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elbanditoroso's avatar

Which woman do you consider to be the more influential?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33760points) August 1st, 2024

Eve? (Adam’s wife)

Mary (Mother of Jesus)

Granted, neither of them likely existed, but that’s not relevant. They have historical and religious significance whether they existed or not.

What I’m asking which of the two of them was more important / influential.

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9 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

I’d say that Mary is far more influential than Eve.
A huge and powerful religion is build around Mary. Catholics pray as much or more to Mary than they do to Jesus.

Forever_Free's avatar

Not an Assumption either, but it is Mother Mary.

filmfann's avatar

Mary. The Catholics pray to her to appeal to the Christ.

ragingloli's avatar

Eve, obviously.
Not only did she give humanity knowledge of good and evil, she is the source of all humans that followed.
You exist because of her.
Every act of mercy, every act of cruelty, every act of charity, every theft, every life saved, every life taken, every piece of art, every scientific discovery, every invention, every human achievement. All of it owed to that one act of disobedience when she ate the fruit in defiance of God.
She set humanity free. Turned you from compliant animals in a zoo, to masters of your own fate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

That’s extremely difficult for me as a Christian woman. Eve certainly disobeyed but was the mother of all, and who brought evil to us.
Mary is still very revered today (not worshipped) as Jesus mother and Gods choice for that exalted position due to her faith. I’m also going with Mary simply because she obeyed as God asked.

JLeslie's avatar

I would say Mary, especially from my POV living in the US, maybe I would feel differently living in another part of the world. Giving birth to Jesus and everything that followed that seems very important and influential to me. Eve gave birth to humanity and if we focused more on Eve maybe we would all realize we are all related, all family, all God’s children, and not be divided by religious beliefs. I think Mary and Jesus believed this actually, but people used the birth and life of Jesus to divide people unfortunately.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Lilith wasn’t an option.

mazingerz88's avatar

I was raised Catholic. Trust me it’s Mama Mary.

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