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elbanditoroso's avatar

Will Elon Musk be successful?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33747points) August 6th, 2024

He’s suing advertisers for not advertising on Twitter after he destroyed Twitter by letting Nazis and scammers in


Does it make sense to sue your potential customers?

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19 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Should get laughed out of court. Next, he will sue everyone for not buying a tesla.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He told some of those advertisers “to F%^CK OFF” pretty sure they did and he once again is at a losing point and X / Twitter is worth less than it was on Sunday August 4th,

He is not a businessman ! ! !

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Elon: I’m going to sue you for not buying or using my product.
Advertisers: Fuck off Elon.

mazingerz88's avatar

Seriously? How is this move going to help and not hurt his businesses?

janbb's avatar

He’s also posting on X that there will be a civil war in England now which is not helping the UK riots at all. What an evil person.

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flutherother's avatar

Musk is a genius and a visionary with the determination required to put his ideas into action but I don’t see him winning this case. He has a crazy streak as seen when he sent a totally unsuitable mini submarine to Thailand to rescue kids stuck in an underground cave. He then called the caving specialist who did manage to rescue them a “pedo” a completely unjustified and nasty slur. His giant dynamo of a brain has a tendency to slip loose of its moorings and then all bets are off and anything might happen.

ragingloli's avatar

What his recent offerings should have made clear to everyone is that he is neither a genius nor a visionary.

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longgone's avatar

[mod says] This is the General Section. Please don’t derail by veering off into discussing politics. The question is about Elon Musk’s lawsuit.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m hoping not. Musk, is my favorite super villain.
But. I hate to see that someone could buy one of the largest media companies ever, and control the news aspect.

I’ve followed Musk, for years. I firmly believe, that ALL of his actions are essentially targeting two VERY ambitious goals.
He wants “people,” on Mars.
He wants to be able to download our consciousnesses into a computer one day. Albeit for a price, or worse some deal with the Devil.

When he saw his big rocket explode, that first time, he didn’t blink. He is one if the most goal oriented people, I have ever known of. No wealthy people would take the risks he does, at losing everything.
He’s leap-frogging potentially decades or more, of the things that have held back or slowed technology for all of history.
In some cases, that means he’s going to lose big time. It doesn’t matter. If he’s planning to be sitting in his Martian home in his lifetime, he WILL have to be very aggressive.
The stories about the Neuro link research on monkeys, is the stuff of nightmares. The first patient with the link, is having issues. He’s already implanted a second device, in another person.
It’s my belief that Musk sees his work, as for all of humanity. Or. What he wants for humanity.
Just like with auto driving Teslas, that have/WILL kill people, and his neuro link patients will sometimes die, and his rockets occasionally explode, his perhaps most apparent flaw is his indifference towards normal people.
He has been quoted as saying “empathy, is not a virtue.”

Musk has faced issues with his ambitious manufacturing and other research projects, from nations that feel Musk is making WAY too much money off of them, with little return.

I beluga Musk thinks if he can play Trump (super easy,) he’ll be able to avoid a lot of the things like environmental problems, workforce safety/care, and things like unions in America in the near future.

After Musk realized he could use Don, he went for it.
Trump went from having to be eaten by sharks to avoid sinking battery powered boats, to making a video with a conservative web influencer, in the cab of a Cyber truck and talking it up…

That’s why people like Trump, are SO dangerous. Trump’s legal, and financially woes, make him a “Little Red Riding Hood,” for wealthy wolves who want to run the world to aid their agendas.

Criminals, are opportunists. Trump, is an opportunity.
Musk, with all that brain, needs to see the Wizard, about a heart.

janbb's avatar

The last laugh is his. I just read that the non-profit org that was coordinating a boycott of X has disbanded because they don’t have the money to counter the suit. Apparently, Jim Jordan is delighted.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^How was the last laugh his? Does this mean he’ll get what he wants which I assume are those ads he lost?

janbb's avatar

@mazingerz88 He broke the boycott against him.

Here’s the article if you can open it:

MrGrimm888's avatar

Lawyers have done this, to the world.
They only have jobs, because some other lawyer made a law.
They are the antidote, for their own poison.
Only needed, because they exist.
Only existing, because snakes took all of their previous jobs…

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