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mazingerz88's avatar

Were you aware the KKK planned to kill then Senator Barack Obama?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) August 17th, 2024
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9 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Without being told. Yes, I did.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I may have heard it at the time, but I don’t remember it. Yet, it does NOT surprise me!!! I grew up in the South where racism was the norm.

JLeslie's avatar

Wow. That transcript is incredible. It’s not so much that Obama was a senator, it was that he was a presidential candidate. That article is so much more than a plan to kill Obama.

I didn’t know there was a specific plan by the KKK to kill Obama, but it doesn’t surprise me. His entire presidency I was worried for his safety, although it seemed to calm down the last few years. The first few years I had people around me (not friends of mine) saying he was Muslim, saying only property owners should be allowed to vote, repeating all sorts of hateful or conspiracy minded things. I never felt like any of those people would try to harm anyone, but I am not surprised to find out there were extremists who would.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I remember during Obama’s presidency, there were one or two instances in the news where the Secret Service seemed to have made surprisingly stupid mistakes in securing him. I was not that surprised when the Service made that mistake with trump.

janbb's avatar

No, but I’m not surprised.

jca2's avatar

Im guessing that the person who carried out the crime would be embraced by White Nationalists in prison.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^A person somehow captured alive (in other words, not super killed by secret service,) trying to assassinate ANY president would not be in general population in an American prison.
Most assassins, die in the process of killing/trying to kill theirs target.
Even though it was not pretty, in Trump’s assassination attempt, the snipers killed Crooks almost instantly.
But yes, our privately owned prisons, packed with citizens, have ALL kinds of fun facts.
We see a disturbingly sad separation of races in our prison systems. Ask a cop, they’ll tell you, white supremacists do sometimes originate in prison.
It’s a survival thing for some, and a real thing for others.

But yes. In some circles, a person that had killed Obama (when he was POTUS, ) would be a “hero.”

KNOWITALL's avatar

Same as Grimmy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I omitted, that racism from prison spills into society just as much with black and brown people.
In California, there is (as far as gangs go,) an especially bad situation in impoverished neighborhoods regarding black on brown (and vice versa) violence. It’s not an issue that develops in normal society so much. The gangs powers are amplified in our prison system. Therefore, most people who spend much time in prison, often bring racism home, and in some cases that racism, is taught and spread to others.
The results are essentially, “prison” rules, in society.
As prison is a very serious and dangerous place, the races (whom gather together for strength in numbers,) are practically at war with each other. When a lot of those people are released, they are still in that “mode” when they get home.

To my understanding, the KKK, is weaker now than ever.
Neo-nazis, and white supremacists/nationalists, are the bulk of the white racism problem. Such people accumulate in groups. Anything from a closet racist, who only exudes it online, to groups that traffic drugs, weapons, and engage in all sorts of violent crime.
As J6 taught us, some of the larger, more organized groups, have extremist leaders, that are actively planning to subvert and ultimately overthrow the US government.

Before Trump, these groups barely showed themselves. Now. They have podcasts, and radio shows, and are even seen in “proper” right-wing media.
Just as if they were a political analyst, congressman, or other “regular” guest.
And THOSE people, spread that hate, stir division, and embolden the most radical and/or gullible of our society.

During Obama’s last term, I worked part-time in a big box sporting goods store, which meant I also worked at their “gun counter.”
I was quite interested and frankly disturbed, to realize that a lot of white males feel like a gun counter is a pulpit for this white nationalist crap.
They often seemed to think, that because I was white, I must be like them. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t start shit with customers, but I didn’t agree with them either. But when you let such people talk (and they ALWAYS look around first, I presume to make sure that we are “among whites,) they say all kinds of crazy things.
The opinions were all the same.
“Obama’s destroying America!”
“If that (n-word) thinks he can take my guns, he can try!”
“You know he’s got camps built all over America, for when they take our guns?”
And so on…..

Granted, gun shops, gun counters, are often places frequented by conservatives.
I’ve heard conversations for pretty much ever, in such places that are similar, but working in a place like that REALLY opened my eyes.
My hope, is those people will go back to whispering in certain places, versus storming the Capitol Building.
It won’t be easy, for some.
Some are really growing to like the us v them dynamic. Where they are victims, and non-Trumpers are the enemy. “Vermin,” “poisoning the blood of America.” (Trump.)

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