Social Question

honeybun35's avatar

How could a past celebrity not have a set place to stay?

Asked by honeybun35 (1101points) August 9th, 2024

A celebrity from back in the day always move around. Once living with a friend . There are times in hotels.

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8 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar


Maybe the former celebrity has no more money.

Maybe he or she alienated all of his her friends.

Maybe the person just doesn’t like staying in one place.

A zillion reasons why the person moves around.

flutherother's avatar

There is a Chinese saying that goes something like this: “as petals fall upon flowing water, emperors become melon farmers.” Meaning we are all subject to the vagaries of life.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s broke and on drugs.

SnipSnip's avatar

Different wants and needs than the rest of us. I remember seeing or reading an interview with Renée Zellweger years ago. The interviewer was most interested in the fact that Renee lived in a hotel and did not own any real estate. She said she lived where she was working and that changed fairly often. She did say she would buy a home someday whenever it seemed the right time for her. The last two words are key. “For her.” I don’t know but if I had to guess I would guess she has now owned a couple of mansions.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Just because they are a celebrity, it does NOT mean that they spend their money wisely!!! The fact that they continued to sleep on friends’ couches speaks volumes. One example is MC Hammer. He made $5M his very first year & then filed bankruptcy the very next year due to being broke. Spending habits don’t change overnight. He kept the same bad habits but just had MORE money to spend on the bad habits. Of course, every friend that they never had suddenly became their best friend!!!

filmfann's avatar

Charlie Chaplin was the biggest star of his time, but in his autobiography he confessed to having to stay at the YMCA during relationship troubles.

jca2's avatar

Could be an addiction. In addition to drugs or akcohol as mentioned above, ut could be gambling addiction or an addiction to lap dances or any number of things. It could be what’s referred to as champagne taste on a beer budget, meaning the person doesn’t have too much money but likes the finer things in life, expensive liquor, expensive clothes, expensive everything.

honeybun35's avatar

Sounds about right. They also have other people buying them Wendy’s.

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