Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Suppose for a moment that that the presidential race was between Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley. Who would the right-wing racist bigots vote for?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) August 14th, 2024

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6 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

So. The question is separating “normal” Republicans, from the actually hard-core bigots?
(Otherwise, it’d be flame bait.)

Uh. I’m tempted to say it could come to VP’s. Unfortunately, for this question, Haley never picked a running mate. It’s likely, she would have gone with someone much further right than her. Someone to try to keep Trump’s base. It would have been a radical, maybe even a popular radio or podcast personality (someone who just sits and stirs shit ALL day/every day like ol Rush Limbaugh.
Or. If Steve Bannon was available, he would have been perfect. He represents the total lies that party pushes, AND the wealthy elite.

It’s hard to eliminate any strategy by the right. They are trying to make sure GA votes won’t count already. And they’re up to all kinds of gerrymandering and trying to keep people from voting.
I guess I’m saying that if Haley had won the primary, she may have been unseated by those in her own party.
It’s no secret that Vance has been feeling the heat from conservatives, over his having a brown wife (Indian yes, but to them brown.)
This time around, the GOP has a LOT of work to do, destroying democracy, civil rights, and trying to convert the nation to Christianity. If they don’t win in November, they could really lose momentum towards those goals. A LOT of people over the age of 60 (Trump’s primary crowd,) have died since 2016.
Another 4 years, and the bigots of that parry could be too little in number to matter.

Harris, to any normal American, I would think is considered black.
Haley, although still brown, would be the lighter of those two options…

Going with how they reacted to Obama, I have to think they’d rather anyone but another black person.

I wager that the hard-core bigots, wouldn’t even vote. I think a LOT of Trump’s sheep, who voted for him in ‘16, and ‘20, didn’t normally vote before. They were energized by Trump’s rhetoric, and wildly ambitious but unrealistic promises of reducing brown people in America.

When Trump says “these people are poisoning the blood of America,” he’s singing their song.

Without a VP, going by just the candidates, Haley would be the obvious choice. Especially since she would still have ties to the GOP. But I do think that a portion of Trump’s worst, would probably turn their attention back to domestic terrorism, and trying to subvert the “unpure.” So. No more voting, for that lot.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Likely Nikki imo.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Why would anyone expect a right-winger to vote for Harris?

gondwanalon's avatar

They certainly would not vote for a far lefty.
Would likely not vote.

JLeslie's avatar

The extremists white supremacists would vote for Nikki if they chose to vote. The same way they voted for Trump while complaining about his Jewish daughter. If they felt Nikki gave them permission to be their racist selves with their guns they would be happy.

The majority of Republicans, not talking about the extremists, would have no problem voting for Nikki in my opinion.

gondwanalon's avatar

@JLeslie I’m a Republican. I would vote for Haley. And I’m not voting for Trump. I might throw my vote away on RFK Jr. or not vote at all. Harris is far too left for me.

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