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jca2's avatar

If Trump loses the 2024 Presidential election, do you think there will be violence in the US?

Asked by jca2 (17251points) August 16th, 2024

Do you think there will be violence from Trump’s supporters if he loses the 2024 election?

I wasn’t thinking Harris had much of a chance against Trump, but it seems that, at least for now, her campaign has gathered momentum and Trump’s speeches have indicated he’s not happy about it (his obsession with crowd sizes, as one example). Do you think there will be violence from his supporters and do you think he will encourage violence if he loses?

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51 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sadly, yes. The right wing MAGA trash has been brainwashed into a feeling of entitlement, and when Trumpie loses, they’re going to fight back.

The National Guard will be called out to put them down (similar to what the Guard had to do in Mississippi and other states when desegregation laws were passed). One again, stupid white christians will try and mold the country in their perverse vision.

Sadly, I think that this is what the republicans – all the way back to Reagan 40 years ago – have been planning to happen.

gondwanalon's avatar

There may be a very little violence if Trump loses.

The major violence will likely happen in the very unlikely event Trump wins. Major cities will burn.

canidmajor's avatar

There was last time, I see no reason to believe things will be different.

snowberry's avatar

There’s already been violence, and it continues to pop up, here and there. Sometimes whole cities erupt in violence, as we have seen. What makes you think that will change? They’ll assign new reasons for the violence, but it’ll be violence nevertheless. And of course, there will be people to do it for pay, as has already been seen.

No matter who wins there will be violence.

kritiper's avatar

Yes, somewhere at least.

mazingerz88's avatar

Violence if Trump loses? Only from deranged MAGA fanatics. There are lots of those but I’m still optimistic they will not be that stupid risking their lives, their freedom…wasting it for the sake of a certified American reality TV host douchebag.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Almost certainly.
It’s more a matter of how, when, and where.
I wouldn’t have said this, even 8 years ago, but I think the conservatives want a Civil War. I don’t know that they can pose enough of a risk, to start a war. There’s no question, that some of them are training and arming themselves in attempts to be referred to as “militias.”
A title, that could potentially aid them somewhat, when charges are brought on whomever survives their actions.

They could, make a big mess of everything. Although it seems most are cowards…
Like their master Trump, they will only fight, if it’s not a fair fight.

I predict some isolated attacks, or hostage taking events, spawned by small groups that have been planning for such a thing.

Honestly. It’s the Christian part, that will be a lingering issue.
No different from Muslim extremists, the Christian ranks WILL produce violent zealots for decades to come.

If ALL of our intelligence agencies, the National Guard, and the entire US military are not READY for a fight, that will embolden more sheep.

In my opinion, if Harris wins, when it’s time to swear her in the streets of DC should be swarming with tanks and troops.
Some of these WACO-ish groups, are pretty dangerous, if they hit soft targets, or ambush troop movements.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Depends on a bunch of factors. Not going to automatically say yes. We are likely to see violence regardless of who wins though.

Demosthenes's avatar

Well, there will be plenty of “stolen election” bullshit, but I don’t know if it will result in more violence, unless we see another bum-rush of the Capitol.

I’ll be observing one shithole country from another. ;)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes, but this time the capital will be ready. I hope?

Zaku's avatar

1. There’s always violence in the US.

2. I think there will be some additional violence by crazy MAGA fools. Yes, it will continue to be encouraged.

3. I don’t expect it to be particularly problematic.

janbb's avatar

I doubt they would storm the Capitol again. I think it would be more local shit but too bad.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll be staying near home while the results are being tallied and announced. There likely will be some violent lunatics.

Trump could easily help to quell anyone thinking about rioting or harming others by saying the vote was good and he lost, and congratulate Harris. That won’t happen though. He’s been calling her a communist.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie it’s not just what he calls her.

Trump is uncultured (in Russian, nekulturny). He is without social grace. He wouldn’t know how to be a polite loser.

It’s all caught up with his inferiority complex.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso He loves people fighting for him. He likes the adoration and I feel he enjoys the violence. It’s like a movie for him I think.

filmfann's avatar

It depends on the strength of the vote. If it’s a blow out, probably not.

seawulf575's avatar

I guess it depends on how he loses. I said this on a different thread. If Kamala is losing and then, miraculously, when ballot counting is supposed to be stopped, at 2 in the morning they suddenly find hundreds of thousands of votes all for Kamala in 6 states she needs, yeah, there might be violence.

chyna's avatar

Or, say if trump is losing and calls a Georgia official demanding a very specific amount of votes be found, and the official refuses, yeah, there could be violence.

ragingloli's avatar

Last time the orangutan lost, they stormed the capitol and tried to kill politicians, even their own VP.
Preview for next time? Likely.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. Are you sure it doesn’t depend on Trump’s version of the facts?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 That’s the funny part. Most Trump supporters don’t depend on him telling them what to think or how to think. They can look at a situation and recognize if it smells funny or not. Unlike the left. Kamala is running to be POTUS. She is trying to get voters to support her. But what is she really doing to get that support? Basically nothing. She is depending on the media to push whatever narrative she wants pushed. She won’t do interviews, she won’t do press conferences…nothing unscripted. So how do you really know what she is about? Her rallies end up contradicting each other. They have her making statements that are in total opposition to what she has already done. So how can any reasonable human actually support her? Because you are following what the media tells you to follow. Even the “Hate Trump” has worn thin. Yes, he is obnoxious. But so is Kamala. He has done the job and things actually went far better under his administration than under Biden/Harris. He didn’t turn the country into a dictatorship, he didn’t go after political rivals (that would be what the Dems do), all the scary things the left pushes just never happened. So continuing to claim they will is just sounding ridiculous.

But Trump supporters see things far more clearly because we actually think, question, and challenge things to come to what seems to make sense.

Demosthenes's avatar

Republican politicians literally tell their constituents not to vote by mail—then mail-in votes come in (often later) and they’re mostly for Democrats and they say “hmm isn’t that suspicious?” You can’t make this stuff up.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ok. Much to unpack here…

Conservatives/Trumpers “can look at a situation and recognize if it smells funny or not.”
Let’s just say I disagree, 100%.

Harris. “KamBala,” Harris.
I do hate Trump. More as POTUS though. Unfortunately. The world is full of sacks of human trash (like him,) and in that way, Trump is nothing special. He gets my attention now, for obvious reasons.
I have laughed VERY much, about the state of American politics, in the past several weeks.
I have continued, as always, pointing out bullshit in regards to Trump. More specifically, I don’t let his lies get spread, without scrutiny.
I.was not a Biden supporter.
But. You are just straight, factually wrong, when you say “things were better under Trump,” or “the country is in terrible shape.”
It’s actually not near as bad, as Trump wants you to think. If ANYTHING sucks right now most of all, it’s the division Trump has helped sew.
It wasn’t like this, before he talked his poor sheep into thinking the country was being “invaded” by trans-Mexican-meth-gangster-daughter raping-fentanyl-brown people.
Then he (and FOX “News,”) pushed lies to his sheep about the election. 100% completely baseless claims.
Now his sheep have been conditioned to fight if necessary for Trump.
Trump of course, being the ONLY person caught on tape, attempting to commit mass voter fraud.

Moving back to Harris. I have never supported her.
Wulf. There’s a thread I posted in Social, about if left-wingers should support Harris.
I don’t trust her. You know that I don’t trust ANY of those people in DC.
So. Save the “you’re listening to the media” crap, please…

I’m happy Biden dropped out, and (I think) I hope Harris wins.
Quite simply, because the alternative is an old crazy white man, and a young stupid white man, who are trying to actually destroy the country…

Oh. I loved (in regards to Trump) “he didn’t go after political rivals.” You see. This is why you sheep are SO perfect. Your memories. Trump went immediately after Hillary, in his first term. It just went NOWHERE.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Soooo…prices on everything being significantly higher (50–60% on many things) is okay with you? That’s what happened after Biden/Harris took over. And it was due to their blundering policies. His Inflation Reduction act resulted in $3T in national debt. In other words, it hurt inflation, not helped inflation.

You are back to ignoring reality just to hate Trump. Time to let it go. Face reality and admit that the Dems have screwed this country harder than it has been screwed in a long, long time and that Trump actually made things better.

chyna's avatar

If you want to pretend that higher prices was due to Biden and not Covid, then live in your dream world.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The variables that result in a certain products or services prices, are not just results of presidential policies.

Biden’s Inflation reduction act, was passed by Congress and the House of Representatives.
So. I’m afraid you can’t hang the blame on him…
And, you either don’t understand why things fluctuate in price, or you’re hoping I don’t, so you can blame Biden.

Biden, who took over the largest national debt in history, from the stable genius… Who GAVE $2 trillion to the most wealthy, by taking it from the rest of us.

I’m not an economist. But you can’t blame inflation on Biden either.

Let me guess; the world will benefit greatly from another “Trump trade war with China?”
Maybe another few trillion dollars to the wealthiest.
Banning travel, always helps…
Trump wants to deport close to 20 million “illegals.” Do you have the slightest idea, what that would do to the economy?

My favorite FACT in all of this, is that the economy was not better, nor was crime, under Trump. FACTS.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Normally I wouldn’t say it was all the fault of the administration. Indeed it is sometimes due to outside influences like Covid or even from the piss-poor policies of the previous administration. But in this case I can track it back to actual things done by Biden. Trump had Covid as well. There was a spike in the economy at that time as well. But he got it mainly back under control before he turned things over to Biden. Inflation was about 1.2% and gasoline was down to about $2.10/gal on average around the US. Biden quickly undid all of that. His control of Covid added to the issues.

If you want to just make excuses for Biden, then live in your dream world.

JLeslie's avatar

Under Trump most of Europe and Asia still wasn’t traveling to the US. The drastic change in travel under Biden because most of the world opened back up caused a lot of inflation. Hotel occupancy went way way up, and hotels and resorts raised prices like I have never seen and people paid it. It was and is shocking to me. Within the US people started driving and flying and cruising, so fuel demand went way up and prices of course.

Food prices were already going up under Trump towards the end of his term with covid still in play because of scarcity and gas prices beginning to go up again. Groceries always are slow to correct down in price when gas prices go back down. I saw it under Bush and Obama.

Housing skyrocketed under Trump because of ridiculously low interest rates and early retirements and more remote work. Some specific markets were already booming even before Trump like Nashville, TN because California businesses moving in. Trump’s friends LOVE low interest rates and rising real estate.

People complain about interest rates being high and the average person can’t buy a house. That is so typically American! Why are we not complaining about the actual price of the house and the huge margins being made by sellers?

Under Biden they raised the interest rate to slow the rise in housing prices, which worked. I think it would have been better if there had been a bigger correction in prices, but the media told everyone prices would not tumble like 2006,7,8 and people believed it. I personally think the reporting helped influence that. They reported supply was still low.

We can easily get gas prices back down to $2.25 if we shut down the country again. That was under Trump.

If people want lower prices, stop consuming so much. Don’t buy the very expensive things sold by companies making huge profits. Huge profits mean they have room in the price.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Opening up travel and more money being spent isn’t what causes inflation. As for the increasing housing prices, yes, Biden raised the interest rates. Not to stop the increase in housing prices, but to slow inflation (please note: prices are still going up. Slowing inflation means they go up more slowly). But what that did was to take interest rates for things like home loans from 4% to 7%. But the prices of the houses didn’t really go down…they are still going up too. You just give the banks more. Effectively they put home ownership out of reach of many Americans.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You don’t get it Wulf.
You’re buying Trump’s versions of America. Which are are false narratives, and lies.

THIS is a “YUGE” reason for why Kamala is surging.
While Trump keeps telling us, how awful America is, and how ruined everything is, Harris is using a positive message.
She’s reminding people like you, that the country is not in the dire straights Trump is telling you it is.
The country sucks to Trump, because he isn’t POTUS.
And it sucks to you, because you’re believing all the lies Trump is telling you, without any filter.

So now, we have a different presidential race.
Trump, Vance, and of course FOX “News,” and conservative Podcasters/radio hosts, are talking about doom and gloom.
They are essentially saying that we are a “shit hole” country.

But people aren’t idiots. The stats and narratives being pushed by the right, are bold faced lies. And you can check the facts. You just won’t. Or perhaps can’t, allow yourself to believe the truth.
We (like the rest of the world,) took a real beating in the Covid era. But. We’ve ultimately recovered fairly well.
In the Covid times, the economy saw the greatest difficulties in our time. Everything from small businesses, to major corporations, went belly up, and many restaurants and bars, still have not recovered.

If anyone was told, or thought, that the economy would just explode in success after that, they had unrealistic expectations. Certainly not a single economist I ever heard, throughout all of this, has EVER been optimistic about our short term growth. All indications, are that America WILL fully “recover” (however that will be defined.) But only an idiot would expect things to come back so quickly, from being down SO far.

I have always gone to great lengths, to opine that we shouldn’t count Covid, as a Trump thing. Apparently, we were not remotely prepared for such a thing (EVERYONE’S FAULT,) and I believe that any president would have been equally blindsided. I am not a fan, of Trump’s weaponization of public safety, for his own gain. It was almost poetic justice, that Trump himself caught Covid, and had a rough time. Although, I am genuinely glad he didn’t die from it.

Other than Covid, Trump only really accomplished his tax cut for the wealthy, and his seeding of courts around the country, and obviously the SCOTUS as well. He WAS able to pull the US from the Iranian deal. A deal that Obama made, (in part to help broker peace with Israel and Hamas, as they were in another scenario where Israel was pummeling Gaza,) that if kept likely would have prevented acts like the Oct 7th attack.
If you want to opine that Iran itself would have always been a problem, I would meet you half way. And say that there would always be an extremist element in Iran. (Not entirely different than large religious groups that are mostly in power in other countries.)

No (useless) wall. No strong economy. No great deals. No help in trade. No low crime.
No emptying of a “swamp.” (Actually filling the swamp much further.) No pulling out of Afghanistan. (Biden had to take the blame for the optics of that nightmare.) No help with immigration.
He also caused most of the world’s leaders to abandon him, in hopes they could work with a different US president in 4 years.
I’m sure we can all remember that infamous photo of Trump sitting down smiling, whilst our allies were all glaring at him.

Things like giving $2 trillion to the wealthiest Americans, are why home ownership is out of reach. As is capitalism, and frankly greed.
Many very wealthy corporations that got the tax breaks from Trump, also reported record profits, during the Covid years…

I think Trump’s supporters are like me, with a bad ex-girlfriend. Sometimes, I only remember the good, although the majority was bad.

Trump’s sheep have rosy glasses, and the memory of a goldfish.

It won’t matter, when Harris is POTUS. There will be a time of struggling and violence from some far-right extremists. But after that, we will ALL be Americans again. I think once we rejoin as a people, we’ll notice that the economy is better, and that the country is actually a great place full of great people.

I think people are tired of Trump’s “America is terrible” bullshit. I think they like seeing all the positivity, and unity, at Harris’ campaigns.
I think they miss, the loved ones they were brainwashed into hating by Trump.
MANY people, have claimed that Walz, reminds them of their father, whom doesn’t talk to them anymore because they are Trumpers.
America, is too good, for the current division. Too diverse.
Too full of hope, and the propensity for unity.

I don’t trust Harris. I don’t know her, yet. But Trump’s message is old, and he has fully embraced the separatist role, highly offending many Americans.
His odd obsession with Kamala’s race, and his obvious difficulties dealing with women of power, are very telling. He’s running from a debate.
Trump wants a us, versus them country.
Then there’s Vance… If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he was a deep state plant, trying hard to completely destroy Trump’s chances.

When you see Harris, smiling and spreading positivity, or Walz, with his big smile pumping up a crowd, it should make sense now.
Contrast that, with Trump’s everything is awful mantra, and look at his crowds. Miserable people, mad at the world. Always calling for violence, or incarceration of Trump’s adversaries. Calling everything a conspiracy (with ZERO facts to back it up,) and playing the victim. Yuck…
Trump would have beaten Biden. Of that, I had little doubt.

I’m not going to be voting.
I’m not sending any money to a politician.

I’m just pleasantly surprised, with current events in American politics. Even if Harris isn’t a superstar, I think the country will begin to heal itself.
Trump will try until his death, to somehow steal the office, or cause a Civil War.
Eventually, he will lose support, as people snap out of the funk Trump always brought.
Thanksgiving meals, will be back to being about family and love.
These things, I forsee.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You don’t get it. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy doesn’t put a roof over your head nor food in your stomach.

You can bury your head in the sand and do what Kamala wants…not to look at what she and Joe have done, but only the happy message she sends! But that is irrational and childish. I can look at my one checkbook to see how things are going. That is a solid fact in my world. I can see all the issues they have caused. This country has problems. Harris doesn’t want to talk about addressing them. She wants to make campaign promises but not give anyone a chance to question her about them. The things she is telling you are lies. She even plagiarized Trump’s No Tax On Tips, idea. The problem with that is (a) she didn’t give Trump credit for it hoping weak minded sheep will think she’s great for having such happy ideas and (b) she was the deciding vote on the bill that got zero Republican support and that specifically made tips something that had to be reported and taxed. Another thing she wants you to forget.

She finally came out with some economic “plans”. They are Marxism 101. She wants to tell set prices for everything. That is Socialism at its finest. Control the production and distribution of goods and services. She wants people to be able to buy a brand new house for $25,000. Think that is realistic? She talks about controlling the prices of groceries to stop the evil price gouging. Funny about that: there has not been a single case of price gouging ever identified in the past however many years. The only time it has ever been addressed is during times of emergency…when people are in dire need. And pretty much all 50 states already have laws on the books on how to address price gouging including what the penalties are. Maybe she is anticipating the food riots we saw in Venezuela coming to a town near you if she is elected? Both parties have tried price control in the past. Many countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and the USSR tried it. It has not worked once. But it is a great talking point to people that want that happy message. Even the WaPo is calling it a sham. But hey, it’s a HAPPY message.

Here’s where I see the complete hypocrisy of the left. You want to put anything Trump says under a microscope and scream that he is lying. You don’t want anything a Democrat says or does to even be thought of. I still remember how every one of you fools sat there a screamed that Trump lied about the Wall because he never got it built. He said he was going to and didn’t!!!! Are you going to do the same if Kamala is elected? Gonna put her under a microscope to see if she did everything she said she’d do? Of course you wouldn’t. You didn’t do it for Biden. None of you has held any Democrat accountable for anything ever.

The media tells you what to think and say you just put your mind on autopilot and parrot whatever they say.

Brian1946's avatar

This is straight outta HG Wells- War of the Walls of Text! ;-0

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh brother. Again. I’m not on “the left.” Left of you? Probably.

Her goals (as stated,) are to help the American people.
I’m going to give you a big point here. I hope you’ll be happy;
I think (if she said that/I haven’t checked,) $25k houses, are as unrealistic as Trump’s 2016 wall built by Mexico plan…
That would be great, and not as hard as many suggest. Especially if homes were smaller, and in tight spaces.
My concern, is that if such a thing (she DID say she was going to build 3 million homes) ever happened, these houses or I guess neighborhoods, would eventually become mass ghettos, and like most impoverished places crime would be rampant.
But…I’d have a house!
Price control…I don’t believe that’s an accurate assessment of what could currently even be done. I SUPER agree, that I wish they capped things in times other than emergencies.
I think I see what you’re saying, in that it’s a slippery slope, but I bet if Harris wins, even if she goes 8 years, will be replaced by a republican who will pull things back you’re (seemingly desired) direction.
Nah. I haven’t heard any nuts and bolts plans, yet, as to how such things would be possible.
If we taxed the rich enough, we could balance the debt. I know you don’t agree with the principles of that, and I understand your position.

Will she, be “judged”/scrutinized, as heavily as Trump?
You’ll still have congress. At least for a while.
Congress has several Trump tumors. People like MTG, will constantly call out…who knows what, but yes sir they’ll be up Harris’ ass. They’ll drag their feet when it comes time to do ANYTHING, like they did with Obama, and have done with Biden.
Perhaps most affecting someone like yourself, there was an immigration deal (that Graham called “the best they could ever expect,”) but congress (under pressure from stable genius,) fucked it up.
Talk about weaponization…

Anyways. It doesn’t matter what you, nor I think, I’m telling you what’s happening. At least currently. Who the Hell knows what the future will bring?

Brian1946's avatar

@Dutchess_III I agree with you and therefore myself too, but I think the single-wall record is held by the Crow! ;-p

MrGrimm888's avatar

^He posted an entire copy and pasted book, for some kid’s homework, if memory serves.

Brian1946's avatar

I think you’re right about the source.

Here’s a post showing the enumerated stats of his post:

About 3,330 lines.
264 paragraphs
55,538 words
242,181 characters, not including spaces.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie your DDS (Democrat derangement syndrome) is showing through big time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now to answer the question I think Trump will threaten violence if he loses the election,and blame it all on the Democrats.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Brian1946….thanks for the memory. And the short break from the yelling.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I helped! I remembered EC’s record breaker. Nobody’s going to come close

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah but his was a copy and paste deal. The over talkers on here type their raging nonsense in by hand.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^This, from an “undertalker.”..

Dutchess_III's avatar

I consciously try to keep my posts short. Might try it some time MrGrim.

canidmajor's avatar

@MrGrimm888 if the point of your posts is to be read as part of a running conversation, then @Dutchess_III is right. In this particular context (the culture of fluther) maybe pare it down a bit. If the point is to simply expound for self-gratification, then keep it up.

But the last time I mentioned that your post was to;dr, and I asked for clarification, it was flagged (gosh, by who?) and deleted. Wonder how long this will last? <eyeroll>

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Walls of text seldom get read.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You don’t prefer them building walls? I do! Here in Fluther only. :)

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. I guess it’s not for self gratification then, because I don’t care who reads my walls.

@canidmajor I, I have never flagged anyone or anything, ever. If there was something important that you wanted me to know, you can always PM me.

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