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LostInParadise's avatar

Why doesn't NBC show gymnastics in slow motion in addition to live action?

Asked by LostInParadise (32306points) August 1st, 2024

It would make it easier to point out strengths and weaknesses of individual performances.

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14 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I can think of two reasons:

a) they are jumping from event to event very quickly (especially on the evening reruns) and they don’t have the time to spend dissecting each gymnast’s moves.


b) their commentators aren’t educated or experienced enough in the sport to be able to provide good comments.

If they would spend less time on celebrity screen shots and silly features, they might have the time for good analysis.

LostInParadise's avatar

They spend a lot of time showing gymnasts on the sidelines, which I could use lees of.

The commentators know enough to show where points are deducted. The problem I have sometimes is seeing what they are talking about.

smudges's avatar

I’d love to see gymnastics in slo-mo! They waste so much time in the Olympics. I just want to see the event and hear about something significant. pfffft

jca2's avatar

I’ve been watching and I see slow mo of the gymnastics routines.

jca2's avatar

In addition to the slow mo, they’re showing heights attained by the gymnasts and slow mo of the aerial view. It’s quite high tech, compared to what it used to be.

smudges's avatar

I’ve missed the slo mo. Will be more attentive! Too many trips to the kitchen and bathroom. :D

jca2's avatar

@smudges What I do is I record it on the DVR, and then I watch the recorded version and I can scroll through the commercials. Makes the whole show a lot faster.

smudges's avatar

I record everything that’s not streamed. Can’t believe it didn’t occur to me for the Olympics!

smudges's avatar

I finished watching the hour-long equestrian jumping finals. Beauuuutiful animals! There was one that was 15 years old! We got the silver, I believe – it quit recording before the actual announcement. No slo-mo for the horses. LOL

btw, what’s this business of the rugby and basketball games being shown longer than they’re supposed to? The thing is, they don’t adjust the shows coming after so we miss some.

Oh, and I am SO over the announcers! grrr Shut up for a minute already!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I feel like the Olympics have gone the way of shows like America’s Got Talent, etc. where they have to tell you the backstory of every single person and spend more time doing that than showing the events. I remember watching them when I was younger and besides the US, you got to see the other contending teams go in all the events. And not just the ones that looked to medal, but fifth, sixth, and 7th places too. I miss that.

jca2's avatar

Here are a few minutes of slow mo from the gymnastics coverage, NBC Sports:

smudges's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I agree. After a few minutes it’s just noise that I turn down. During the equestrian jumping, the announcer was talking about the expression on the horses’ faces! Seems like it’s just anything to fill the silence.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@smudges crazy, right? Is it a statement about our society nowadays that we don’t know how to react to silence? Are our lives so filled with being on our phones or watching TV that we don’t know how the sit quietly and just appreciate being quiet or watching something that doesn’t have a bunch of commentary to it?

smudges's avatar

^^ Exactly!

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