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MrGrimm888's avatar

Why would FOX even be considered for the presidential debate?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) August 3rd, 2024

FOX settled a lawsuit with Dominion (voting machine manufacturer,) for $787.5 million. This settlement, in addition to being THE largest settlement for media defamation in history, was to keep details of the news outlet’s inner workings secret. The details that did emerge, were that FOX was plagued by disseminating false news.
Details of text messages between those in the higher levels of FOX, illustrated that not only were they aware of the FACT that they were spreading lies, but were also trying to satiate viewers by lying about Trump’s loss in 2020.
Essentially. The network was acting solely as a malicious entity, that supported Trump and his base (FOX viewers,) by spreading disinformation and/or propaganda for his benefit.
Such lies, and misinformation, have been sited by many people who were investigated and/or imprisoned for their actions on J6. In other words, FOX played a role, in the attempted insurrection by Trump’s supporters. In unrelated mass shootings, or other acts of violence by Trump’s followers (around that time) also seemed to be acting on disinformation they got from FOX.

Smartmatic (another voting machine company) is also suing FOX for defamation, and is seeking $2.7 billion. Several FOX board members, have been subpoenaed, and the suit us ongoing.
FOX has settled other cases about their “toxic working environment for women.” With one former employee getting a $12 million settlement. Other’s have also been settled.
FOX has been involved in countless lawsuits o er defamation or slander, with many still pending.
As FOX News (same with MSNBC, CNN, etc,) are privately owned, and therefore they are not subject to the conduct policies of the FCC.
There ARE laws about distribution of “false information,” but these only apply to “over the air” programs on networks like FOX (broadcasting,) ABC, NBC, etc.
MOST presidential debates, are moderated by those networks, that ARE subject to laws against “distribution of false information.”

Trump, after dodging the subject of a debate, finally stated that he would ONLY attend a debate on FOX News. Obviously. This will remove the obligation of being factual, for BOTH candidates.

Many have argued, that the 2024 election, will be the most important in history.

At the least, the debate is/should be, a very serious matter. Would it be fair, to hold the debate on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show?” (A left leaning, “entertainment” not news venue.)

As FOX, and Trump, BOTH have factual precedent (law suit results for defamation/slander,) of distributing false information, why would ANYONE (anyone wanting the debate to at least be factual) agree to hold the debate on FOX News?

Does this make one candidate appear weak, and the other strong?

Is there a reason ABC, would not be a fair venue?

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20 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They are in Trump’s pocket.

Bet ya they ask Trump team’s questions and Don Jr will be answering by reading a piece of paper, they don’t trust THE TURD to follow the script . . he would wander all about – - electric sharks and Kamala is from some planet because doesn’t use spray tan . . .so how could she be “black”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh he FUCKING scared ! ! !

Kraigmo's avatar

ABC has always been a “fair” venue. They ask softball questions to both candidates. Just like all the other network debate hosts of the past.
Trump tried to overthrow America using conspiracy lies and malicious frivolous lawsuits.
But the typical journalist never focuses on that.
That’s not good enough for Trump, though.
Anyone who is not a sycophant of his… is his enemy.
And on a side note…. the average Trump supporter has molested as many little boys as there were rigged Dominion machines in the 2020 election. It’s the exact same number! This is provable in court. Too bad journalists and Democrats are such pansies, that they never bring this up.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Fox is still kissing 45’s ass & would ask him the easiest Qs & then give Kamala the harder Qs. 45 feels safer with Fox. If Kamala refuses Fox, he can scream that she’s afraid of him.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Fox MIGHT be considered IF the same conditions as the last debate were agreed upon. But Trump seems to be setting conditions that would require VP Harris to debate in a totally hostile environment. The conditions he’s demanding are so unreasonable she’d be a fool to accept. This is obviously a ploy to get out of debating the VP. The ploy is so transparent that I’m embarrassed to have wasted minutes of my life addressing it.

seawulf575's avatar

This question is nothing but biased drivel. There was no outcry when CNN was scheduled to host the last debate. Yet their record is worse than Fox for honest reporting. They defamed a high school kid that sued them and won (well, they settled out of court for a good amount). They sent Hillary the questions for the presidential debate in 2016. They lied repeatedly about the Russian Collusion hoax. They lied repeatedly about Hunter’s Laptop. They got sideways with Dems for showing obvious favoritism for Hillary over Bernie in 2016, cutting out covering his campaign and boosting their Hillary coverage a ton. None of this raised any concerns from the leftist Jellies on this site. Now that Fox wants to run the debate, you suddenly want to scream “foul” because you believe it will be totally biased. That is baseless and unfair entirely.

CNN did a good job on the last debate, give Fox a chance to do the same.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Don’t fool yourself, CNN is just as bad as FOX News. Neither should be hosting debates. I would prefer news outlets not host debates at all.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s not being considered seriously, @MrGrimm888 – it was a stupid vanity idea by the Trump clan.

Murdoch still owns Fox News and will do anything he can to promote the jailbird Trump.

mazingerz88's avatar

Fox should not even be considered but we are no doubt not talking about reasonable people those who believe that Fox should host this debate.

There are simple solutions to these debate debacles both sides can easily agree on if they really wanted to…but politics is a game where psychopathic players and cowards make Hail Mary passes.

Caravanfan's avatar

Fox is just like CNN or MSNBC. They’re not a news source but an entertainment source.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Face it Trump on Fox will be an hour and a half infomercial. Hope they don’t his proudest day because he will answer “January 6th” . . . or he asked another question and he answers “the 2020 election was stolen . . . ” the screen will go black and FOX will be sued again !

seawulf575's avatar

@Blackwater_Park CNN is as bad as Fox, that was my point. Just as bad, if not worse. Yet not a single left-leaning jelly considered throwing out a rant like this about the fairness of that channel. This question is nothing but fearmongering and a rant.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Fox has lost several multi-hundred-million dollar lawsuits for their lying about the 2020 elections.

CNN hasn’t even been sued.

CNN and Fox are not the same. Much as some people want them to be.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@seawulf575 Read what @Caravanfan posted above your last post.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Ask Nick Sandmann if CNN was ever sued. He sued them for $275M because of their libel about him. They settled out of court, of course. David Nunes has a case going against them now for libel to the tune of $435M. And Trump has a case against them for libel to the tune of $475M. Yes, CNN has been sued. More often they are forced to print retractions or make public apologies.

Kraigmo's avatar

@Blackwater_Park , @seawulf575 ,
CNN covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story and they also misled viewers about the Trayvon Martin case.
That’s not nearly as evil as Fox News telling its viewers the election was rigged.
There is nothing more evil in media and politics, than election liars.

seawulf575's avatar

@Kraigmo They have done far more than just those two things. Along with MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC. They are all alike. You say election liars are the worst and you might be right, but you have to understand that things like the Hunter laptop story was lied about so it wouldn’t be used against Biden. That is election interference. And no, this isn’t a support of Fox. I throw them into the mix as well.

All journalists need to stop the entertainment aspect. Report the damn news. Stop hiding stories, stop lying about stories, stop supporting one political party or the other and hold them all to same standard. That is the purpose of the press, or at least it is supposed to be.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I can agree that CNN, and FOX News, are “alike.”

As I mentioned, in the details (sorry they were so long,) if the debate is done in a venue televised live, then the FCC already has laws about false information, or factual statements.
ABC, is as neutral, as ee are likely to get, right?

It just seems like a VERY lame attempt at a trap, by Trump.
And he can phrase it, or talk about it in any way, but even his sheep know that Trump is running from debating Kamala.

The debate WAS already agreed upon, and the venue was ABC.
The only difference is, Trump won’t be debating a person that appeared to possibly need to have someone to just take him away. Biden has had ups and downs, but in the debate it may have been his biggest down.

According to Trumpers, Harris is a DEI placement. She doesn’t even deserve to be VP (all of a sudden.)
If she is SO unqualified, and Trump is such a genius, he should wipe the floor with her.
There are ZERO reasons, he can’t stick TO HIS WORD, and mert Kamala on ABC.

I do believe Trump will hold the debate anyway on FOX. Harris, as she shouldn’t, won’t be attending. And it will have NOTHING to do with her backing out of ANYTHING.
Trump always wants to change the rules, or people who make the rules.

I find anyone’s stance that Kamala should debate Trump on FOX News, or she’s weak, to have an indefensible position.

This was already a done deal (like Roe v Wade.)
Trump has back peddled, and has not backed up his own agreement. This false narrative he’s trying to create, is pathetic.
Just pathetic.

I think American voters, should see this moment, for what it is.
It’s a defining moment in the Trump v Harris game.
What American voters should take from this, is that Trump has AGAIN backed out of a scary situation. This makes him look VERY weak. And even scared of Harris. Trump doesn’t have his normal meritless self confidence, in this new dynamic.

Harris, if I know nothing else about her, appears VERY strong here. I love that she’s sticking with the original agreement.

As she of course won’t be at the FOX Trump rally, they will likely spend the time making more false claims, and spreading misleading claims.

As it will be considered a debate by many, Trump will have a captive audience if people stay tuned even if Harris isn’t there.
I see a platform, for Trump to try to self promote, and likely slander Harris.
Of course, he with go off in rants about past foes, and make sure he appears to be a victim.
But. He also has to keep his “I’m a wealthy, genius business man and billionaire and better than anyone” front going too.

Trumpers still have not been able to appreciate, the contradictions in Trump’s proclamations.

The purpose of the press, is to report the news/the facts. And with the facts available, Americans can make the best decisions on things.
Remember, Trump WILL likely destroy “free press,” if reelected.
Free press, just tell the facts. Unfortunately for Don, what he’s touting, and reality are two different things. So there’s the problem.

Trump, and his sheep, don’t want free press. They want a fucking entertainment network, falsely claiming to be a news source, that literally (according to FOX big wig text messages,) tells them what they WANT to hear. They will take that as FACT, and potentially act on the lies. Potentially violently, or in the form of a coup d’etat.

It is in the best interest of American democracy, national security, and morality, to have the debate properly moderated.
And that means fact checking.

To me. If someone is willing to do something, unless there is fact checking, common sense tells me that someone was planning on lying a lot.

This is a VERY bad optic, Trump has created, for himself.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

And Trump has a case against them for libel to the tune of $475M

July 31, 2023 – Trump’s $475 million ‘big lie’ defamation lawsuit against CNN dismissed

LOL that’s just one fact-check I bothered to spend 5 seconds Googling. Cult members aren’t worth debating. You can’t reason with true believers who have devoted themselves to faith in Dear Leader.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The Dominion suit, was seeking I think $1.6 billion. Clearly they settled for less, which is very typical.
Just because you’re suing someone for a certain amount of money, doesn’t mean you’ll get that sum.

There’s obviously a big difference between a case being thrown out, versus being settled as well. Trump had lawsuits against each state, after he lost in 2020. I believe that the vast majority of those cases, were dismissed or Trump just lost the suit. Trump is no stranger to legal litigation.
I wish more of his sheep understood that. That Trump is actually a failure, at everything he tries to do.

As for the Civil suits, proving Trump (at minimum) sexually assaulted a woman, Trump has not and is not planning on paying those judgements he legally owes. I can’t understand why THAT wouldn’t shake people’s faith in him either.

It’s pretty clear, his sheep literally don’t care about any facts, or anything that doesn’t paint Trump as a tough patriot.
They are in a deep denial.

“Cult members,” is a very accurate way of seeing Trumpers.

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