservative news coverage.
The FACT that Trump is apparently tied directly to the network, only helped concrete FOX News’ monopoly.

But. My mother watches all of those left leaning networks, and from what I observe they may as well be one network as well. They all talk about the same shit, EVERY day. Often with banner headlines and proclamations that “we’ve got Trump now. He’ll NEVER survive (insert topics of the last 7 years.) I do believe that they prefer to be factual, and pride themselves in simply reporting the facts, unlike Trump or one if you’re evil white right radio hosts…
I don’t believe that those networks use fake news, or make comments about something that isn’t true.

If we end up with a left-wing version of Trump, after Trump, you will likely see the very obvious, completely true issues, I (and most if the world,) see.

You can’t hide behind saying Trump is a victim of fake news.
He’s been caught, saying and doing some deplorable things.

Just going by recordings, and things he says in the fact-safe zones that are his rallies, I can EASILY think of Trump, as the lifelong criminal and conman he is.

That’s not Nicole Wallace, on tape saying “yeah, just grab em by the pussy.” Bragging about his self described relationships and environments HE created in things like his Ms. Universe pageant.
Other recordings are equally damming, and reinforce his confessing to being a proud sexual predator.

I’ll skip to just one other recording (also not voiced by ANYONE other than the Don) of his. Trump WAS RECORDED COMMITTING MASS VOTER FRAUD, AND ABUSING HIS POSITION.
“I just need you to find me 11,000 votes.”

You can’t put these things that Trump is provable of saying in ANY context that doesn’t paint him accurately as a criminal and habitual sexual predator.

But. It us your freedom Wulf, to think whatever helps you feel better.

And it should be equally understandable, that not just the left, but the people who just have a bad feelings about Trump being POTUS will, talk about the things Trump HAS FACTUALLY DONE, AND SAYS HE WILL DO.

Otherwise, as usual, we will just grind gears getting nowhere.

You don’t believe factual evidence, if it’s about Trump.

I don’t believe the overabundance of lies and deceit that he gets away with.
And, as an atheist, I do worry about people trying to follow their interpretation of the words of an imaginary deity.
☆If you guys are wrong about the whole Christian God thing (which I’m 100% positive you guys are,) think of what you’re doing/supporting. I know you do. It just rarely shows.

Before this attempted white Christian takeover, I would never have attacked a person’s beliefs.
I feel that spiritual things, are an intensely personal thing.
I had/have no problems with people engaging in religious activities, or trying to get more followers in places that the constitution allotts.
America has NEVER been “free.”
We have one of the largest prison and law involved populations of ANY “1st world.”

But. We always had the freedom to worship, or not, whatever we believe. That’s a big freedom in many places in the world.

My very realistic fear, is that this conservative power play, could actually result in this being JUST LIKE ONE IF THOSE NATIONS. Where people are publicly executed, ostracized, or oppressed by the religious beliefs of the people with power.

I also believe, that if conservatives somehow created this Chrisianistan they so desire, it will be of great detriment for you guys.
You’ll all become people who only know about a fake God, and fake history, and fake “science.”
Being experts on Trump’s Bible, will NOT benefit ANYONE.
America will tear apart, if conservatives won’t stop this.
I also find it quite telling, that the people who espouse beliefs in a peaceful /loving religion, are so willing to start a Civil War.
It’s telling me, that those people are complete hypocrites and/or they don’t really follow the peaceful parts of the religion, or care about a 13 year old girl, being forced to give birth to a baby after she was impregnated by a rapist. That’s some fucked up shit. It’s super fucked up, that such things actually happen with such frequency. The Bible, in no way, speaks against rape. Or slavery.

I’m truly sorry, for breaking my old code, of not shitting on a religion. But circumstances have changed. I am NOT going to vote either of these politicians into the office of the POTUS.
But. I have to try to talk sense into some people. People I don’t want to see hurt/kill someone over this shit, or more likely all be killed and imprisoned themselves.
I can’t even imagine supporting something that could lead to me having to make a decision about someone I have in my cross hairs, over whether to kill them, to save myself or my country.
I have always said, I would never fight FOR America, but I would defend the mainland, with patient, and strategic planning to slow/stop the ability of the enemy to make war on us.

In a Civil War, as I have said, I would want no part of it. I hope the UN, or some collaboration of nations will come here, and help bring us back to sense.
Hopefully I can catch a boat to anywhere.
That’s my angle.

I am not remotely a member of ANY political group. Currently. It’s the conservatives, that are the “bad guys.” I will not tolerate him having guys dressed in black cramming vans full of immigrants, and deporting over 11 million Amerocan people.
I have trouble believing that our military, (which as of ‘22, was over 30% minorities,) will commit acts of war on the population that they volunteered, to protect.

One if Trump’s biggest exposed issues, once he was president, was that he doesn’t really know how most things work. Or what it would take, to go through with most if his desired plans.
He cannot see the cracks in his thinking. And he spends more time on social media, than learning exactly what he needs to learn, to be the president.
(Hopefully they are letting Harris steer a bit now, as Biden is looking suddenly very unhealthy, and she needs to learn the job.)

I have a sneaking suspicion that this Howard gradute, WILL take this far more seriously than Trump, who ALWAYS thinks he can wing a scenario in which although he doesn’t know what he is talking about, better than decades long experts.

That is Trump’s biggest problem. He is not accustomed to being told “no.” He fires EVERY advisor, that does not agree with his agenda, or tries to show him how to govern.
And THAT, is why he is suddenly in a rough spot all of a sudden.
And it’s why Trump’s advisors are probably imploring him to get out ofvthe debate.

Trump cannot handle a nemesis. He’s not used to having to hear anything but “yes boss.” And his fantastic, invalid, self confidence is his enemy, more than Harris.
Throughout whatever trouble Trump has been through, his lawyers would rather burn the courthouse down, than put Trump on the bench. Because they KNOW he’s just an idiot, who will likely hang himself with whatever rope they give him.

Wulf. I don’t hate you, and I’m going to try not to be mean to you as much as I can.

Ultimately. I don’t care what religion you are, or who you vote for. I just try to call out the obvious stuff.

I am the stupidest person in America, surely. I just want us all to live in harmony. I want EVERY American, to have food, affordable housing, and all types of Healthcare.
I want our children to be well educated, and not just be pushed out of high-school with nothing but the piss poor education they got in public school.
In my mind, there should be zero homeless people. (Yes, we’ll always have the crazies running around occasionally.)
But. We have NO excuse, as the nation we claim to be, for our homeless population, and other citizens caught up in law enforcement processes that keep areas of intense poverty violent places.- Because all of the fathers are in jail, for having weed, or some other minor infraction.
And it would really be nice, if we didn’t traumatize entire generations of people, in foreign wars or conflicts over and over.
Soldiers, are trained killers. They typically have lifelong issues with law enforcement as well.
It’s hard, to turn it off.
You know what I’m talking about, I wager.

Yes. I’m VERY stupid. Nobody would grow exponentially more wealthy/powerful, if we all just had our basic needs met.
It’s a systematic problem.
Drug companies, power companies, military contractors, Healthcare systems, and pretty much all the things that could provide us with basic needs. Because all of those mega-corporations, profit from American people suffering.
It’s in no greedy fuck’s interest, to just be rich. They have to be the richest. They have to have the newest, and best foreign luxury sedan. We see it ALL the time. No amount of money or power, is EVER enough for people.
If people would accept reasonable profit margins instead of constantly chasing higher profits, they could all be fine. If people have important jobs, or great ideas, they will still have more than the others. But. That isn’t enough.
During McCain’s POTUS run, he was asked by a reporter how many houses or properties he owned. He had no idea! Why does someone need so many houses and condos, that they’ll never even visit. We have plenty of secondary or whatever properties here in Charleston. Mansions, full of expensive things, that nobody lives in. The housekeepers, keep it clean, but nobody lives there…

And it IS my belief, that this massive disparity in wealth, that contributes most to our society’s problems.

But. I’m tired of watching the vast majority of the world and a disturbing amount of Americans, suffer. It’s ridiculous, and it’s wrong, that so many are starving, dying of treatable illnesses or medical problems, or laying on a fucking street corner unconscious, or causing violent problems in public.

Jesus was poor. And he wasn’t materialistic, and despised the wealthy. There are NO excuses, for supporting what Trump wants to do. The dems are no treasure, but currently, they ARE trying to increase the quality of life of ALL Americans.

That’s the polar opposite of Trump and his conservative big wigs are trying to do.
They are all just trying to get a little bit richer, and they don’t care how. If we leave the environment in the hands of these massive corporations that cause pollution or harm through their processes of being wealthy, they will not give two fucks about the permanent damage they will cause in their endless infatuation with becoming richer. They WILL poison our water, our air, our oceans. All for another house they will never live in, or sportscar to sit in a garage.

If Trump succeeds in destroying the American government, and it’s environmental, his sheep will deserve the cancer, and suffering that will plague their children, and their children, and so on. They won’t even have any people who can help. Trump and his sheep, don’t want to be taught fact, and science.
Which makes perfect sense, that the people trying to rule us, want us to be too stupid to feel their dicks in our asses.

This Christian utopia idea, will be a Hell, if they don’t take IMMEDIATE action on stopping climate change. Even if they are too stupid to see the science behind it, they need to address it. Trump, wants the monkeys to run the zoo. You think he cares what happens to you people that supported him? You’re sadly mistaken. Once he burns too many bridges, and can no longer escape his myriads of legal problems, he will leave Florida for (I wager) a place in Europe or Asia that historically has been a haven for the world’s wealthiest criminals, oligarchs, and war lords. Trump is the guy who shows up at the party, ruins it, and just moves on with not a single care.

Like I said. I’m going to try, to keep my gloves up, and not hit places I morally would rather not. I can’t make any guarantees, but I will try to keep it non-personal, and stick with the facts.

Not a truce. Maybe a “cease fire.”.. But I will try to keep that in my mind. Just thinking about it, should help some.

I’m definitely interested, in the debate debacle. We know that reality is CRAZY lately, so who the fuck knows what will be born of this.

I doubt there will even be a debate.

I TOTALLY went against the op’s requests in this diatribe. So ask for it to be moded, if you want.
I don’t need this to stay in stone.I just want some of the right people, to hear me.

Peace and love.

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