Social Question

Should left-wingers be more cautious, when fully supporting Harris?
Many people who voted for Trump, in 2016, were seeking change. But it seemed like they wanted change, for the sake of change. Which of course, is NOT wise.
We’ve been through it, with Trump, as a nation. It seems impossible to point to ANY positive things that came from Trump’s term.
Harris is not a stranger, in politics. But what do we really know, about her? As far as her core beliefs, or how she would rule, what do we KNOW?
We all know that she isn’t Trump. And that’s a great selling point.
I’ve heard her talking about the issues she intends to prioritize, but not how she intends to pursue making real and positive changes.
I’m not saying she is undeserving of this opportunity.
However. Is it wise, to jump so quickly on her bandwagon?
I like Walz too. Again. I don’t know much, about how he would help govern.
I have likened Trump’s being elected, to “Brexit.” The similarity, to me, is that a lot of people hated the status quo, and wanted massive change, without a real plan.
In retrospect, Brexit seems like a mistake. From what I’ve heard…
It seems obvious, to me, Trump was a mistake.
Is throwing support behind the relatively unknown Harris, possibly making the same mistake?
Once she’s POTUS, it will be too late for buyer’s remorse.
This election, is about more than what it means to democracy and the fate of America.
This is a particularly volatile time, in history. WHOMEVER wins in November, will have to deal with several potentially world ending military issues.
Any one of which, if mishandled, could be catastrophic.