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JLeslie's avatar

Do you think a very minor on and off headache is a concern?

Asked by JLeslie (65935points) August 10th, 2024 from iPhone

I’m going to have to see a doctor I guess, although I feel sure they can’t diagnose anything without a scan.

I’m curious if the collective has any experience with something like this.

For a few months I get a pea size headache above and slightly left of my left eye in the middle of my forehead top to bottom. It’s inside my head, not far behind my forehead, not on the skin. I would feel the pain for a few seconds and then it goes away.

Today, I feel it on and off all day. It only lasts a few seconds and might go away for an hour, and then come back for a few seconds, gone for a few seconds, back a few seconds, gone a few hours.

What’s consistent is the pain is very slight and only lasts a few seconds when it happens.

Of course I’m “worried” it’s an aneurysm. Not worried enough to go to the ER. I was just at the doctor for a check up a week ago, and it had been weeks since it had happened and I didn’t even think of it.

I do get shingles above that eye, but this is more left and feels nothing like shingles.

I don’t get it more when I exert myself or anything like that.

Would a weakness in an artery be a constant pain?

I have no other symptoms. My husband knows we NEVER joke about not being able to move our limbs or slurred speech or not being able to put a sentence together.

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13 Answers

chyna's avatar

Have you had an eye exam recently? If not, that could be something to think about. Other than that, I think discussing it with your primary care doctor is the way to go.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Coincidently, I had an eye exam a month ago. Why do you ask? Do you think it has to do with a bad script? I feel like they overcorrected my astigmatism. I don’t wear my glasses all the time though. It doesn’t feel like a tension headache.

chyna's avatar

No, I wasn’t thinking a bad script, but I have an astigmatism and get a shooting headache, fleetingly, and never around the time I have an eye appointment, so I forget to mention it to them.
I just thought it was another avenue you could explore before getting a scan.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not a Doctor but one that for the last 65 years has had sinus problems. Pain behind eyes and passing out walking on a concrete porch when I was 14,

smudges's avatar

I typed “Would a weakness in an artery in the brain be a constant pain” into my Bing search engine.

Here’s what Bing Copilot said -

A weakness in an artery in the brain, such as an aneurysm, doesn’t typically cause constant pain. Most unruptured brain aneurysms are asymptomatic and don’t cause any noticeable symptoms. However, if an aneurysm presses on brain tissue or nerves, it can cause pain and other symptoms like headaches, vision problems, or pain above and behind the eye.

If an aneurysm ruptures, it can cause a sudden, severe headache often described as the worst headache ever experienced, along with other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.

Its sources were the Mayo clinic and the Cleveland Clinic – very reputable sources.

Obviously, I’m not a doctor. If it were me, I’d call tomorrow, stress your concern, and ask for an appt asap or better yet, the next available. If you feel that it’s too long of a wait, leave a message for your doctor’s nurse, or your doctor. That will usually get you in sooner. You might want to Google/Bing the same thing I did and check out results to see if you have any other symptoms. Keep us posted.

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Definitely not sinus. Not behind my eyes, and too far to the side, and not like pressure or inflammation at all. It’s more like if you took a pencil eraser and tapped one particular spot on my brain. That’s how it feels.

@smudges Thanks for the google.

flutherother's avatar

It seems a bit unusual and not like migraine, sinus problems or eye strain. It could be caused by dehydration or a change in medication. If the headaches are not intense or accompanied by other symptoms then I don’t think you have much to worry about however as the problem seems persistent it wouldn’t do any harm to speak with your doctor, especially if the symptoms worsen.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m starting to think it is trigeminal nerve pain. Since I wrote this Q I realize I get snaps of pain (as I said it’s not very painful) back/side of my head near my left ear also.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Or maybe you have an inoperable brain tumor.

chyna's avatar

(Said in Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think it’s a tumor, because it’s for a few seconds and then gone. A tumor would be more constant I think. If it’s very small maybe not?

KittyPrincess's avatar

It’s always a good idea to get things checked out, even if it’s just a minor headache. Since it’s been on and off for a few months, it’s probably worth having a doctor take a look.

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