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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What food items can you not eat?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) August 19th, 2024

From allergies, to religious beliefs, and medication conflicts?

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40 Answers

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ragingloli's avatar

I can not eat babies because it is illegal.

gondwanalon's avatar

Rich fatty gourmet food.
Hot spicy food.
Garbage food (ice cream, cake, cookies, chips).
Asian soul food (kimchi, aged fish, etc).

janbb's avatar

I’ve never eaten cooked eggs. I can eat them mixed into a cake batter for example but I’ve had a lifelong aversion to any form of cooked eggs.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I like fish, but the doctors say not to, because the fish exacerbates the possibility of getting gout. So I have fish maybe once every couple of months.

I can’t – won’t eat calves liver, it’s gross.

I won’t eat sushi – I have no rational reason not to, it just doesn’t appeal to me.

And Ice Cream – no way, the cold gives me headaches.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I wont eat liver or other healthy organ meats. Disgusting.

Zaku's avatar

Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and baby corn all taste metallic, sulfurous, and/or make me gag a bit, though it’s possible for me to eat them. Runny egg yolks are also hard for me unless they’re mixed in well with other things.

Otherwise I can eat pretty much anything.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I can’t swallow liver as my throat closes up even if I don’t know it’s liver!!! As I’ve aged, I can no longer handle hot & spicy foods as well as my taste buds prefer.

Brian1946's avatar

Being a man of peace, I cannot eat any food that fights back. ;-p
Not being fully mobile, I can’t eat any food that IS fully mobile.


Am I correct in assuming that you also eschew uncooked eggs?

RocketGuy's avatar

@Zaku – traditionally cooked Brussels sprouts are way overcooked. That makes them taste terrible (mushy and stinky). I like them steamed for 6 min then quickly stir fried in garlic salt.

As for food that I can’t eat – I can’t eat excessive amounts of food with nitrates. Causes the drainage tubes in my inner ear to swell up, causing imbalance and nausea issues.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I cannot eat, apples, grapefruit, cabbage or califlower. The reason’s are my Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and medications.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Also I can’t eat or drink brussel sprouts, asperagus, pop and alcohol.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cucumbers raw, (pickles okay) they do terrible things to my gut. Learned after having Greek food with tzatziki sauce, in pain for a whole day.

smudges's avatar

I can’t eat anything with nitrites or purine due to gout. Can’t have grapefruit juice.
@elbanditoroso – I guess meat is basically out for us due to the gout factor. :( I still eat some, just not as often. And fish is supposed to be great for you!

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is nothing I can’t eat

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Also I can’t eat Salmon, sushi, (doctors orders) ,and red kidney beans.

JLeslie's avatar

I shouldn’t eat fatty, high cholesterol, sugary, salty foods due to my risk of heart disease and already one cardiac artery narrowing. I try to limit it.

Pandora's avatar

I can only eat fried foods or high-fat foods, on occasion, and only 1 cup of coffee in the morning. Both tend to give me bad gerd. But I don’t have any real food allergies as far as I know. At one point milk use to be painful to drink and that was when I was younger and on 2 percent and skim milk. So I gave up milk but then when I worked in a day care I had to drink whole milk and found that whole milk did not hurt my stomach. So I’ve been able to drink whole milk without any issue after that. Lower fat milk for some reason still doesn’t work for me. But my husband is lactose intolerant so now I mostly get lactose free milk.
There are two things that hurt my skin when raw and make me itchy. Plantains and shrimp, but I can eat them when cooked.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Brazil nuts. I could die of anaphylaxis.

kruger_d's avatar

soylent green

seawulf575's avatar

I’m pretty much able to eat anything. I suspect I am developing a little lactose intolerance so I don’t eat as much dairy as I used to. I can still eat some, just have to watch how much. I don’t take any medications on a regular basis except some Tums and some ibuprofen once in a while. I have no allergies and I don’t have any religious dietary restrictions. My dietary limitations are based on what I like and don’t like.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mine too @Wulfie. We have first world problems! Woe is us!

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III How true. I wish more people had only our problems. It would be a happier world!

jca2's avatar

I’m able to eat anything, luckily, but I don’t prefer olives, capers, raw onions, hearts of palm, Philly cheesesteak, mustard sauce, mayo on sandwiches or salads with lots of mayo ( egg salad that is extra creamy, etc.).

Lightlyseared's avatar

Seafood that requires special cutlery to get into.

Zaku's avatar

@RocketGuy Thanks. Yeah, my mom loves Brussels sprouts and cooks them very well. She would make me try at least one every year till I moved away. I could tell they would be actually quite yummy, if it weren’t for the pungent flavor I experience, and the gag response my body has. My aunt had the same kind of reaction – she and I think it’s a genetic thing for us where we experience something others don’t.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Brussel sprouts aren’t boring any more. There’s a restaurant in Athens GA that roasts them and then lightly sprinkles them with maple syrup. Superb!

smudges's avatar

When I was young, my parents had a rule that you couldn’t leave the table unless your plate was clean. Aside from the fact that that’s a terrible rule and the beginning of food issues, I sat there for a long time whenever brussel sprouts were served. To me they tasted worse than, but comparable to the core of cabbage or lettuce. I finally figured out how to eat them. I would cut them into quarters and swallow them with milk like a pill.

As an adult, imagine my shock when my nephew made dinner one night and my sister insisted that I try a brussel sprout. It was so good! He had halved them, tossed them in olive oil and sprinkled them with salt and garlic powder, then roasted them at 425 for 18–25 minutes.

I looked them up while writing this and saw recipes for balsamic honey and parmesan ones. yum

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Brussels sprouts roasted in EVOO and garlic then tossed in brown sugar with balsamic vinegar, left in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Try them in an air fryer, thank me later :}

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thank God every day my folks never forced us to eat. but we ate anyway because we were starving by.dinner time!

jca2's avatar

My cousin can’t stand peas to this day (and she’s in her mid 60’s) because when she was little, she hated peas and her father forced her to eat every pea on her plate, so she hates them even more so now, 60 years later.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

In high school my dad tried bullying me into eating cold tentacle soup, or walk home.

I walked out of the restaurant.

My dad showed up at our home an hour later. He was shocked at how fast I got home. I told him that I was a high school student, and had a bus pass.

So to now I cannot eat cold tentacle soup, or chocolate shakes and I have some other problems from his bullying.

jonsblond's avatar

There are many fruits and vegetables I can’t eat raw. They give me horrible cramps and can put me in bed in pain for hours. It all started in my early 20s with bananas. I was a very picky eater and bananas were my favorite fruit. I had to stop eating them because they began to hurt me. Then came grapes. Another fruit I enjoyed. The next was avocados. In my early 30s my husband made a delicious guacamole for the 4th of July. I ended spending the evening in bed in pain while fireworks were let off. I’ll never forget that holiday.

In my 40s I noticed that raw carrots did the same. I can eat them steamed, just not raw. I was big on making sub sandwiches and I put raw tomatoes and greens on my sandwich. Tomatoes were my next problem. Then large salads came next. If I want a salad I can only eat about a cup of greens. Any more will give me pain.

Luckily I can eat berries. They are my favorite fruit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wth is tentacle soup @RedDeerGuy1??

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Whole squid and octopus. Including eyes. Served cold. In bland vegetable broth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That is disgusting @RedDeerGuy1. I am sorry your dad did that to you. ((((Hugs)))).

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