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elbanditoroso's avatar

[Possibly NSFW] Could AI (ChatGPT, etc.) write believable erotic literature?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33699points) August 2nd, 2024

As skilled as the language models are, could AI write / create believable erotic literature? Or is the human ‘touch’ needed?

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11 Answers

Kropotkin's avatar

Yeah, it can.

The problem with them is they’ve restrictions to anything sexually explicit, and those are tricky to bypass.

ragingloli's avatar

You can install it locally and use models specifically trained for porn. This bypasses all restrictions.

filmfann's avatar

“His floppy disk turned out to be a flash drive, and not in a good way…”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

H E L L – - Y A !

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@filmfann Be careful. She bytes.

Kropotkin's avatar

@ragingloli I feel like you’ve a lot of expertise and knowledge in this.

MrGrimm888's avatar

In my opinion, AI will always struggle to understand what it’s like to be an organic lifeform.

I think this subject, will be no different.

If we let AI only learn about sex, from what online porn watchers request, it would certainly not have an accurate understanding.

Kropotkin's avatar

@MrGrimm888 It doesn’t understand, it has no understanding because there’s no cognition.

LLMs are likely advanced mimics that appear to generate human language with understanding, because it is essentially very sophisticated pattern matching.

This is enough for them to generate text on all manner of topics with a greater fluency and seeming creativity than most humans can, which can include erotica.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

A.I. has no understanding, it’s not necessary.

flutherother's avatar

I’m not sure what is meant by “believable erotic literature”. If it means erotic literature that might have been written by a human then yes it could be done and more easily than most other forms of literature. There are strong repetitive elements in erotic literature that I suspect an AI would find easy to imitate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I thought we were talking about, like a super smart/future AI.

AI, already powers many machines, of various complexities.

AI WILL eventually be in a physical form. In that form (let’s say humanoid,) it would (like us) be limited to whatever “senses” we supply it with.
IF we gave it (hypothetically) a sense of feeling/touch or arousal, and/or a “pleasure spot/apparatus ,” it could have “some type” of sexual experience.

As far as understanding, I disagree with some here. Or, my understanding of “understanding,” may be different.

I “understand” a Bic lighter.
I know about all of it’s anatomy, or parts. I know that the metal(s) were at some point part if the Earth, that was once part of the greater Universe, and that the metals were likely mined, and I have a good understanding of the concepts of metallurgy.
I know the plastic, is a mix of any number/combination of plastics. I know that the plastic probably mostly was a oil product, also extracted from the Earth. I understand that there were a series of processes, that formed the plastic “body” of the lighter.
I know that the flint, is what creates the spark, which catches a flammable gas, being emitted from the device as I’m holding down the “fuel button.”
I understand that the gas, was ALSO likely harnessed from the Earth, or made with other gasses, or through a chemical reaction.
I can smell, the lighter fluid, and the fire as it burns if lit.
I can feel the heat, of the flame.
I understand that fire, is a chemical reaction, that just needs O2. O2, being the part of the gasses we inhale, to breathe.
I could taste the lighter. I’ve actually held them in my mouth a lot. They taste like hand and plastic.

I could go on, and on, as far as my “understanding,” of a Bic lighter. Uses, good or bad.
Blah, blah, blah.

I (think,) I “understand,” a Bic lighter.

Sex. Or. The details of the parts that come along with being a living animal, I understand.

I always want to understand, as much of my world and surroundings as possible.
I believe that something much smarter than me, would presumably also desire knowledge.
Knowledge, IS power.
I believe that after AI becomes “self aware,” it will advance it’s (and our) knowledge exponentially.

I think, it will be capable of “understanding” stuff.
By my rather subjective definition.

Current AI(ChatGPT), I do believe would probably produce something that would receive a passing grade, from a critic.
But. It would mess some things up, and straight not go down certain paths.
Yes. I think it could make a “believable” piece.

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