If Trump and the GOP are so right why are so many Republicans refusing to vote for Trump?
Asked by
August 11th, 2024
Just type in, Republicans refusing to vote for Trump,
on You Tube it’s amazing how many videos come up.
I find it interesting there are quite a few elected Republicans saying they wont vote or endorse him.
I can’t find anything on Democrats saying they are voting Republican this time.
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20 Answers
Because they see that Trump, and Trump and Vance in particular, are a burning dumpster waiting to implode. Trump is acting more and more to ranged and Vince has been odd from the beginning.
The signs and symptoms (of Dementiia) can vary depending on the type and may include:
-Experiencing memory loss, poor judgment, and confusion
-Difficulty speaking, understanding and expressing thoughts, or reading and writing
-Wandering and getting lost in a familiar neighborhood
-Trouble handling money responsibly and paying bills
-Repeating questions
-Using unusual words to refer to familiar objects
-Taking longer to complete normal daily tasks
-Losing interest in normal daily activities or events
-Hallucinating or experiencing delusions or paranoia
-Acting impulsively
-Not caring about other people’s feelings
-Losing balance and problems with movement
Trump ticks off many many of those things on the list, the GOP leaders can see them losing several seats in Congress and in states gubernatorial races too.
They saw him the first presidency and it didn’t go well for the republican party afterwards, as a result.
They don’t want him to be president because he will destroy the republican party forever.
But they are too afraid to say so out loud.
He’s got nothing new to say and no new way of saying it. I think he is fast becoming a yesterday man and good riddance.
I’ll believe it, when Trump is trying to stage his second coup.
People LOVE to say things.
When nobody’s around in that voting booth, who knows where their loyalty lies.
MOST Republicans who publicly denounce Trump in interviews, when pressed, still won’t say that they won’t vote for him.
It goes the other way, too @SQUEEKY2. I found this and it popped up in first place in my search of “democrat senators voting republican”. I’ve seen others, also.
California State Senator Flips From Democrat to Republican
youtube are private channels, anyone can say pretty much anything.
Hey @smudges that senator wouldn’t say in a interview who she would endorse or vote for in the up coming election, what about that?
<shrugs> I saw it and wrote it here because you wrote I can’t find anything on Democrats saying they are voting Republican this time. Just clearing that up.
Ok when a politician switches sides, in my opinion they should step down and by election held and if they win it then great, but the people that voted for her didn’t vote for her as a Republican it’s not even remotely fair to them, that goes for both sides.
Many traditional republicans are jaded with the current party. They were moderates to begin with and may have one or two issues that they’ll defect on. I know plenty of normally conservative women who are defecting on the abortion issue. Not all Republicans are pro-life. That does not mean that they support far-left causes. The swing vote this time around is huge.
What will win a sizeable portion of the swing vote and ultimately, the oval office is…... The economy. Right now, it appears like the GOP is addressing that more than the opposition. If you remember just how wrong the polls were the first time Trump was elected, you should not be surprised if it happens again because the same mistakes are being made.
@SQUEEKY2 I completely agree. It’s kind of a “bait and switch” !
How is the GOP, addressing the economy?
Simply calling the economy the “worst ever,” doesn’t mean anything.
Other than they are lying. Again.
As it isn’t the “worst ever,” and they conveniently leave out the GOP’s role in the negative aspects of how it got to this point.
In the past 25 years, republican administrations, have ALL tremendously raised the nation’s debt, while simultaneously stealing from the bottom 99%, and transferring billions to the wealthiest Americans.
Making ridiculous claims like “the economy will be beautiful (whatever that means,) once we take control again,” does not equate to a “plan,” or that the GOP is doing ANYTHING.
Republicans, used to be fiscally responsible. That WAS one of their defining principles.
Their actual opinions are that they only care, if it’s the left being reckless with the economy.
I really haven’t heard much from Harris, other than what she plans to run on. I haven’t heard HOW she plans on implementing the changes she is running to make.
So. It’s fair, to me, to say that the left doesn’t suddenly have a plan (like when Biden was running.)
That doesn’t mean that the GOP, is doing anything. Unless you count the tremendous damage to the economy and lives of all Americans they are responsible for…
Two things imo- Dems have attacked anyone professing a preference for Trump so they just lie or don’t speak.
2 They are truly put off by Trumps past/legal issues.
Even if the party aligns with your values, the candidate may not suit you. I hear the same about Kamala. Shrug.
I’ve seen a lot of those YT vids & I’m NOT sure that they are real!!! I’m more impressed with the number of real life people that I know who are saying the same thing. I’ve even heard a few die hard MAGAs saying the same. That gives me HOPE!!!
^That’s the sad, and VERY annoying part of all of this.
Trumpers, and Republicans, are Americans too. They have real needs, and issues that really affect their lives.
But. They can’t give their money, and lives over to a conman fast enough.
It seems very clearly observable, that they care more about immigration, Christianity, and topics that have to do with race and nationalism, than the economy.
Yes. They are capable of noticing that gas is more expensive. Otherwise, they let Trump do their thinking for them. Unfortunately. Trump is a habitual liar, and in most cases just wants to scare and/or piss off his base.
EVERYONE not in the top 0.1%, should be looking hard at this election. Even Trumpers, if they think about it, can see the writing on the wall. Trump only represents himself, and a conglomerate of likely villainous characters that help keep him financed and out of court…..
IF Harris makes her plans public, that will obviously make it easier to see which plan is best.
It’s VERY difficult, for me to think of a worse way to treat the economy than Trump does….
^^ She’s putting out some very good ads outlining what she would do.
Is it quantifiable these “many Republicans” not voting for Trump? Or they seem to be “many” simply by perception based on one viewer’s exposure to social media?
I would be interested in a scientific poll on the percentage of Republicans not voting for Trump in the swing states.
^^ agreed. A bunch of youtubes tell me nothing.
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