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LostInParadise's avatar

Do extraterrestrials believe in Jesus?

Asked by LostInParadise (32307points) August 5th, 2024

After being resurrected, did Jesus visit all the extraterrestrials and tell them that he died for their sins? Or did God have a child in the form of each of the extraterrestrials? Do all of them have an original sin?

Alternatively, does the Bible apply only to humans, so raising the dead only applies to us?

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My guess is that B.I.B.L.E is (basic information before leaving Earth.)

A guide to joining the celestial interstellar community beyond Earth.

ragingloli's avatar

He tried that only once on Alpha Centauri. Turns out even Jesus found it impossible to come back from the dead after you get vaporised by a death ray.

Kropotkin's avatar

So the serious answer is that religious beliefs are a collection of myths with basically no basis in reality. These myths are a product of human imagination and culture.

Intelligent aliens capable of forming complex cultural practices and beliefs probably don’t even exist in the Milky Way. Any intelligent alien civilisation with its own mythological beliefs would be completely disconnected from humans and our myths, so would necessarily be unaware of any Jesus, because Jesus is a concept produced by human minds.

However, the Jesus archetype could be common among beings about as intelligent as humans. Jesus isn’t a unique mythical character here, and there have been numerous similar characters.

One might imagine a far-away alien civilisation that’s smart enough to form religious beliefs and come up with the same archetype and worship a similar character with many parallels, but also be just stupid enough to not realise how foolish the belief is.

gorillapaws's avatar

No. It’‘s turns out that Xenu is the real God of the universe and L. Ron Hubbard had it right all along? I was pretty shocked when I found out.

flutherother's avatar

In the year 2830 a crack team of Christian missionaries armed with atomic lasers and bibles descended upon Alpha Centauri VIII intending to convert the natives to Christianity. One of the natives, whose name was Jesus, managed to thrust his anthrax contaminated blankets and glass beads into the exhaust duct of the alien space ship causing a massive explosion. This selfless action has never been forgotten and today statues of Jesus can be seen on all the inhabited worlds of the 2nd Galactic Arm.

Jeruba's avatar

When I was a young teen and questioning everything, I wrote in my journal wondering if Jesus had to be crucified on every inhabited planet. That seemed needlessly cruel. But then—salvation? Only for us?

The answer never came (but the questions never stopped).

Eventually I dismissed such questions as essentially meaningless.

Zaku's avatar

Only in the systems of belief such as the Space-Mormon-verse.

But even in the Space-Mormon-verse, most non-humans haven’t heard “the good news” about Jesus.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Aliens are smarter than that.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Who knows if there are actual intelligence extraterrestrials out there anyway? But if there are, I kind of like CS Lewis’ take on it in his space trilogy. Where the other planets have not fallen, where their equivalent of Adam and Eve never sinned, and so it has been completely different for them. And they call Earth the Silent planet because they cannot communicate with Earth the way they come with each other.

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