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adherenceenglish's avatar

Kathleen Folbigg's Case?

Asked by adherenceenglish (66points) 1 month ago

Is anyone punished for wrongful conviction of Kathleen Folbigg? If there is no one to be punished, please advise the reason.

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4 Answers

jca2's avatar

Who? Details please.

seawulf575's avatar

I had to research this a bit. But it doesn’t seem to appear there is any one person actually responsible for the wrongful conviction. There are a couple parts that could have played into the conviction that seemed iffy such as the (ex)husband taking and reading her diary and then giving it to police or the push for murder charges when there was zero evidence. It sounds like there was stuff going on behind the scenes to which I am not privy.

I didn’t get the sense there was a grand conspiracy to put her in jail. It sounded more like a comedy of errors and laziness. 4 out of 4 children dying of natural causes seems suspicious. I get that. But there was no evidence they were smothered as was put forth by the prosecution. It sounds like she had crappy legal representation. I don’t know how Australian courts work so I don’t know if there was a jury trial or a tribunal or something like that. But it seems like there was a good enough prosecutor to convince them of murder without any physical evidence. It may have been laziness on the part of the Medical Examiners or on the part of her defense that led to her being convicted, but again, I don’t know all the details of what happened and when.

The conviction was overturned years later after further medical research had been done…research that didn’t exist at the time of the trial. That has been done several times in court cases, especially with the advent of things like DNA testing. New techniques are developed, testing precision and sensitivity get better and suddenly you have evidence that didn’t exist before.

From what I can gather, it just sounds like her conviction was a tragedy to me…not someone’s “fault”.

adherenceenglish's avatar

Hi seawulf575

Thank you very much!

seawulf575's avatar

Glad to contribute. I hope it helped give a little perspective.

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