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Is it OK to lie to political pollsters?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) August 7th, 2024

Twice this morning I have gotten texts from different political polling organizations. I don’t know if they are “real” neutral pollsters (like Gallup) or if they are working for one of the presidential campaigns or support organizations.

Both asked – in different ways – if I support Harris or Trump.

Note: I deleted both messages without answering.

My question: what are the ethics of ramifications about lying?

If I say “I’m supporting Trump” (which is not true), the polling organization will count me as pro-Trump, which may translate to increased confidence for the Trumpies. Then, they’ll be surprised (Shocked!) when people don’t vote for the candidate they say they would

(And then Trumpies will try to steal the election again).

Is it better off telling pollsters the truth, or intentionally misleading them?

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