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elbanditoroso's avatar

Are you surprised that Trump is trying to squeeze his way out of the September debate with Harris?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) August 26th, 2024

Why did he agree in the first place, if he knew he would try to weasel out of it?

If he truly doesn’t show up, Harris is going to have a great time with the optics, calling him a coward.

IS Trump that stupid, to put himself in this position?

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23 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He will claim the network is to biased for a fair debate, he will scream Harris wouldn’t debate him on his beloved Fox, a date that she knew nothing about and didn’t agree on Trump will cry she won’t debate him which is the furthest thing from the truth, but his base will believe anything he tells them.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

To be fair, Trump and Harris should alternate the debates between FOX and CNN.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have no idea why they keep calling Fox a news show, it’s simply a fright wing propaganda show and that’s all.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Why would anyone, even in high school debate, participate if they truly believe the opposite side will receive questions or other unfair advantages?
They just bashed him at the DNC for a week straight, so maybe he’s just pissed off (as I heard his campaign is trying to keep him from returning insults.)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh good grief @KNOWITALL the Don Father does nothing but bash anyone that doesn’t worship him, and when it’s done to him he plays the poor little victim, and this is the guy you want as your president?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Remember this is the guy that thinks in combat the F35 is invisible to the human eye.
He doesn’t understand that it’s invisible to radar.

LadyMarissa's avatar

This time, it has NOTHING to do with which channel will be broadcasting it. 45 got all butt hurt with Biden because they muted his microphone when it wasn’t his turn to speak. So Harris has offered to leave the microphones on throughout the debate & his people are getting all butt hurt because it will make their job harder. They fear what a spectacle will unfold!!!

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know if it will really hurt Trump to not go. The people who support him won’t care.

I think no debate is a neutral for both candidates. Both of them can do interviews or town halls.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is the OLDEST candidate !

His point against BIDEN. !

mazingerz88's avatar

Trump is stupid but he is a stupid snake. He might be just playing for once again…publicity. And in the end will do the debate.

Any and all of the things he does being talked about is the very air that he breathes to stay alive.

JLeslie's avatar

^^My husband said this a few hours ago. It makes sense to me. More media coverage. Free advertising for him. I wish the media would ignore him on things that don’t really matter much.

seawulf575's avatar

I think this question is uninformed. Get the FULL story on it. The Dems wanted to hold Trump to the scheduled debate he had with Biden after he dropped out. He had suggested new negotiations since Biden was no longer the POTUS but the Dems tried saying he was scared to debate. So he went with it, suggesting 2 other debates as well…one on Fox and one on a different channel in addition to the one on ABC. The Dems demanded on the ABC debate that all the agreed upon terms were still in play: no notes, no communication devices, muted microphones, etc. Trump agreed. The Dems, however, declined any further debates. Obviously because they are scared.

Now what is going on is that the Dems have tried changing the rules…again. They want to have notes, they want to have unmuted mics, etc. and say they won’t have the debate without their changes. ??? I guess they are scared to have Kamala up on stage with no canned responses to spew and notes for her to refer to. But Trump has even said he’d be okay with it, though he did point out how the Dems want to try changing everything.

So no, Trump isn’t trying to squeeze out of anything. If anything he is being more accommodating to Kamala than he should be. The question really should be: Are you surprised that Kamala is trying to avoid an off-the-cuff debate?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 and CNN is not just a shill for the DNC??

JLeslie's avatar

I actually semi-agree with @seawulf575 that the Dems are trying to change the rules, and so the Dems kind of screwed themselves. Anyone who is a Trump supporter or undecided who knows the details might look at it like the Harris is just as annoying and hesitant as Trump.

Harris kind of needs the debate more than Trump, although I have to say it was a debate 4 years ago during the primaries that caused me to put her low on my list. A lot of people loved her though. Same with how she questions in hearings. She’s a lot like the performative Republicans.

seawulf575's avatar

@Blackwater_Park One of the problems with using ABC is not that they are any less of a shill than most of the other stations, it’s that the top dog is good friends with Kamala and her husband. They have dinner together semi-regularly even. I would lay good money on Kamala getting all the questions a good 2 weeks before the debate (she already has them, in other words).

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie And it doesn’t really matter what Trump says the MSM will sing the song Harris wants them to sing…“He’s trying to avoid it because he’s scared!!!”. It’s all propaganda. What I don’t understand is how the left wing news outlets that do this sort of thing aren’t charged for campaign violations. They are giving all sorts of benefits to the Democrat campaigns…isn’t that like a contribution?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Yeah, how dare Fox News do propaganda! Such a shame isn’t it???

elbanditoroso's avatar

How is Fox not MSM?

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Where did I say they weren’t biased? On the grand scheme of things there are a few conservative outlets, but the majority are left-wing scabs that are mouthpieces of the DNC. Why do you think Harris refused to go onto Fox? Because they won’t help her out and give her questions up front. Isn’t it funny how Trump had no problem doing the debate on CNN and agreed to the one on ABC even though both those channels are rabidly against him? Is Kamala scared of not having help on a debate? What does that tell us about her leadership abilities?

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Well if CNN is MSM, this morning not long after my last answer they were pointing out Harris is trying to change the rules after it was Biden’s team who pushed for the rules, so that media outlet wasn’t extremely biased in one direction.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie They have been waffling back and forth here recently. But they are definitely against Trump. They are getting fed up with Kamala not doing interviews or taking questions and are getting a little salty. They still haven’t held any Democrat accountable for anything. They are not pushing anything about how Kamala has been part of the incumbent team, they haven’t held her to task on any of her past comments and voiced views. They aren’t really doing anything except pointing out the obvious. But when push comes to shove, they will do what the Dems want.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Just going to say that TV news is a “show.” You are going to find better and more fully researched reporting in print. There are exceptions where the investigative reporting on TV is well reviewed and balanced, but TV in general cares about money and ratings.

Channels like Fox and MSNBC are full of manipulation and propaganda. Not everyone on those stations, but a lot of it is just opinion and persuasion.

CNN is way more fair in their reporting than MSNBC, it is a joke to me that Trump supporters harp on CNN. It’s obvious most of them don’t actually watch CNN or shows like Face the Nation, and other fairly balanced shows.

I watch more TV than I read, but I’m aware of the deficit.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Print is more reliable….like the NY Times? The Washington Post? Both of those are as bad as MSNBC. The most reliable I’ve found is to see a story and then dig into it to get to the root of the story. A document, a speech, something like that to see what the actual facts are and not what some “news” outlet tells me it means or what they said.

As for CNN, CNN dug their own grave. They have spewed all sorts of hateful things about Trump and his supporters over the years. Ask Nick Sandmann about how fair and balanced they are. He likes them now…they settled out of court for quite a lot of money when they doctored video about Nick and then ran him down on the air…all because he had a MAGA hat on. Nick was something like 16 or 17 at the time. The only way CNN can actually gain any credibility back is if they start holding Democrats to the same standard they hold Republicans and especially Trump.

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